Yesterday was a good one for me. It may not sound so to you as I lay it out. Overall however, I was pleased.
I had a visit with physician assistant Julie at my local neurologist Dr. Schnapp’s office yesterday at noon. I had not seen her in 3 months. Dr. Schnapp has had me receiving two neurophysiotherapy sessions weekly during that time. My progress has been excellent, though I still have periodic disc and groin pain problems.
Julie and I had a beneficial 1 1/2 hours together. She knows her business. When finished, I got up from the chair I had been sitting in for 1 1/2 hours. A comfortable chair. Fell flat on my face. Went to get up and fell again.
What the hell was going on? Never fell like that before!
No one panicked, including me. Finally felt better balance wise and went home. My goal, my bed. All I wanted was to lie in bed for a few hours watching a movie on TV. My Petrone recovery period.
Came across the movie Mama Mia: Here We Go Again. It came out in 2018. I recalled having seen Mama Mia which debuted ten years earlier in 2008. Loved it! I have watched it several times since.
My selection as to what to watch was easy. I would watch the second Mama Mia film which I had never seen.
Glad I did. A terrific movie! Better than the first! Left me in tears at the end!
The second movie stars everyone from the original cast, except for its star Meryl Streep. She had died in the story before the second film and was only recalled in recollections during the film. Until the last 10-15 minutes. Then Meryl Streep appeared for real. Again she was only in everyone else’s thoughts, but you could actually see her singing and dancing.
The stars of the original cast were in the film. Amanda Seyfried, Pierce Brosnan, and Colin Firth. Cher was also in the movie, though I do not recall her being in the original.
If you wish to feel good, watch the movie! A real joy flick!
In researching, I noted there is serious talk about doing a third Mama Mia. Shades of Rambo, Rocky and the Godfather. If you have a winner going, go with it again.
A bit of Key West directly and indirectly.
A new issue affecting condo associations and HOAs. Can they ban smoking in private individual units? No law directly on point at the moment. Guaranteed there will be. Much discussion already being had.
Present law only relates to “common areas.” Makes sense. Beware however. The next couple of years may see private units beginning with private balconies.
To celebrate the U.S. Navy’s 250th Anniversary, the Blue Angels will fly in the Key West area March 29 and 30.
The Bahama Village fire on January 23 involved only one unit in the First Village Apartments. The Apartments are a public housing complex operated by the Key West Housing Authority.
The cause of the fire remains under investigation.
The next Key West Cemetery stroll is scheduled for sunday February 23. Make a reservation. The Cemetery is worthy of a tour. The Cemetery is unique. Especially the inscriptions on many of the stones. Like, “I Told You I Was Sick.”
Hope the weather on February 9 is warm. The ocean water as well. The day is time again for the Polar Bear Plunge. Higgs Beach at noon.
Today is the day! The day Trump claims he will impose a 25 percent tariff on Canada and Mexico and a 10 percent one on China. Trump seems to get his jollies off talking and threatening tariffs. He spoke during the campaign of retribution. The U.S. will receive retributions from nations it dares to impose significant tariffs on. Did he ever think of that?
Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt announced yesterday today was the day.
Leavitt spoke proudly of what Trump has threatened re the tariffs: “Promises made and promises kept.” Nothing to be proud of in my opinion.
She also set forth figures re illegal drugs coming into the U.S. The numbers she quoted were horrendous. Fact finding afterwards indicated the figures were 2,000 percentage points out of line.
Trump’s claim specifically is that the three countries involved are facilitating the flow of illicit fentanyl into the U.S. Again, the figures claimed were significantly erroneous.
Note again Canada and Mexico will retaliate. They will not take this Trump imposed abuse quietly. I worry Trump has not considered the repercussions properly through.
The stock market dropped 200 points immediately following Leavitt’s press conference. Not much. Wonder what monday will bring if Trump imposes the tariffs today?
Americans continue to be upset with grocery costs. A 25 percent tariff of Canada and Mexico is guaranteed to drive up grocery costs even further.
Mexico is the largest supplier of fruits and vegetables to the U.S. Canada leads in grain, meat and poultry to the U.S. Both nations play vital roles in keeping U.S. grocery shelves stocked.
It is also thought the price of gasoline could go up $ .70 a gallon.
Trump issued a statement last night that the cost of goods could go up for a brief period of time if and when he imposes the tariffs. Why didn’t he say it before yesterday? Everyone else has.
Note my friends, Trump has yet to have been President two weeks and look at the disarray he has been initiating.
Trump continues to invite chaos. Another of his latest moves involves the FBI. His message to certain top FBI officials is to retire or be fired. The FBI, as well as other top agencies and businesses, cannot be run without experienced people at the top.
Involved re the FBI are 8 top officials and approximately 1,0000 subordinate employees. All basically having been involved in the January 6 investigations.
Trump is also going directly after Senator Chuck Schumer. Interim U.S. Attorney Ed Martin sent a “letter of inquiry” to Senator Schumer re a statement he made at a March 2020 rally that Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh would “pay the price” for a vote they made involving abortion rights.
Gun usage was expanded this past week. The law in the U.S. since 1968 has been that guns could not be sold to 18-20 year olds.
The conservative Fifth U.S. Court of Appeals ruled the banning unconstitutional, a violation of the Second Amendment.
Interestingly, the basis for the Fifth Circuit decision is the Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Baren decided in 2022 where gun rights were expanded in other areas. Guess who the “genius” was who wrote that decision? Justice Clarence Thomas. Honest Clarence!
Highly respected newscaster Chuck Todd is leaving NBC after 18 years. Nine of which were moderating NBC’s Sunday Meet the Press.
Enjoy your day!
Trump is like the proverbial Bull in a china shop. He almost flooded the farm fields in California.
Trump is all gas and no brakes! He has accomplished more in 10 days than Hiden Biden did in 4 years!
Trump is all gas and no brakes! He has accomplished more in 10 days than Hiden Biden did in 4 years!
The latest test scores show there are kids in other countries where English is not even their first language, out-beating our own students on English proficiency. This and other blogs will have no readership in time at least in America.