Love historians! Some spend their lives studying life as it was lived hundreds of years ago and after years of study discover new or additional causes of events.
A new theory has originated re the cause of the Bubonic Plague aka the Black Death.
One way of describing the Black Death is it was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Europe from 1346 to 1353. Fifty million died. Equated to 50 percent of Europe’s 14th century population at the time.
Causes are thought to be many. One of the most popular involved Pope Gregory IX. He believed cats were evil. Especially black ones. Satanic in nature. He issued a Papal Bull directing all European Catholics to kill cats.
They did. Cats were eradicated.
Cats killed rats. With the elimination of cats, rats multiplied and ran rampant.
Rats carried the germ that caused the Bubonic Plague. With no one eliminating or controlling the bug, it caused the Black Death of the 50 million persons mentioned.
Cats were redeemed and with their return the Plague ceased.
Last tuesday, a study was published that came up with a contributing factor to the Black Plague. Body lice. A carrier.
Makes sense. People during the time of the Black Plague did not wash. Many went their entire lives without bathing.
There are other purported causes. From way back when. Others will be discovered in future years as body lice has recently. People study and discover. What’s next?
The UN’s top tribunal The International Court of Justice ordered Israel to halt military operations in Rafah. All the Court can do is “order.” It has no means to enforce its judgments.
Even if it had means, I doubt Israel would comply. Israel always goes back to World War II when no one helped Jews who were annihilated by Hitler to the tune of 6 million people.
Bryan Gillis is the Louisville Police Officer who arrested Scottie Scheffler. He has been a policeman for 16 years. During that time he received condemnations and disciplines. A significant number of disciplinary charges.
Previous reprimands include 5 days suspension for “conduct unbecoming” an officer for driving an intoxicated civilian in his police vehicle and doing “donuts” in a business parking lot. He was also disciplined for pursuing a “vehicle that did not commit a violent felony or wanted on a warrant.” He was found “at fault” for accidents on 8/6/19 and 5/22/21. He was found “at fault” for a 12/1/13 accident which led to mandatory driver training. Gills was suspended at one point for failing to show up in court. Such was followed up in 2012 for continuing to miss court appearances.
He is not a “clean hands” officer. Based on the disciplinary charges, Gillis’ conduct fails to meet the smell test. It stinks.
News reports suggest there is an attempted “cover up” on going. Unfortunately for Gillis, Scottie Scheffler was the wrong guy to pick on. Scheffler is Mr. Clean himself.
House Speaker Johnson announced Netanyahu will be speaking before a joint meeting of Congress soon.
His appearance represents Republican game playing again. A Republican Congress invited Netanyahu in 2015 to speak. Behind President Obama’s back and without Obama’s permission. His visit was to assist Netanyahu in lobbying against the nuclear deal which Washington wound up signing with Iran later that year.
The purpose of Netanyahu’s visit this time will be to embarrass Biden.
Republicans are sick. Anything to win. Anything for Trump. Prior to Netanyahu’s earlier visit and the coming one, the Presidnet invited Presidents and heads of state of other nations to visit Washington. Even to enjoy the honor of addressing Congress. An arranged opportunity by the President of the U.S.
The heat level will be big this holiday weekend in South Florida. Heat feeling in excess of 100 degrees. It will feel like August in May.
Recommended that people remain indoors with air conditioning going.
This heat is bothering me. First time I can recall. Though my new aortic heart valve has energized me, the heat is knocking me on my ass. I follow my own advice and remain in. However, I still must go out for a bit each day. The shortest walk becomes an effort.
Judy Blume is one of Key West’s finest citizens. I discovered yesterday that a Service Area on the Garden State Parkway is named after her. The Judy Blume Service Area.
Judy was born and raised in Elizabeth, New Jersey. She is a New Jersey Hall of Famer. The Monmouth Service Area was named after her in March 2022. Other Service areas named after New Jerseyites include Larry Doby, Jon Bon Jovi, James Gandolfini, Connie Chang, and Frank Sinatra.
Judy has achieved world fame. Her novels have sold 82 million copies. She and her husband now reside in Key West and own and operate Books and Books.
I have three daughters. Judy’s books were allover our home during their upbringing. I never read any. However, I did find amusing her titles. Like “Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret.”
Enjoy your day!