Max Yasgur was a farmer who will forever be known because of Woodstock. It was the summer of 1969. He rented his farm land for 1 week to Woodstock’s sponsors.

The sponsors had been trying for some time to find a site to hold what would become a musical event never to be forgotten. They sought a central New York place for the event.

The area small town America. City fathers and residents were not in favor.

Finally, the sponsors discovered Max Yasgur. He owned a farm in Bethel, N.Y. He agreed to rent 600 acres of his farm for 1 week. The rental fee not certain. Most suspect it was $75,000.

Max was approaching 50 at the time. He was a pro-Vietnam War political conservative. Believed in the right of free expression. Respected people with lifestyles and beliefs different from his own.

Once word got out re Yasgur’s renting of his farm, his neighbors became aroused. Most were unhappy. Yasgur not only grew produce,  he was a dairy farmer. Signs suddenly went up around Bethel: “Don’t buy Yasgur’s milk.”

Fifty thousand were expected. Five hundred thousand showed up.

Everything was insufficient. Crowd control, toilets, water, food being examples.

Some neighbors sued Yasgur after the event for damage to their properties. Yasgur sued the sponsors for failing to do whatever was necessary to control the event. Everyone sued everyone. In the end, the lawsuits amounted to next to nothing.

Yasgur’s neighbors gradually returned. They threw him a dinner to show their renewed love for him. Except for the proprietor of the general store. Yasgur and his wife remained persona non grata.

Yasgur purchased a vacation home in Florida. In the Keys. Marathon to be exact. He moved to Marathon full time following the sale of his Bethel farm.

Yasgur died in Marathon in 1973.

Rolling Stones published obituaries. Only musicians were given the honor of a full page obituary. Rolling Stones opted to give Yasgur a full page. Though not a musician, he was recognized as having played a vital part in Woodstock.

Key West has many musicians residing here. I am confident a number were at Woodstock. I am only aware of two. My friends Larry Smith and Chrstine Cordone. They had to be kids back then.

Larry often talks about Woodstock.

Last night was Syracuse basketball. Syracuse beat Wake Forest by 2 points 75-73.

A typical Syracuse game this season. Syracuse had a 12 point lead in the first half, 10 at half time, and then had to work hard to come out on top by 2.

A win is a win, however. Syracuse keeps crawling back.I think they have won 7 of their last 9 games.

Today busy. Sloan at noon. Hot Dog Church later in the afternoon. Followed by Kate Miano’s Gardens.

Shoestring Weekends ran an interesting blog this morning. Made reference to the Last Chance Saloon. Not a Key West bar. Rather located just south of Florida City at mile marker 126.7. The “unofficial official” entrance to the Florida Keys.

The significance of the Shoestring blog was a sign on the outside of the Last Chance Bar: Inside Toilets.

Brought to mind a Stock Island bar that was the place to be for fun and rowdiness in the mid 1900’s. Its name I cannot recall. The sign on the front of its building I can: Free Beer Tomorrow.

I have begun the podcast show I stopped doing 2 yeas ago. Renamed it. Now: What’s Bugging Me Today.” Found on my Key West Lou page.

The podcast short. Yesterday’s 7 minutes. Today’s will be less than 1 minute.

Tino time again.

Tonight, the Academy Awards. There should be an award for best “extra.” Tino would win.

Yesterday he played a political hack. Today, a mail man.




Enjoy your Sunday!



God punishes!

So many believe that most wrongs inflicted on the human race is God punishing sinners. Perhaps. I don’t buy it, however. God responsible for a child developing brain cancer? The holocaust?

Does not make sense to me.

Even today, certain religious leaders subscribe to the belief.

Let’s zero in on earthquakes.

In 1750, England suffered two severe earthquakes. One February 8 and the other one month later on March 8.

A pornographic novel had earlier been published. The Memoirs of Fanny Hill aka Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure. Authored by a John Cleland.

Cleland was in prison and in need of money. Such drove him to write Fanny Hill.

Fanny Hill was the “first original English prose pornography, and the first pornography to use the form of the novel.” It has become one of the most prosecuted and banned books in history.

