A new topic for the blog. BRICS. First time I have mentioned it. I suspect it will be the first time many of you have even seen the name in print or know what it is. Time for all of us to know whatever we can about it and follow through with its activities.

Brics is the U.S.’s money competition world wide.

The world as we know it is divided politically into three groups for purposes of this discussion. The West, East and South. The West is the U.S. and most of Europe. The East is Russia, the Middle East, the Far East and Africa. The South is Central and South America.

Those outside the West have been pissed off for years that the U.S. controlled the West and as a result other areas of the world. Their areas.  The East and South wanted a piece of the pie. A big one.

In 2009, four nations met formally to create an organization/group to compete with the U.S. and become not as powerful as the U.S., but more powerful. The four nations Brazil, Russia, India, and China. The first letter of each nation’s name made up the title of the organization. Soon South Africa joined. S was added at the end of Bric so that the name of the group became Brics. 

The four became five. The five now ten, with many knocking on Brics’ doors to join. Brics is selective. The newest nations Egypt, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates. The Brics a conglomerate of East and South nations.

Progress takes time. Especially when a group wishes to become the most powerful economic political entity in the world. It has not done badly. Brics’ GDP is 35 percent. G7 which is basically the West group of which the U.S. is a member has fallen behind to 30 percent.

The new group is moving its ass! China the leader. China representing 70 percent of the wealth of the group.

It would appear that the West, of which the U.S. is the most important member, has fallen behind. Might be that the U.S. is in a phase of descendancy? Don’t know. Could be. Looks like it may be.

Why have American citizens not been made aware of what has been happening the past 20 years?

Again as heavy as my research has been the past 24 hours, nevertheless limited. Some believe our government, Democrat and Republican, did not wish to publicize what was happening. The media for some reason remained silent.

China is benefitting big time. Financing many activities in Brics nations.

Certain of Brics countries have been building railroads like crazy, Brics financing them, with China taking a large piece of the financing. U.S. banks bid, but could not compete with Brics’ numbers.

I have opened a door with this blog. Trust many of you will find it interesting and helpful. If I have erred anywhere in this blog, it is inadvertent. Bring it to my attention and I will be happy to correct.

We must know more about Brics. They seriously affect the economic well being of the West and the U.S. If more must be done at the West’s end, so be it. Do it! Lets not sit on our asses till it is too late.

Enjoy your day!

13 comments on “BRICS

  1. One could easily argue that we in the United States, deserve to no longer be the most powerful nation in the world. Consider the Reagan years, the Bush years and the Trump years, hard to take us seriously anymore, if you are honest about it.

    • IF the USA is to retain, regain or remain a top contender in economics, innovation and education it is going to require more walk and less talk. I see none of that in the next 4 years at minimum.
      Simply saying you are the best isn’t going to cut it.

  2. So now we see that the Trump administration is planning/attempting to eliminate the “Department of Education.”

    One has to wonder if anyone in Trump’s world REALLY cares about America only ranking 17th or so, in education, worldwide.

    One more reason why we (America) is not so important )or influential) any more. “Make American Great Again,” is only their slogan, NOT really their interest.

    • Test scores have only gone down over the last 20 years.
      You only know the baseball scores and not the test scores. Right.

      • There has been a significant increase in education suppression in these last 20 years and a HUGE increase in private, mostly religion based schools, say nothing of the MAGA based bashing of educated Americans, young and old. No wonder America is no longer the education envy of the world. Some states, mostly in the south, particularly Florida and Texas, are openly banning books and parsing curriculums.

        The president of the United States is widely believed to have had surrogates actually do his college homework and tests, as being OK!

        • America’s best Rocket Scientists are owned and run by a foreign (South Africa) immigrant. Who, apparently is smarter than all of them!

          • The largest share of Biden-era dollars linked to terrorism went to Palestinian organizations, Congressional Research Service records show.

  3. The Biden administration gave $1,053,400,000 in taxpayer money to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
    Love Musk and Trump

    • Seems like a much better idea than sending in troops and “owning the place” as Trump is now saying he wants to do! Sounds like Afghanaistan all over again!

  4. The Biden administration gave $1,053,400,000 in taxpayer money to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
    Love Musk and Trump

  5. The Biden administration gave $1,053,400,000 in taxpayer money to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
    Love Musk and Trump

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