Everyone has problems!

An interesting brief in Slate: “I Want to Chat…..I am in a monogamous relationship with a lesbian, but I’m more and more missing men.”

Dahlia Lithwick’s article in today’s Jurisprudence describes the Supreme Court perfectly in one word: “Arrogance.” The title: “How To Sum Up The Supreme Court Term.”

Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, condemned Chief Justice Roberts yesterday for failure to reform the Supreme Court saying: “The highest Court in the land should not have the lowest ethical standards.”

I agree.

Time to make rules for the Supreme Court and clean house where warranted.

Alaska, too!

Steve Thompson’s twin brother Rich and his wife Linda e-mailed Happy Birthday greetings yesterday. Rich is a salmon fisherman in Alaska. Met he and Linda in January when they were visiting Steve and Cindy. He brought salmon from Alaska, cleaned and cooked it for our dinner. Delicious!

John Simonton at one time owned all of what in 1826 constituted the island of Key West. He brought a master carpenter from Baltimore. The rate of construction doubled following the master carpenter’s arrival.

In 1962, the movie PT-109, the story of President John Kennedy during World War II, was being filmed on Munson Island. Today, Little Palm Island. The movie starred Cliff Robertson as Kennedy.

Years later, I met Robertson at a fund raising event at the Mel Fisher Museum. He was serving as National Chairman of a fund raiser for the Museum.

Nothing wasted.

Old replaced concrete electric poles are being accumulated to be repurposed as a new artificial reef off the Florida Keys. The plan is to gather 37 of the concrete polls which stood 55 feet above ground to make the reef.

Involved is the Florida Keys Electrical Cooperative.

Two healthy robust sea turtles will be released today at noon at Higgs Beach behind Salute.

The Turtle Hospital will release Curly and Tutu. Curly a 15 pounder rescued in November off Big Coppitt Key. Tutu a 50 pound turtle rescued in October off Key West. Both were treated for fiberopapillomastosis and are ready to return to their home.

The public is invited.

Enjoy your day!


Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter were married this day in 1946. They were 21 and 18 respectively.

Now 77 years later, both are still alive and married. An All American couple.

Unfortunately, our former Presidnet has been in his death bed for several months awaiting the inevitable.

A black man who is a disgrace to his race: Clarence Thomas. He continues to prove it with his Supreme Court opinions and life off the bench. His most recent dagger in the heart of equality his concurring opinion in the university admissions case where Thomas explained the Court was colorblind. Intentionally so, intimating that color was no longer a problem in the U.S.

Me thinks the man has experienced too much “good white living.” He deceives himself.

In 1959, the movie Operation Petticoat was filmed in Key West. A World War II submarine/comedy film starring Cary Grant and Tony Curtis. While Grant was in Key West, he purchased four Mario Sanchez wood carvings.

Three years later, Grant made That Touch of Mink movie with Doris Day. The four Sanchez wood carvings were featured in the movie.

A small world.

On this day in 1865, four people were hanged in Washington, D.C. for conspiring with John Wilkes Booth to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. One was Mary Suratt. She was the first woman to be executed by the federal government.

The Middle Ages were weird and cruel. A dark period in history. The religious fanaticism of the Catholic Church and whacky medicine two primary reasons.

It has been raining a lot lately. Weather completely screwed up. Fortunate we do not live in the Middle Ages. Bad weather was blamed on the “witches.” Thousands were burned at the stake and otherwise executed for it.

We live in mentally screwy times. Will some group decide “witches” to blame for the inclement weather and renew burning at the stakes? Never say no. Recent history reveals whacky things can happen. A warning to be vigilant. Vote! Don’t let the nuts take over our government.

Experts are revising earlier forecasts. Now calling for an active hurricane season. Blame low record warm Atlantic waters.

The unusually hot Atlantic waters are being described as a powder keg that won’t take much for a storm to tap into. The hot waters being described as fuel.

The Happy Birthdays have not stopped. Still coming in this morning. Emails remain heavy, several telephone calls.

One of yesterday’s calls was from my friend Theos in Greece. He was calling from Corfu where he was visiting one of his children.

There were additional birthday greetings from Greece, South Africa, Italy and Thailand. Amazing! The most of course were from the U.S.A.

I thank each of you. It is nice to be remembered. As one gets older, a person begins to think he has very few friends. At my age, most have died or moved away.

Thanks again.

Enjoy your day!




I’m 88 years old today. Amazing!

