The world is too serious. There is not enough humor. We need to lighten up a bit.

My friend Sukiyong Kim in Soeul, South Korea, emailed me the following which was received this morning.

Once upon a time, blackbirds were white. It was freezing cold outside. To avoid death from the cold, the white birds flew inside a chimney. They came out black and ever since have been black.

The simplicity of the tale. The absurdity. It made me laugh. I hope it did you, also.

I thought the Super Bowl was terrific! Some did not. What more could a fan want. One team goes far ahead, the other catches up, a defensive play with minutes to go.

I was at Lisa’s for dinner. A big deal dinner. Yesterday was Corey’s 50th birthday. Lisa prepared a big meal. We sang Happy Birthday! The cake was delicious.

Ally was especially cute. The event excited her. She took charge of everything. Including running around and turning all the lights off before Corey blew out the candles. Her excitement with each gift opened. The joy of youth!

Corey is a lucky man to have such a loving family. Lisa and Corey are lucky to have each other.

By the time festivities had concluded, it was half time at Super Bowl.  I had intended to watch the game at Don’s Place after dinner. Never made it. Went home to bed instead to watch.

My early morning blog talk radio show tomorrow. Seven in the morning my time. Available world wide.

My friends…..Get up you sleepy heads! Listen in. Call in. It is a talk show. Subjects tomorrow will include the Super Bowl game, whether Mc Cain has had it, the NRA, and whatever you might like to discuss. Call in and let me know.

Listen to the Key West Lou Talk Show at

You may call in any time within 15 minutes prior to show time. You will be placed on a list for me to chat with when the show begins.

Enjoy your today!



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