Stopped at Lisa’s yesterday morning. Robert was on the porch. He had a basketball. We played catch. He threw the ball well. Caught it well, also. I had him dribble. Did well at that also. However, he kept looking at the ball. He told me that maybe his Dad was going to erect a basket on the palm tree in front so he could play. We talked. I told him it was better to go to Bayview to play on a real court.
Ally had no interest in basketball. The first time she has not wanted to do what her brother was doing. A sign of maturity. She is growing up.
Then to the Plantation Coffee House. Owner Diane working. A nice person. The place was busy. The sign of a good season.
Those of you who have visited my home know I let the mail collect for months on the kitchen counter. Looks terrible. Makes me look lazy. Yesterday afternoon, I cleaned it up. Went through the last 30 days. The rest got dumped.
The Chart Room last night. Another good evening! Sheila, Sean, and Peter. Met Katherine from Michigan. We talked basketball. She is an avid fan. Dorothy and her husband came in. I chatted with Dorothy. Turns out she, her husband and children were frequent visitors to Club Meds world wide. I did a few in my younger days. We compared notes.
It was time to eat. I walked across the Pier House property to the Wine Galley. Larry Smith was playing the piano and singing. Had a light dinner at the bar. While I was sitting there, Katherine from Michigan showed up. She was not following me.
College basketball continues to be crazy. #3 Michigan got beat by Wisconsin. Friend John at the Big Ten Sports Pub had to be excited. He is a Wisconsin grad. Louisville lost to Notre Dame in five over times. Wow!
Syracuse plays this afternoon. At 3. St. Johns. I will be watching at the Big Ten Sports Pub.
Enjoy your Sunday!