The German people needed Hitler. Too bad he turned out to be the bad guy he was. The Versailles Treaty and World War I Allies denutted Germany. Stripped them economically and of their pride.  Hitler restored both in the 1930s. Hitler unfortunately carried everything too far.

Hitler learned a deserved lesson. Many of the free peoples of the world joined together to defeat him.

Hitler picked his enemies. Trump seems to be pissing everyone off. He is isolating the U.S. If he is successful, the U.S. will stand alone. Perhaps facing the rest of the world in a major conflict. Opposed by friend and foe alike. Trump continues to attack U.S. friends, sucks up to many of our enemies, while alienating even further others. A bright thinker he is not.

A couple of examples that Trump is moving along an erroneous path.

He threatened significant tariffs against two friends and neighbors. Mexico and Canada. His main reasons immigration and fentanyl. Mexico though trying, still has a heavy task to control both issues. Canada did not and does not. The facts speak for themselves. In 2024, Canada was responsible for .02 percent of the fentanyl entering the U.S.  Know what .02 percent amounted to? Forty three pounds. As opposed to Mexico’s 21,000 pounds.

Canada’s immigration number similarly insignificant. 

So why did Trump go after Canada? Does not make sense. Last week, he refused to return Trudeau’s call till monday. An insult to another national leader! Then the “deal” he made with Trudeau was basically things Canada was already doing. Recall also Trump’s statement last week that he would raise tariffs against Canada to 100 percent until such time as Canada was “annexed” to the U.S. Another insult to a long time friend and neighbor.

Trump played what is becoming his typical last minute move. Instead of imposing the tariffs on Canada and Mexico tuesday as he had threatened, he says he is giving them another month to get their houses in effect in order as far as he is concerned. Symbolically suggesting he, Trump, had won again and was showing mercy to an adversary.

In the meantime, Trump increases the tariff against China. Not very bright. China a formidable foe. The equal to or perhaps even stronger than the U.S. at the moment. Merely saying we are the strongest nation in the world does not make it so.

China is also the mainstay and major power in BRICS. China represents 70 percent of BRICS economy. It is fast becoming the banker of its member nations. Money talks. Not insults and bullshit. The world has begun laughing at the U.S. At a major sporting event this past weekend in Canada, the Canadians booed when the American National Anthem was played.

Musk is beginning to give me major concern. He has been given too much power by Trump in a situation where he legally has no power. Musk now has the capacity to affect all kinds of payments to the American public. Even to Social Security and Medicare. He now knows all the personal financial data of every American citizen.

Not right. Not legal. Are you aware that many of those working in or near the White House under Musk are as young as 19 years old.

The more I read about Musk, the more I suspect he may be so far right in his thinking so as to reflect Nazism. He is pushing his influence in Europe as well as the U.S. And to me, that was a Hitler salute he executed.

Some oddball items.

Do you know the world’s oldest written story? Its first written story. “Written” the key word.

It is the “Epic of Gilgamesh.” A poem. It tells the tale of King Gilgamesh, ruler of the ancient city of Urek, who battled terrible monsters.

The “writing” was published around 2200 BCE.

Beer and wine were the first alcoholic beverages. Which came first? No one knows for sure. Both developed because people enjoyed the getting high effect the two gave them.

I close with two Key West items.

A recent visitor who enjoyed Key West will not return soon: “We had a nice time in Key West, but won’t be back until the airport departures are expanded. What a zoo!”

The first Square Grouper Restaurant opened about 15 years ago in Summerland Key. An immediate hit. Great food! Great atmosphere! Later it expanded to a second site further north. This past week it opened a restaurant in Key West. On Eaton Street in the home of the old PT’s Late Night. You have to have been in Key West many years ago to recall PT’s. It will always be remembered as an integral part of early modern day Key West.

The Square Grouper totally remodeled the inside of the building. I have only seen photographs. Outstanding! Can’t wait to go. Guaranteed it will be a hit!

I finally went out last night. First time in four weeks. The Grand’s Happy Hour!

Enjoy your day!


  1. We are now living under a dictatorship. The rest of the Government is now irrelevant and ineffectual.
    PT’s stands for Paul Tripp who once had other Key West restaurants including the Half Shell.

  2. You are wrong Lou, America is NOT on an “aimless path.” It is on a very well thought out path, just not one you like!

    America will be great again, you’ll see!

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