Pay the postage, affix the stamps, put a name tag on ’em, and mail them out! Children!
There was a time. Like 1913. The U. S. Postal system was looking for new ways to make money. Someone came up with the idea of parcel posting children. Babies and small children. They had to weigh 11 pounds or less.
Not an expense. To ship a qualifying child from Stratford, Oklahoma to Wellington, Kansas cost 18 cents for postage. The child was delivered to the post office and arrangements made. Thereafter the child traveled with a postman to the final destination.
The system did not last long. Fortunately, it was stopped before one of the “child packages” got lost.
I have to thank Ryno for this interesting piece of information. Ryno posted it on FB this morning. Ryno grew up about 15 miles from my hometown and is now a local Key West radio announcer. One of the best. When I started internet broadcasting several years ago, Ryno taught me. He took me into the broadcasting studio, told me to punch this then that, etc, and left me. I knew from nothing what to do before I arrived and after he left!
I am glad that for all intents and purposes the Syracuse basketball season is over. I could not take much more. Yes, Syracuse will be in the Big Dance starting next week. As a 7 or 8 seed. Not a #1 seed as anticipated as recently as two weeks ago. Syracuse has lost 5 of its last 7 games. The team went 25-0 before disaster struck.
The season has exhausted me. Wiped me out. Too many emotional games. I do not give Syracuse much hope in the big tournament. If the team wins two games, it will be lucky. I am of little faith.
Last night, Syracuse lost to North Carolina State 68-63. Syracuse was a 9 point favorite.
I watched the game at Lukas’ Sports Pub with Don, Chris and Ed. Don flew in from Korea thursday. Spent friday in South Beach. Now winding down in Key West for a few days.
Met Nancy last night. She is the owner of Salsa Loca, John Lukas’ new partner in the Big Ten Sports Pub. Nancy is the food end of the operation. A nice lady. However, we did not start off well. She is a North Carolina State graduate. I told her I would eat elsewhere after Syracuse lost!
I spent several hours yesterday editing some chapters from Growing Up Italian. Writing is easy. It is the editing that is a pain. Takes 3-4 times longer than the writing. Necessary, however. Editing polishes the writing. Big time!
The MTV house sits across the water from me. In all its colorful glory.
There are college kids staying this week. It is Spring Break time. The MTV home and property are huge. A separate gym building, in addition. Tennis courts and a basketball court outside.
The college kids are all males. I counted 20 yesterday morning sitting on the deck, shoulder to shoulder. Who was fishing, who was chatting, who was sleeping, who appeared to be getting over a hangover, etc.
There is a large bus parked next to the gym. I assume the guys rented it for the trip to Key West.
One problem. No, they not noisy and rowdy. Actually, quiet quite. No girls. I have not seen one young lady since they arrived sunday. Highly unusual! I suspect the group may be part of a gay fraternity.
St. Patrick’s Day is monday. The Key West party started friday. Everyone doing the Duval Crawl. Wearing St. Patty Day tee shirts, green hats, and drinking green beer. Day and night. The party will continue through monday. The partiers having a good time. If it rains, guaranteed the sewers will overflow green.
I am perplexed by the loss of the Malaysian plane. In this day and age, how can a large jet with well over 200 passengers disappear. I read this morning that the Malaysian government has hired a shaman to help locate the plane. A shaman is a person with extra mental and telepathy powers. They see, hear and feel where others cannot. Comparable to one who claims to be able to talk with the dead.
Modern science is amazing!
Enjoy your day!