I should not be. My father made it to 98. His father 94. His sister Mary 102. If I have my father’s genes, I’m ok. Interestingly, my physical problems were his. The aortic valve problem and parathyroid tumors. Runs in the family. Lisa was recently diagnosed with a parathyroid problem.

I view getting old like an automobile. After a while, the car begins developing problems. The older the car, the more serious the problem. Which amounts to no problem. The car goes into the garage, problem diagnosed and fixed. My hope is they can continue diagnosing and most importantly fixing whatever develops with my body.

My head is good. I still think with the same sharpness I had 30, 40, 50 years ago in the courtroom. It’s the body that fails me.

I may have celebrated my birthday yesterday. Inadvertently. Started the day with blood work at the hospital at 8. Then pancakes at Harpoon Harry’s. Laid around the rest of the day doing nothing. Loved it!

Decided to go out for dinner. Brady’s.

The bartender mentioned she was going to Ireland shortly for a one month visit. Her Dad’s birthday. He is going to be 92. I told her my birthday was tomorrow (today) and I would be 88.

She bought my dinner! How nice. Fought me when I left a tip. Refused to take it. I told her nicely I would be insulted if she refused. Settled the issue.

Chatted with Brian who was sitting next to me at the bar. He’s a chef at Mangoes. Also, Ric. Robert and Ally’s Santa Claus for many years.

How will I celebrate my 88th? Hair appointment at noon. Then lunch with Julia at Hogfish. Followed by nothing the rest of the day.

A Celebration of Life for the special Toni Tarracino has been scheduled. It will be at Captain Tony’s July 17 at 11 am. Everyone come to pay homage to one of the sweetest persons we all knew and loved.

I watched the fireworks on TV tuesday night. New York City’s were spectacular! One mile long. One thousand feet up. Colors galore. In the forefront, the Statue of Liberty all lit up.

Scientists claim July 4 was the hottest day ever! The hottest day in 125,000 years! Not healthy!

Experts blame the situation on the burning of oil, gas and coal. The burning releases “greenhouse” gases.

Many odd ball events have come to make up a part of the July 4th celebration. One is Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest in New York City.

Joey “Jaws” Chestnut won his 16th title. Impressive! He consumed 62 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Amounts to one every 10 seconds.

Beat his closest competitor by 13 hot dogs.

Stomach ache afterwards?

Word is Trump is souring on Kari Lake as his VP running mate. She is a “spotlight hound.” Trump will not tolerate anyone who tries to or outdoes him when it comes to public exposure.

Discrimination in Key West this day in 1946.

Key West police forcibly removed two colored girls from a Greyhound bus for refusing to take seats at the back of the vehicle. The two were taken to the police station, where the police chief explained to them that Florida law required people of color to take seats at the rear of a public conveyance.

Not the time yet for a Rosa Parks!

On Twitter this morning: “What the fuck is wrong with Americans who aren’t on board with free healthcare. I’m Canadian and I don’t care that I pay extra taxes so a little boy in Alberta can have open heart surgery, or an elderly man in Nova Scotia can get the heart medication he desperately needs. It’s called taking care of your people. I’m glad to pay so that people can have a good quality of life. IT’S CALLED BEING A DECENT FUCKING HUMAN BEING.”

I agree.

Enjoy your day!


Happy birthday U.S.A.!

Two days ago, I wrote the Declaration of Independence was actually approved by the Continental Congress July 2 rather than July 4. July 4 came into play because it was the day the Declaration of Independence was printed. The error stuck and so we celebrate Independence on July 4th.

Another historical error involves the signing. Most historians disagree that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4. Nor was it signed on July 2. Historians claim it was signed almost a month after its adoption July 2. It was signed on August 2.

Apparently record keeping in 1776 was not as precise as it is today. The important thing is we won the war.

The major July 4th event tonight. Fireworks! At Knight Pier. Visible from most parts of Key West and up U.S.1.

One of the best evenings watching fireworks for me occurred some 20 years ago. Jenna Stauffer and I watched fireworks together from my Key Haven home. Two lounge chairs by the pool next to the ocean. A bottle of Dom Perignon. Fireworks clearly visible 2 miles away.

A perfect evening.

Banks can be a pain in the ass. Generally are.

Many Monroe County School District employee checks are bouncing because one of the School District’s banks could not handle payroll check deposits. Centennial is the bank involved. Centennial won the right to service the School District through a competitive bidding process.

