Big news day yesterday!
Eleventh anniversary of 9/11.
Egyptian mob stormed United States Embassy in Cairo. Desecrated the American flag in the process.
A mob stormed the United States Embassy in Libya. Bengahzi to be specific. United States Ambassador Stevens and three staff members killed.
Chicago teacher strike ongoing.
Louis said back when the Egyptian revolt was taking place…..Never forget your friends. The United States did in Egypt. Murbarak had been our friend for forty years. He became a friend of Israel at our behest. Yet when the mob hit the street and shouted democracy, the United States failed Murbarak. They encouraged him to resign. Did not support his government. I recall Secretatry of State Clinton saying we had to stand with the protestors in the streets who sought democracy.
I said never abandon a friend. We knew what we had in Murbarak. We did not know what we would have with a new regime.
Today Egypt has a radical Islamic group ruling the country. The Cairo Embassy had blocked streets and Egyptian police and military protection under Murbarak. The new government removed the barriers and withdrew most of the police and military guards.
Within 24 hours of Cairo, the Libyans attack the United States Embassy in Benghazi. Here too there was no police or military protection. Libya is purportedly a democracy with the fall of Ghadafi.
Both the Egyptian and Libyan governments receive billions of dollars a year from the United States. Yet they bite the hand that feeds them.
It appears that democracy in Egypt and Libya means mob rule.
Israel wants to bomb Iran. Iran’s nuclear development is the issue. The United States wants Iran to stop its develoment of nuclear weapons peacefully. Israel and the United States cannot agree on a strategy for the near future. Things are touchy between Israel and the United States.
The Chicago teacher strike continues. Teacher demands are too many. The Mayor has offered a 16 percent raise over four years. Seems to me the teachers have an ax to grind.
What a 24 hours for President Obama! His already full plate is spilling over.
I walked once again yesterday morning. Good boy, Louis. Stayed on my diet, also.
Saw Tammy. Needed a manicure and pedicure. I was the only customer the whole time I was there. As I left, a lady walked in for a pedicure. September in Key West. Everything slows down.
I spent the afternoon working on Friday’s internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour.
Obviously, Egypt and Libya will be discussed. Other topics so far include, the Chicago teacher strike, the Santorini volcano which might erupt, Serbian War crimes which now include the sale of body organs, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini’s in effect death bed interview claiming the Catholic Church is 200 years out of date, a woman arrested for warning other drivers of a speed trap, an 8 year old who took his mother’s car for a drive, Arizona Supreme Court holding that tattooing is Constitutionally protected free speech, Frances Scott Key, Moscow burned to thwart Napoleon, Chubby Checker and the Twist, and more.
My show script is close to full. Watch if you get a chance. Ten in the morning my time. World wide.
Last night, dinner at Hogfish. A seared piece of fresh tuna on a salad bed, topped with a touch of oil. Good for the diet!
I have not played golf for health reasons in over a year. I planned on returning today. However, I have much to do organizing the trip photos further before Sloan arrives this evening. Ergo, no golf this week.
Enjoy your day!