Midnight New Year’s Eve, the world watches the ball drop on Time Square. In person and on television.
Key West has its own drops. Three traditionally. Perhaps a fourth this year.
The original drop is Sloppy Joe’s. A ball drops onto the roof. There is a huge clock marking the seconds.
The Sushi drop is at the Bourbon Street Pub. The drop is about 15 years old. Sushi is one of Key West’s most infamous and beautiful female impersonators. Sushi sits in a huge red slipper which is dropped at midnight.
The third is the drop near the Schooner Wharf at the Historical Seaport. A pirate girl descends from a high ship mast as cannons boom.
There may be a new drop this year. Cow Boy Bill’s. A honky talk saloon. A huge property. Famous for its mechanical bull. More famous for its Wednesday nights when it is competitive bull riding time for the ladies. Topless.
Word is that Cow Boy Bill’s will have a lady or ball descending from a tall scaffold.
The Bourbon Street Pub/Sushi drop is world famous. CNN carries it world wide at midnight.
A few observations this day.
We keep hearing about the four Americans killed at Benghazi. Including the American Ambassador. Ten or more injured persons were airlifted out. Why have we not heard their stories? I cannot believe they were not interviewed. They seem to have been lost in the shuffle. No one talks about them.
Syracuse won a double header yesterday!
The football team beat West Virginia 38-14 in the New Era Pinstripe Bowl. The team ends the season with a 9-5 record. Good for Syracuse! We have been a poor football team the past 15 years. The last few have seen Syracuse win a game here and there. Last year was better. This year the best. We should be even better next year.
The basketball team won, also. Beat Alcorn State 57-36. Nothing to write home about. Alcorn State plays a different game altogether. The game was merely a warm up for Syracuse. What happens next week when the Big East begins is what is important. Syracuse will do well this year. The question is how well. Much is expected from the basketball team each year. That is the price of success.
Income taxes continue to be a big issue. How much should the very rich pay? Obama wants 39.6 per cent. He will probably agree to less.
France has a taxing problem, also. The President wanted a rate for France’s millionaires of 75 per cent. It got shot down by a Constitutional Council on technical grounds. It is expected to return shortly and may pass.
It has been reported that some French millionaires are considering moving to the United States to avoid a high income tax.
Our millionaires should not complain!
Tuesday, I will be doing my blog talk radio show. My third one. Seven in the morning. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou. A one half hour talk show. Listeners may call in to discuss topics with me.
I appreciate it is New Year’s morning. However, that is the day and time the show airs. If any of you are up, listen in. Enjoy a cup of coffee with me. You will enjoy.
We talk about anything and everything involving current events.
Enjoy your Sunday!
Benghazi is being swept under the rug, our president is seeing to that. No one is or probably ever will talk, including Hilary due to her ‘immaculate concussion’.
Regarding any countries economies, liberals need to take a real Economics 101 course.