Today is an anniversary date!
Ten months!
No alcohol! No cigarettes!
I deserve a medal!
It was 10 months ago I was lying in a bed in the heart department of the University of Miami Hospital. I had just undergone some procedures. Including a heart catherization.
The doctors said no more drinking. I asked the alternative. Simple they said. You die. Ok, no problem. I just stopped drinking.
What about smoking, I asked. They said ok to continue smoking. They did not think I could give up two biggies at one time. I said I could. I have smoked my last cigarette, I told them.
I have done it! Ten months. Not a drink, not a cigarette. And I want to tell you. It is sooooo difficult. Even yet! The desire for both seems stronger every day. It does not diminish. It is truly a battle!
We do what we have to do, however. Such is life.
I started yesterday with a walk. A different place. Truman Annex. I was in the mood for a change of scenery.
Truman Annex is so beautiful. All white buildings. Stately homes. Lovely landscaping. White picket fences. Another world!
I spent some time in the afternoon at Lisa’s.
Ally is into a movie starring chipmunks. I am sick of it! She engrossed!
Robert agrees with me. He is tiring of it. But not Ally.
Last night started at the Chart Room. Only Captain Peter and Marty. And Michael bartending.
Some evenings at the Chart Room are like going to school. I learn much.
The discussion last night involved mosquitos. Captain Peter was especially knowledgable. Marty just behind him.
Dragonflies and locusts were also discussed. Captain Peter knew all about them. He was once in Saigon when locusts attacked. There was barren earth when the locusts left.
The Captain is leaving to visit Livingston, Guatemala next week. His former wife lives there on the river. There is no road access to Livingston. Captain Peter will take his boat from Key West to Guatemala and then down the river to Livingston.
What a life! What a man!
Marty and I had dinner at the bar at Hot Tin Roof.
Host John is a Wisconsin graduate. He is all excited that the football team is preseason ranked #11. There was a new bartender. He is a Virginia Tech grad. He was all excited that Virginia Tech was preseason ranked #6.
Pray tell, where is poor Syracuse? We are ranked not. And I do not expect anything decent from the football team this season. Syracuse is still building. Syracuse has been building for years. When will we be ready to distinguish ourselves on the football field once more?
Clayton and Valerie showed up.
Valerie bartends at Hot Tin Roof. Last night was her night off.
Clayton is a former popular Key West bartender. Now operates a tee shirt business. He discussed with me how he optimized and built up the business to the point that he has stopped paying the optimizing bills. He could not get the orders out timely!
Clayton is originally from New Zealand. He owns a condo also in Dubai. He is truly a world citizen!
Clayton and Valerie are opening a wine bar soon on Duval. Right smack in the middle of Duval. Should be a hit!
Clayton’s brother in law and his wife were in from New Zealand visiting. It was party time for their group.
Marty and I were chatting. All of a sudden Captain Dan’s name came up. Had he arrived in Puerto Rico yet? He left Key West a couple of weeks ago. Sailing all alone to Puerto Rico.
You will recall that he tried the same thing 2 years ago. His boat got beat up in a storm and Dan ended up on some island with a few broken bones, no medical attention and only natives. The natives healed him. He finally got off the island when another boat came along.
Dan had to try the solitary Puerto Rico trip again! I thought he was crazy! So did many others!
No one knew if Dan had made it. So I tried telephoning him. Cell to cell. He answered!
Dan is in the Caicos somewhere. He has motor trouble. Thinks it is almost remedied. Hopes to continue his trip to Puerto Rico today.
Marty and I chatted with Dan. It was exciting to talk with him.
After the Hot Tin Roof, Marty and I seperated. Marty went to the Wine Galley to listen to Larry Smith. I headed home.
Enjoy your Sunday!
You do indeed deserve a medal, sir. Congrats 🙂
great lou! i knew you could do it. you have a very strong constitution sir! and you really did not have a choice now did you? talk more soon, my friend. gary and tecia.
If I had my way, Key West would be a dry town – no booze is needed to have fun. Wish others would learn this so they could be around a few more years.