The School District’s payroll deposit is normally $ 1.0 million. June 30 paychecks totaled $3.0 million. June 30 is the end of the School District’s fiscal year so deposits were larger. The School District had a $2.5 million line of credit. It was raised during the day to $3.5 million.

Centennial was unable to post the deposit to all School District employee accounts. It was too much for the bank to handle. Employees had written checks to pay their bills assuming and relying on the automatic bank deposits having been made. Checks bounced.

The School District was not aware of the problem. Centennial did not cover the “assumed” deposits. The bank did later in the day when posting was complete. Too late however to prevent checks from bouncing.

The School District should have been aware there would be a problem. Centennial should have warned the School District beforehand. More importantly, Centennial should have covered employee checks having full knowledge that they already had in hand sufficient funds from the School District’s deposit to do so. Fault appears to lie with Centennial for not doing so. An account as large as the School District’s is entitled to better consideration and attention under the circumstances.

The Keys Citizen makes it appear fault lie with the School District. School District representatives were apologizing and explaining all over the place. I see fault with the bank.

A question on Facebook this morning. The question: When is a retiree’s bedtime? Answer: Two hours after falling asleep on the couch.

So true.

Enjoy the holiday!




Mosquitoes Force Sale of Louisiana Territory

I published my first book in 2013. It was titled The World Upside Down. It consisted of a compilation of blogs I had written in the several years before. Those that I thought were of special interest.

Thomas Jefferson’s genius has always been given credit for the purchase and cheap price at which it was purchased of the Louisiana Territory. Historically incorrect. Jefferson favored the purchase because it would double the size of the United States. The availability for sale and cheap cheap purchase price were an accident of fate. Mosquitoes were the reason it sold so cheaply.

The chapter in The World Upside Down follows.


Historically mosquitoes have impacted man and his decisions.

We who live in Key West are familiar with the mosquito problem. Was it not for local laws creating a Mosquito Control Board a number of years ago, Key West would not have developed as it did. Discomfort and disease would have run rampant.

The local Mosquito Control Board is funded with tax dollars. It sprays by air and land. Planes and trucks are utilized. Property inspections are also made of all properties on a periodic basis. The purpose is to determine whether pools of water exist where mosquito eggs might breed.

The local Mosquito Control Board runs from Key West to just short of Sugarloaf.

Several months ago a newspaper article appeared claiming there were 1,000 cases of dengue fever in the lower keys. A reporting error. The writer had not properly researched the article before writing it. There were only 5 cases.

Dengue fever and yellow fever are the worst of the illnesses that mosquitoes can spread.

This brings us back to the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. It was 1802. France had huge land holdings in North America.

He sent an army to New Orleans to open the port for additional shipping and French colonization. New Orleans and Louisiana were part of France’s holdings at the time. The army was under the command of Napoleon’s brother in law, General Leclerc.

Napoleon told his brother in law to stop first in Haiti, which France also owned. A slave rebellion was proving bothersome to Napoleon. He instructed General Leclerc to put down the Haitian rebellion and then go onto New Orleans.

The French Army was powerful. Too powerful for the Haitians. The rebellion was put down in quick order.

However, the French lost 70,000 troops. They died. Including his brother in law, General Leclerc.

The cause was yellow fever. Brought on by the mosquitoes in Haiti.

Napoleon’s orders were swift. Get out of Haiti! Forget about New Orleans! Return home immediately!

Napoleon decided he wanted nothing to do with the new world. He entered into negotiations with the United States to sell the new country the Louisiana Territory.

The price was a clear indication of how desperate Napoleon was to remove France from the new world. Three cents an acre! Eight hundred twenty eight thousand acres for $15 million!

A bargain!

All because of those pesky mosquitoes!

My motivation in sharing the mosquitoes background to the Louisiana Purchase today is the recent news that dengue fever cases had occurred in Florida and Texas. The number few. Four in Florida and one in Texas. The Florida four were not in Monroe County.

Enjoy your day!




July 2 is the actual birth day of the United States. John Adams proof thereof.

On July 3, Adams wrote his wife stating: “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary Festival.”

The reason people believe it was July 4 is because the first printing of the Declaration of Independence took place two days after the Continental Congress voted to declare independence. Ergo, it is by accident we celebrate July 4 as Independence Day rather than July 2.

Rabbi Barry Silver has asked the Palm beach County School Board to ban the Bible. He is relying on Gov. DeSantis’ position that the school system should not be used to “indoctrinate” children. Silver is opposed to a number of things in the Bible.