At the time of the two earthquakes, science was of the belief that such were caused by air pockets beneath the earth’s surface.

Thomas Sherlock was Bishop of London. He did not buy science’s reason as to the cause of earthquakes. Especially the two mentioned. He believed it was God punishing man for man’s wrongdoings.

In this instance, Fanny Hill. He considered Fanny Hill a “vile book, the lewdest thing I ever saw.”

The novel’s “heroine” Fanny Hill was a 15 year old girl in a London brothel. In a series of letters, she describes her life. One she liked. She wrote fondly of her experiences.

I read Fanny Hill. When I was in college. A copy of the book was floating around the dorm. By the time I got a hold of it, the pages were worn. I struggled through it.

An experience to have read! Especially at 19! Fanny’s activities could have caused an earthquake or two!

Lisa, my Lisa. I am proud of her. All the time.

She has created her own podcast. Kick In The Yes.

Real stories of successes in life, love, and business. Sort of a “you can do it” thing.

Watch the podcast. You will enjoy and learn.

Family day. Want to mention my grandson Robert.

Robert is a tennis player. A sophmore at Key West High School, he is the team’s #1 player. So ranked. Remarkable for a sophmore.

The school played its first matches yesterday. Robert won all that he played in. Singles and doubles.

My grandson!

To something I have written and talked about frequently.

Irma blew through the lower keys September 10, 2017. Some 2 1/2 years ago. Recovery no where complete. In some areas, people still living in tents, without water, toilets, etc.

The federal government under Trump never completes what ever assistance it promises to provide. Which it is obligated to provide.

The State steps in. Florida in this instance. Even slower.

One and a half years ago, Florida announced an $812 million program. The money was appropriated. Its purpose to help people rebuild.

Thus far, only 10 properties State wide have been completed. In the keys, none have even been started.

Of the $812 million, only $21 million has been spent.

What the hell is the State doing with the money? Get it out! Put it to use! There are people still crying out and in need! Why isn’t “Help Me!” being heard?

I wrote recently how Keys spiny lobster fishermen are suffering because China has canceled its import of spiny lobsters due to the coronayvirus epidemic.

As a result, a lot of spiny lobsters remain unsold.

Another spiny lobster tale of woe. With an opposite effect, however.

A 400 pound goliath grouper is sitting off Key West shores in 12 feet of water. Eating spiny lobsters. “Like popcorn.”

Part of Key West’s history involves Ernest Hemingway. On this day in 1964, the Hemingway House was formally dedicated as a museum.

In many of its earlier days, Key West was replete with whore houses. Fishermen, salvagers, and sailors providing the business.

Mom, her name otherwise unknown to me, operated 3 houses of ill repute in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Two in Key West and 1 on Stock Island.

Busy day and night.

The authorities kept closing Mom’s down. The local authorities did it. Reluctantly so, however. It was the U.S. Navy that pushed them to do it.

The Navy considered places like Mom’s neither popular nor proper with the “good people.” The Navy was also concerned with the venereal diseases its doctors had to deal with because of the establishments.

One of Mom’s working girls was not a happy camper. Why, I do not know. However, on this day in 1941 she overdosed and died. An apparent suicide.

Her name Cecelia Thompson Trunks.

Tino time.

Tino played an extra in a TV show that took place in either a U.S. Mexican neighborhood or Mexico itself. Tino played the part of a street peddler with cart selling polita. Mexican ice cream.

The New Hampshire Democratic Primary Debate last night.

The 7 participants all good. My sense is Sanders and Mayor Pete will come out 1 and 2. Not sure in which order.  Biden did well. Very well. However, I am not sure he can overcome the down slide he has been experiencing.

The moderators impressed me. ABC. They gave the candidates the opportunity to speak. Did not cut them off. When a topic, such as health care, was on a run, they let the candidates play it out. The moderators did not interrupt or cut the candidates off for any reason.

ABC treated the 7 candidates for what they were. Persons seeking the Presidency of the United States. Respect was shown.

I don’t want a President who is revengeful. Trump is. Too much so.

Yesterday, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was walked out of the White House. His brother a Lt. Col. also.

