Guantanamo was an American disgrace when the U.S. began using it years ago to house certain type alien terrorists. Some of the acts perpetrated on those jailed there clearly non-American and disgusting. 

The population of Guantanamo has diminished. Trump sees a new use for it now. He’ll use it to house certain migrants. There is a 30,000 person facility available or in the process of being made usable to house migrants with criminal records.

An Auschwitz in the making? How will the 30,000 be treated initially and in due course? Will the number increase as more space is required? Will conditions become intolerable? Why isn’t everyone being returned to their initial home countries from which they fled?

Auschwitz remains a symbol of terror. It was established as a final solution to the Jewish problem. As Guantanamo’s use for criminal migrants will be a partial solution to the immigrant problem.

Go for it Donald! Fits your image!

I predicted two weeks ago chaos would be evident within two weeks re Orders and other actions Trump was taking. Before the two weeks has even run out, he has been successful in creating chaos. None of which is or will be good for the U.S.

“Drill baby, drill” already raising questions about a pricing problem. Immediately, massive amounts of electricity or other type power are not required to power the AI revolution.

 Trump leaped before he looked.

The truth becoming evident within a short few days. Trump looks like an ass.  Especially with Canada who sells huge amounts of crude oil annually to the U.S. Where is Trump going to timely get the crude oil Canada will now ship to Europe and Asia if Trump imposes the 25 percent tariff threatened?

Another Trump miscue is he does not understand to change from obtaining/having huge supplies available immediately and timely takes a few years of planning and development. If Trump pursues his plans against Canada, the U.S. will be left standing empty handed re its present and soon to be increased needs for crude oil.

Donald will screw the U.S. economy rather than help it if his Canada plans proceed. Oil experts have been generally uniform the past few days that Trump is engaged in a wayward dangerous scheme re Canada that will seriously hurt us.

The Reagan Airport planes crashing into each other another situation where Trump jumped the gun and spoke before proof of anything was available.  Sixty four killed in the American Airlines plane and four in the military Blackhawk helicopter.

Trump went on TV, etc. almost immediately claiming Biden and Buttigieg responsible. He looked all smart in blaming them. Mr. Know-It-All.

This morning’s news reported the Control Tower was short staffed. Two instead of four controllers.

There will be other causes. Multiple causes. You cannot jump the gun as Trump did in this case. There are different agencies and groups experienced and prepared to place blame. It takes time. Trump speaks even before all the bodies have been recovered or the black boxes.

Mr. Smart Ass again!

Three days ago, Trump signed an Order freezing federal grants. Trillions of dollars involved.

Trump had to rescind it in a matter of days. First, the Order was too confusing. Second, it affected people in the U.S. and around the world not contemplated.

A perfect example of what I have been preaching. Trump shooting without thinking. The backlash exhibiting his lack of correct judgment significant. There is more to running a government than merely signing Orders. There are occurrences and happenings that follow. All must be considered before issuing an Order. Trump does not.

Trump is an extreme narcissists. Could be he/we are heading for a narcissistic explosion of unparalleled force.

He has been  a “screw up” as President since the moment following his swearing in. He was not worried about you or me. His speech reflected his concern for the rich, the oligarchy that was rapidly forming. His mentality similar to those at the Versailles Treaty. Look at the good it did the countries who exerted the heavy hammer on Germany. It took less than 15 years for them to be buried.

Trump thinks because he survived the assassination attempt, he is the resurrected Jesus. No way. He lacks Godly powers. Everyone knows it but him. 

Trump appealing to two groups. His attention directed to them. The rich who expect beneficial action in return. The middle class and poor who want to get rich. He gives them everything they want. The rich definitely. The voting group what they “think” they are getting.

Neither group cares that in appealing to them, he is fucking everything up. It is only going to get worse.

We want a “President,” not a “King.” Keep that in mind! Trump’s moves are to expand his powers. He is already spreading chaos by so doing. There will be more. Much more. Followed by a number of brutal crisis’s which the “people” will not win in view of the fact that Trump has control of the Supreme Court.

