The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District. A pompous sounding name. Most refer to it as the Mosquito Control Board. I will.
Pomposity is not in name alone. I am beginning to think it applies to Board members. All elected to their positions. Ergo, directly answerable to the people. Something they seem to have forgotten.
I say VOTE THEM OUT! All of them.
The board recently passed a new policy. Any information re Zeka, dengue fever and other tropical diseases are not to be discussed by Board members till the State Health Department has confirmed a case first. Even then, the Board’s attorney has approval/disapproval power.
People have a right to know. Especially where health issues are involved. What happened to transparency.
The Zeka battle has left Board members shell shocked. Their own fault. They have been handling the Zeka problem in a ridiculous fashion.
Top employees are well paid. The Executive Director receives $135,000 a year. My admonition: Don’t screw with the public. You are placing your job on the line.
The Board decided it needed a new building. Last year at this time, the Board was advised the building would cost $2.4 million. Not making a decision, the price has jumped $2 million in one year to $4.4 million. Not understandable in itself.
Yesterday, the Board approved a 45 percent increase in property taxes to pay for the new building. Forty five percent!!!
My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Jenny encouraging. Body Owners helpful. I stayed at a lower speed for 30 minutes. A slight step backward. However, it was all I thought I could handle.
Then to Verizon wireless. The Verizon store in the Winn Dixie Shopping Plaza.
Lesson #2 in learning how to use my new telephone. Got it six months ago. A total disaster for me!
I visited the store recently and told the young lady behind the counter that I had the new phone, bought it from them six months ago, could not use it. Needed help. Could they help? I was willing to pay. Or direct me to someone I could hire to teach me.
Her name, Nana Hernandez. Her title, Wireless Professional. She said I will teach you and it will cost you nothing. Yesterday was help/lesson #2. A step at a time. She is patient. We have a schedule. Three times a week. In a month, I will be a terror!
Dinner last night at Hot Tin Roof with Frances and Chris. Interesting people. Fun. They return up north today and will not be back till the Fall.
This afternoon research for this week’s KONK Life column. Research will be completed today. I will write the column tomorrow.
About bagels. For real. An interesting history yesterday and today.
What a change in subject matter! Last week’s article was about the new prostitution.
Four more people approached me yesterday about the Prostitution column. All women. Forty to 60 years in age. Probably mothers and grandmothers. Without deviation, all consider the new prostitution deplorable.
Big day for Hemingway Days! Running of the Bulls and the Hemingway Look A-Like Contest. Makes for a great afternoon.
Immigration a problem almost everywhere. Great Britain hit over the years big time with hordes of immigrants.
A recent study indicates the British people are becoming a minority in their own country. 2015 birth rates show 3.2 immigrant babies born for every 1.8 British babies. Just a question of time.
The five leading immigrant groups in order of their numbers are the Polish, Pakistanis, Indians, Bangladeshis, and Nigerians.
Enjoy your day!
I’d be very surprised if a case of Zeka is ever contracted or reported. I’ve never heard of such a thing.
But, it appears you can’t be satisfied. The board backs off and agrees to local demands and yet thats not enough. I’d now like to see the board back off completely and let the locals handle the mosquitos, all the mosquito species.
The cost increase is ridiculous and needs to be looked at, same with the tax increase.
But Louis, if you found out that board members were libdems as you are, you would surely keep voting them in. haha