It is that time of the year. Summer is here. Northern waters warming. Especially Massachusetts waters. Sharks have returned.

I spent many a vacation in Cape Cod. Generally, Chatham. Stayed at the Chatham Bar Inn. Chatham the best and the Inn itself outstanding.

Sharks common place. The warm Cape waters attracted them. Lifeguards were always pulling us out of the water.

I do not recall Whites. Glad I do not. Monsters. Would have freaked me out!

Southerners were traitors and insurrectionists in their time. They are traitors and insurrectionists now. The only difference is grey uniforms as opposed to red hats.

Trump continues to lie. He speaks with a forked tongue. Unfortunately, many believe him.

His recent lie involves the crowd at Trump’s Bronx rally thursday. Trump claims 25,000. His campaign had only acquired a permit for 3,500.

FOX News, MAGA media people, and the official X account of the Republican Party reported 25,000.

Aerial footage of the event and ABC’s coverage indicated a much smaller number. The Daily Beast had a reporter there who estimated 1,000 attendees.

Trump will never change. Once a liar, always a liar. A leopard does not change his spots.

Trump was loudly heckled and booed at the Libertarian Convention saturday. A sharp departure from what he is accustomed to.

We are going through a period where the value of a college degree is being questioned. Contrast it to when I was in high school in the early 1950’s. A college degree was everything. I had to go to college. A necessity as far as I was concerned. It was the ticket to success. In most instances, guaranteed.

No more.

The cost to obtain  the degree and after graduation getting a job paying an annual salary to begin fair in comparison to the cost of the degree rarely exists.

A number of considerations involved. Colleges do not necessarily consider themselves bastions of teaching nor preparing students to earn decent compensation in the working world. They are money making entities.

Syracuse University an example. Syracuse announced this week that the sticker price for a Bachelor’s degree will climb close to $90,000 a year. Tuition is rising by $2,400 to an average of $63,710. Room and board is increasing by just over $3,000.

Nothing to be proud of.

The problem is colleges today are run as businesses. Top paid professors and staff. Students at the bottom of the list of concerns.

How many Bachelor degrees warrant $90,000 a year. Students are being cheated.

Things have changed dramatically from when I went to college. College for me was 1953-1957. I do not recall accurately what it cost. My mind recollects $2,400 a semester. I was able to work my way through. Understand that money had a different value back then. A loaf of bread was 5 cents, an ice cream cone 5 cents, a gallon of gas around 15 cents.

Law school was another story. The cost out of sight. A professional school. Again I cannot recall with certainty how much. A hell of a lot more than $2,400 a semester. Whatever, I worked my way through law school also. Married and had my first born the summer before senior year. Still handled it.

Never borrowed a penny for college or law school. Did supplement the monies required with a few scholarships along the way. 

Loan programs did not exist. Those today are disasters. Obvious to all. Students burdened with overwhelming debt. The ones who made money and came out ahead were the colleges, banks and government. All got a piece of the action off the extravagant costs added on to the monies borrowed.

Women were discriminated against in the workplace in the mid 1800’s. During the Civil War, doctors for example, demanded male nurses. Clara Barton defied them. She was a trailblazer and became known as the Angel of the Battlefield. She eventually founded the Red Cross.

Trust you are having fun this holiday weekend. I miss the family cookouts.

Enjoy the weekend!

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