This morning’s Key West Citizen carries another picture of the crocodile that has spent the past week lolling off Smathers Beach. A brief note under the photo suggests the croc is gone. It was not seen over the weekend. However, there was a sighting off Hilton Haven during that time.
Quite a trip from Smathers to Hilton Haven. Going straight across west, not too long a trip. However only land, no water. It would appear if it is the same croc, it had a very long trip around Key West’s perimeter to get to Hilton Haven.
My suspicion, another crocodile.
Interestingly, since the Smathers Beach crocodile story hit a week ago, there have been further articles and talk that there are more crocs in the area than most thought. An iguana type invasion in the making?
Congratulations to the Marquesa for standing up to the phony lawsuit against them. There is a disabled person and attorney who have brought over 1,400 lawsuits under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Toilets not proper, improper access, and now no lift for a disabled person to get in and out of a pool. Marquesa was sued re the pool thing.
Marquesa’s defense is that the pool is not public, all amenities are for use by registered hotel guests only, and the plaintiff in the case was never registered as a guest at the hotel.
A court appearance is scheduled for early December.
I have a sense of something that has happened or is happening in Key West. Tourists are not eating as much as they have in the past at restaurants. They are drinking. Eating appetizers or cheaper street foods rather than full meals. Paying top dollar at hotels.
After paying for the hotel room and average $10 drinks, tourists are forced to cut somewhere. It is with the food.
I could be wrong.
Spent yesterday afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. The Doctors Killed the President. The story of President James Garfield’s demise. The doctors screwed up.
Pope Francis opened the Synod yesterday in Rome. A convention of sorts of 270 bishops. To deal with Church problems. Serious business. Especially since the Pope is trying hard to open the doors of the Church and the bishops are opposing him.
A few interesting opening comments by the Pope. “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” The Church is a “field hospital” whose doors must be open to all who knock. “A Church with closed doors betrays herself and her mission, and instead of being a bridge, becomes a roadblock.”
Denmark has a problem. A falling birth rate. Of concern to the government. Who will care for the elderly one of the concerns. China has a similar problem. Not enough female births. Result not enough women for marriage and child bearing. Caused by China limiting the number of children each couple might have.
Denmark has had a liberal sex policy for years. Sex education begins early in the school years. Birth control one of the items pushed. A contributing factor. Having unprotected sex at an appropriate time in life now being pushed also. Do your duty the cry. Do it for Denmark!
Enjoy your day!