Ambassador Gordon Sonderland was called back from Europe.

In a sense, I cannot blame Trump. These persons spoke out against him. Did not support him. Did not lie for him.

I would want them out also if I were President. But do it with dignity and class. Two attributes Trump is lacking, however.

Whose head falls next?

Trump had a medal placed on Russ Limbaugh during the State of the Union. Wrong move! Vindman should have received the medal, not Limbaugh.

Syracuse/Wake Forest at 8 tonight.

Enjoy your day!



Hopefully, I am back! Long Sloan hours, more dollars to platform people, and everything should be A-OK. This blog will tell the story.

The problem boiled down to the blog having become too big. My blogs longer and comments increased.

I missed doing the blog. I know from comments received over the internet elsewhere that some of you missed reading it.

My frustration knew no end.

I have decided to add to that which I do. Recall for a while a couple of years ago, I did a short daily podcast about 1 or 2 items.  Then for whatever reason, I stopped.

The podcast is returning today. Short. Thirty to sixty seconds. Generally, one topic.

Titled: “What Bugs Me Today.” It will be found on my Facebook Key West Lou site.

Iowa a disgrace for the Democrats. Couldn’t have come at a better time for Trump. What a week he is having!

Trump’s State of the Union Address a disgrace. Lies upon lies upon lies. What bothers me is that 50 percent of the U.S. believe Trump’s lies.

The man truly a Pied Piper.

Yesterday’s religious breakfast and Trump’s acquittal address at noon also disgraceful. Disgraceful seems to be the word for the week.

Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. No one told Trump. His words at both events clearly reflect his thinking that he is the Almighty.

His reference to political adversaries as evil, corrupt, dirty cops, leakers, and liars show he believes himself to sit in judgment.

I loved his statement that the impeachment experience “never, ever happened to another President, ever.” All in his head!

Clinton was beat up for oral copulation  and a lie concerning the same. What Trump was charged with was far worse. He deserved the same pain and suffering that Nixon and Clinton went through during the investigations against them.

Trump apparently believes that which he says. Like those pursuing his actions were acting “almost like they want to destroy our country.”

Trump had it wrong. He is destroying our country.

As to his family: “We’ve been treated very unfairly.”

He apologized to his family “for having to go through a very phony rotten deal by some very sick people.” The pot calling the kettle black?

Trump is evil. Donald Jr. compared Nancy Pelosi to the devil: The “likelihood of Nancy Pelosi praying for Trump is about the same as the likelihood of Satan running around quoting the scriptures.”

Romney was the only Senator on the Republican side of the aisle to vote his conscience, to recognize his oath as a juror. Whatever you may think of Romney, he is a man of character. He has always been. His Mormon faith is deeply rooted in him.

Trump besmirched Romney. Referred to him as a “failed Presidential candidate” who “used religion as a crutch.”

Trump was acquitted out of fear. The Republican Senators to a person, except for Romney, “feared” him. A journalist wrote, “How in the world can these Senators walk around upright when they have no backbone? ”

The best laid plans of mice and men…..

I thought I had the “new” blog down to a science. Apparently not.

At this point, I wanted to add a picture of Tino sitting next to a Chicago Mayor. Tino portraying a political hack. I could not, cannot!

Means Sloan will be back over the weekend to “teach” me again.

A comment re the Super Bowl halftime performance. I thought the show was excellent! The music, beat, dancing, singing, etc. Did not consider it profane or dirty in any fashion. Jennifer Lopez and Shakira were wearing more clothes than the cheerleaders.

Did you notice?

The religious got involved.

Franklin Graham said the show lacked moral decency. It was a sexual exploitation.

Another referred to the halftime show as “Satan’s danced troupe.”

Then there was the Catholic nun in California. She considered the show “outrageous.” “Immoral.”

Catholic religious should not adversely comment till they clean their own house. From pedophilia, rampant homosexuality in the Vatican, nun involvement in sexual shenanigans, etc.

I could not help but think with all the bad things going on in the world that some people were complaining about a halftime show.

