Never fails. When I have much to share, time is limited. This morning full early. Doctor visit for fasting blood work. Grab a quick breakfast somewhere afterwards. Then a manicure. Followed by shopping for a birthday preset for Terri. She will be 71 tomorrow.
Ergo, no planned format today. Sharing info and thoughts as they appear in my notes. Morning stew.
My podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou last night. Preparation by day. Show 9 in the evening. Never left the house.
Enjoy doing the show!
Key West weather continues to be strange. Two days in the 60’s including one night 56. Today high will be 80 degrees.
Shutdown into day 33. Congratulations, Mr. President! Keep it up! Bread lines, people selling blood, etc. You’re doing a wonderful job!
Even the federal courts are running out of money. The Federal Judiciary announced it will be down to minimal monies February 1. Minimal staff will be retained to work without pay to perform necessary services.
First thing learned in law school is that Justice delayed is Justice denied.
On February 19, I wrote about the soldier who unknowingly saved Hemingway’s life: No Fedele Temperini, No Ernest Hemingway.”
Yesterday, the New York Post wrote a similar story. Four days after mine.
Proud I was timely. Got there first.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new 27 year old Congresswoman from the Bronx. Liberal to the extreme. Outspoken. In your face.
She has been appointed to the powerful House Oversight Committee. Can’t wait to watch her when she questions witnesses. She won’t accept evasive answers.
DOW down 300 points yesterday. At the heart of the drop is U.S. instability. Keep it up Donald! When the market crashes, you’ll be telling us it was not your fault.
Judy Blume has been away from Books and Books for a while. Leaving again. Husband George had Whipple surgery in Miami recently. She and George were in Miami 6 weeks. George requires 6 weeks follow up treatment. Back to Miami for an additional 6 weeks.
Our prayers are with you, George! And with you also Judy. Hang in there.
Last night, a big one for Lynda Frechette. The opening of the 2019 Aqua Idol. Vocalists performing in a competition to raise money for the Waterfront Playhouse.
The event has become one Key Westers look forward to. Every tuesday evening at Aqua for several weeks.
Word has it this is Lynda’s last year. She wants to pass the baton.
Elizabeth Blackwell became a doctor this day 1849. The first woman doctor in the U.S. Graduated from Geneva College in New York City.
An early leader in the women’s march to equality.
One of Key West’s early leaders was William Curry. Born on Green Turtle Cay in the Bahamas, he came to Key West at age 16. Ended up in the mercantile business. Became one of Key west’s most esteemed citizens.
A major success, Curry was Florida’s first millionaire.
Curry died this day 1849.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Beto O’Rourke two new type politicians. No bullshit, in your face types. Young. They represent the new young Americans getting into politics.
The gavel is being passed to a new generation. Time for the change. They can’t do worse than those presently governing.
Syracuse/Miami tomorrow night.
Enjoy your day!