Tomorrow a significant day. Trump’s 25 percent tariff increases could be imposed on Canada and Mexico. No question, Canada and Mexico will be hurt. What Trump fails to see however is that the U.S. will suffer a similar harsh pain. What goes around, comes around. Immediately in this situation.

Syracuse’s basketball team continues its horrendous season. Lost to Stanford wednesday 70-61. Syracuse now 9-12. 

Next battle foe is California. Tomorrow night at 10.

Sorry so much Donald Trump. Has to be, however. His every action at the throat of the American people.

There are some Key West items I want to touch upon. I close with them.

The recent Bahama Village fire has another victim. A 5 year old. The toll now 2 adults and 2 children who died.

National news suggests gasoline prices are down. I agree. Not as much in Key West. Actually, Key West prices are “radical.” I filled my tank yesterday. One station $3.27 a gallon. Across the street, $3.65 a gallon. Most in the $3.65 area. Why the difference?

A step back in Key West history. On January 30, 1947, Al Jolson appeared in Key West. He entertained at the Birthday Ball at the Key West Naval Base and the Casa Marina on behalf of the March of Dimes.

I meet with the neurological physician today at noon.

Enjoy your day! 


  1. Lou – you say Guantanamo is NOT what America is supposed to be – but in reality, it is what America REALLY is. The facts prove that to be true, not your false hopes of what we want to be!

  2. When Trump eliminates the DOE what should the State and/or local Governments do to improve our student’s math and reading scores?
    We should be planning now because it will happen.

        • We do have a great deal of shame to shoulder with our education system here in America. Don’t forget how much Ronald Reagan did to it (our education system) during his reign of terror, He hated teachers.

          Same has been true of Republican politics ever since. They have been openly hostile to public education. Maybe “shaking things up” has to STOP. We need to pay more attention to the betterment of our system, not trying to diminish it.

  3. Trump is wildly throw crap against the wall and stepping back to watch and see what sticks.
    He got the idea back when he threw that plate of spaghetti against the White House wall.

  4. The Canada and Mexican tariffs are in place until these countries stop the illegal flow of illegals and fentanyl. The ball is thrown directly into their court. I’d bet they quickly get in line!

    • Big Don – You really don’t have a clue, do you? Nearly 100% of all Fentanyl brought into this country from abroad is brought in by American citizens legally returning home. That’s a fact, look it up.

      However a much larger amount of Fentanyl in America is legally (over)sold by Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family.

      Nearly 100% of all illegally smuggled Fentanyl stories are created and perpetuated by those on the “right” in dishonest attempt to scare naive Americans to react politically.

      ….and if “illegals” are such a real problem, how come Trump’s most recent and VERY public attempts to do something about that are an embarrasment as to anything amounting to size or success?. You have obviously swallowed the cool-aid or are hopefully dishonest.

  5. If you fly in and out of KW think about the fact Only 1% of the control towers in America has meet it’s employment levels!
    The DC tower was not fully staffed!

    One applicant for a controller’s job got a 100% on the test. He was not hired! Wrong skin color said Biden. How about that King, your airport. Think about Senator.

    • Boy, talk about persistent and ignorant (rasist too) troll. Please name that applicant and are specific reference to Biden saying he/she had the wrong skin color.

      Stop spreading right wing lies.

      • Well, what ever they tried and did, it sure worked fine AND it was accomplished with opposition from a dysfunctional and useless congress.

        Biden’s economy was better than the previous president (Trump) and likely to be better than the current president (Trump).

        We should be thankful for Biden and critical of Trump as he seems to stumble with anything to do with reality.

    • That’s ridiculous and intentionally misleading.

      American students aren’t learning because of a systematic destruction of teaching by the political right. Curriculums, particularly at private religious schools are filtered and restricted and so much is not actually being taught.

      The political right has NOT been quiet or hidden when it comes to having a BIG interest in controlling education in America. Funny we should now wonder why Education in America isn’t so god any more.

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