Time to remember His words…..Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

I live and learn. Were you aware those starring in a Super Bowl half time show are not paid. Yes, Jennifer Lopez and Shakira were not paid for their performances. Props, etc. are covered.

Forbes says the reason therefore is that the show “is the biggest promotional vehicle for a music star on the planet.” A one hundred million audience.

The economic benefit to a star’s Super Bowl performance in the days following the show dramatically surge upward. So much so  that the NFL has under serious consideration charging acts that appear.

So the world turns.

Issur Danielovich is dead. Kirk Douglas. At age 103.

A great actor!

May he rest in peace.

Glad to be back! Can’t wait to figure the pic problem out. Don’t forget to look for my Key West Lou podcast later today re What Bugs Me!

Enjoy your day!




Lost several days last week because of platform problems. Thrilled to be back!

So many thoughts left unwritten. I have picked out those that still have interest and share them with you today in a Morning Stew presentation.

Per the usual, there is no order in which they appear. I write as the topics appear in my notes.

Syracuse/Duke last night. Syracuse lost 97-88. A good first half. Syracuse began sliding in the second half.

Syracuse played well in January. Won 6, lost 1.

Syracuse lost last night for 2 reasons. They were unable to control their offensive backboards. Also, Duke’s in your face defense prevented Syracuse’s 3 point game.

Occasionally, I have written re myths surrounding George Washington. Like…..He did not chop down the cherry tree, he did not meet with Betsy Ross in 1776 re creating an American flag.

Another myth involves Washington’s teeth. Poor. Down to nothing at some point in his life.

Story has it Washington’s teeth were made of wood. False! His false teeth consisted of 3 sources: The teeth of slaves, filed down teeth from animals, and those fashioned from ivory.

Mark Twain was not always an author. The Civil War got him into writing.

Mark Twain his writing name. His real name Samuel Longhorne Clemens. In the years immediately prior to the Civil War, Clements was a qualified pilot on the Mississippi River.

Commercial traffic on the Mississippi ceased when the Civil War began in 1861. Clements went to Nevada and California hoping to strike gold and silver. No luck.

He turned to writing. Took the professional name Mark Twain. Wrote much about the Mississippi River. Became recognized as one of America’s greatest authors.

Tino as an extra. A homeless person. Tino says he is selected to play a homeless person often.

On this day in 1931, Pauline Hemingway was out fishing with husband Ernest. She caught a 7′ 1″ sailfish. The sailfish set a season record.

Bolton did not get to testify. Trump and the Republican Senators successfully barred the truth from the trial.

A trial is not a trial without witnesses and document exhibits. I know. I tried cases for 46 years.

A trial without witnesses and exhibits amounts to a cover-up and sham. Should not even be called a “trial.” In this instance, the Senate “trial” defrauded the American people.

The truth will out in due course. Before the November election. Hopefully it will affect the judgment of voters at that time.

Get rid of Trump!

Today a big one in American history. Groundhog Day!

The world’s most famous weather predictor.

The first groundhog event occurred on February 2, 1887. The groundhog’s name Punxsutawney Phil. Today’s groundhog still so named.

The crowds gathered this morning immense.

Punxsutawney Phil emerged at 7:28 am. A light snow falling. He did not see his shadow. Means an early spring.

Many things are broken in the U.S. The federal government one. Especially the Presidency and Republican Senate.

Another is the criminal justice system.

A 36 year old Pennsylvania woman with advanced cancer a perfect example.

The lady stole $109.63 in groceries from a supermarket. She wheeled the cart out without paying.

She was arrested. It came out prior to and during the proceedings that she had about 1 month to live. Advanced uterine cancer and cervical cancer. She required immediate surgery to remove her uterus and tissue around it. A last ditch effort. Her doctor told her, “If you don’t get this done, you will die. It is eating you up inside.”

She was sentenced Monday. That same day she had an appointment with her doctor to make final arrangements for the surgery.

The judge sentenced her to at least 10 months in jail.

The woman had a record of petty thievery and drug addiction.

Should not have been an issue under the circumstances.

The supermarket says it had nothing to do with it. The authorities are responsible. Pennsylvania’s Lt. Governor has gotten involved. Said he was going to the supermarket and pay the bill himself. The supermarket said again out of their hands.