A rabbi wanting to ban the Bible does not set right with me. His Jewish people have confronted and fought anti-Semitism forever. Does not make sense to me how he can be anti-Bible. Leaves me confused.

Bess Levin’s 6/29 Vanity Fair article is titled: “Trump, Who Has The Mind Of A Child, Still Thinks The Classified Documents He Got Indicted For Keeping Belong To Him.”

Trump so believes and wants his attorneys to get them back for him.

On this day 1938, the grand opening of the new Overseas Highway was held on the Bahia Honda Bridge. The new highway used some of the old railroad bridges. The purpose of the new highway was to eliminate auto ferries.

There was a ferry landing which operated between Lower Matecumbe and No Name Key between 1928 and 1938. 

Enjoy your Sunday!



Ernest Hemingway spent 9 years in Key West. Did some of his best writing at his residence.

If you have not, you must visit and tour his home on Whitehead Street.

Hemingway wrote mornings. The rest of his day was spent drinking, fishing and partying.

His home on Whitehead consisted of two buildings. One the house itself. The other a carriage house. The two were were separate, not physically connected.

Hemingway preferred privacy and quiet when writing. His arrangement for such was unique. His “writing room” was the second floor of the carriage house. Access was sealed off from the first floor. Only one way to gain entry. From a window on the second floor of his home to a window or door on the second floor of the carriage house. He used a board which he would slide between the two means of access and walk across. Then draw the board into the carriage house with him.

He was undisturbed. He left the same way he had gained access.

The second floor of the carriage house was referred to as his “writing studio.”

Hemingway did some of his best work there. His carriage house works included To Have and Have Not, The Old Man and The Sea, and Islands In the Stream.

Key West will fill up for the July 4th holiday. Many exciting events. Two not to be missed. The fireworks and Key Lime Festival.

The fireworks will take place at 9 pm in the evening on July 4th at the Edward B. White Bridge. Guaranteed exciting. Can be seen from most parts of Key West and U.S. 1.

It is strange that key limes have become an integral part of the weekend. This will be the fourth Annual Key Lime Festival. Strange I say because though the pie itself is Key West famous, limes are no longer grown in Key West.

The best part of the Key Lime Festival is the Key Lime Eating Championship. It will be held at 1:30 pm on the 4th at the Southernmost Beach Café. Participants are required to hold their hands behind their backs and dive face first into a 9 inch pie. The first to finish wins.

A messy champion!

I did a Happy Hour earlier this week at The Grand. Terrific! The whole regular menu is half price, as are the drinks.

Prices are reasonable to begin with which makes Happy Hour an extra special treat. The food excellent. Atmosphere soothing.

A place to try. I recommend it.

Elections matter. I repeat myself. I wrote it yesterday when when I titled the blog “Voting Counts.”

The Supreme court repeated itself also yesterday. Screwed up. Went too far in two decisions. The Court shot down Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan and came up with a freedom of speech decision which adversely affects LGBTQ persons.

The day before it was an anti-affirmative action decision. Last year the Court killed Roe v. Wade.

An observation. For decades, not just years, Republicans cried Democratic judges were “legislating” with their decisions. Republicans wanted judges who could stick to the letter of the law and not legislate. Policy was for Congress to determine. Not judges.

What is happening now with recent decisions by the 6-3 Republican majority, the Court is legislating. Made possible by 3 appointments. All by Trump. Their decisions destroying precedent are LEGISLATING. Plain and simple. They are determining policy. Making decisions contrary to the thinking and acceptance of a majority of Americans.

The Court’s composition has to change. Time for Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett and Roberts to go. Thomas and Alito first.

Florida’s permitless carry gun law goes into effect today. Thank you DeSantis!

Gun owners excited. 

Non carrying citizens beware. You could be more susceptible to getting shot. Piss no one off!

Moms for Liberty not what it sounds like. Actually a white supremacist pro-Nazi leaning group. Might be described as female Proud Boys.

Trump and DeSantis courting their support big time. Says it all!

Geraldo Rivera and FOX News broke up. After 20 years.

Rivera turns 80 next week.

Rivera has not been a perfect FOX fit. More progressive leaning. The “marriage” finally ran its course. Philosophical differences led to personal differences.

Trump does not look good. Each time he appears on TV, he looks more tired and beaten. His fire and zest gone. Things appear to be catching up with him. No wonder. His plate is full, the burden he carries too much for any person.

Continue enjoying the holiday!