The United States of America. Doesn’t sound like it. Or, maybe it does. We seem to be in a steady decline in all respects.

Appears Trump will be acquitted of Impeachment on Wednesday. So be it. I hope American voters will remember all the deviousness involved in the proceeding and vote Trump and whatever Republican Senators they can out of office in November. Throw out the Republican Congresspersons also.

We need a clean slate!

The Trump tragedy we are experiencing did not begin with Trump’s election. It goes back to 2010 when the U.S. Supreme Court decided Citizens United v. FEC Rulings. The decision determined a corporation was a “person” and could contribute funds in an election.

Major corporations are contributing mega-bucks.

Money can and does buy elections. It is happening. Trump a benefactor. The 100 plus federal judges McConnell has successfully appointed to the bench another example.

It is the money that controls. Not Trump or McConnell. They are merely the beneficiaries and tools of the rich.

Pete Buttigieg’s husband Chasten Buttigieg was in Key West Wednesday evening for a fundraiser.

Stock Island was once famous for its dog track. One was built in 1953. Took all of 6 weeks to build. Opened with a crowd of 4,000.

How times have changed. Can’t build anything of significance today in 6 weeks. The soon to start repair work to the Cow Key Bridge an example.

The Key West Citizen continues to publish May Johnson’s diary. From 1896.

May a 19 year old school teacher.

I mentioned last week my suspicion that May’s Mom did not like Miguel. Miguel appears to be May’s boy friend.

The newspaper’s Citizens’ Section printed a comment in yesterday’s paper: “Inquiring minds want to know when May and Miguel hook up. Can’t wait.”

China is the worst hit by the coronavirus epidemic. The Florida Keys are also affected. though not by the virus itself. Rather by the huge number of spiny lobster shipments Chinese brokers have cancelled.

China loves spiny lobsters from the Florida Keys. Import them big time.

The Chinese New Year celebration last week was cancelled. Crippled Keys’ sales.

Last year at this time, spiny lobsters were selling for $20 a pound. Three weeks ago, down to $10 a pound. Now, $6 a pound.

Primarily because of China cancelling orders.

You do not have to get the bug itself to suffer.

Today, Super Bowl. Tonight at 6:30. Most of America will be watching.

An exciting event!

There was a time I attended Super Bowl religiously. Eleven consecutive ones till I retired to Key West. Key West replaced the Super Bowl trips for me pleasure wise and fun wise..

The most memorable Super Bowl in history involved the New York Jets and Baltimore Colts. The AFL and NFL.

The AFL was relatively new. NFL teams were the powerhouse.

Super Bowl III was played January 12, 1969.

Joe Namath was quarterback for the New York Jets. Considered a loud mouth at the time. The AFL second rate.

The Colts were projected to win decisively. Namath did not agree. Three days before the game he said, “We’re gonna win the game. I guarantee it.”

The Jets won 16-7. Namath was correct. Eventually became respected as one of the great professional quarterbacks of all time.

Enjoy the Super Bowl!

Enjoy your Sunday!



Say hello to Faustino Gonzalez. Nickname Tino. Tino to everyone who knows him.

First however, some remarks re my absence for a few days. My platform was not functioning properly. Pure aggravation.

I thank the many who not knowing the actual reason, nevertheless commented their get well wishes, etc., thinking I was sick. All appreciated.

Then there were those few who never understand anything.

My blog. So if I want to throw a few jabs. My prerogative.

Those who made “sick” comments about my condition were it illness, do me a favor and go read someone else’s blog. You are the sick ones.

Then there are those who for example think I should get an editor to do my work. Not understanding I do the blog because I enjoy it. In spite of the aggravations sometime involved.

I retired at 70. Now, 84.

I found when I retired I was spending most of my days in bed. Not healthy. I also discovered I was lacking mental stimulation. Something that was a part of my entire career.

I had to do something. Began the blog 14 years ago. Had no idea what a blog was. Came across a story about blogs on the internet and was off and running.

Loved it! Still love it! The blog pops up on 14 different sites and has 70,000 subscribers worldwide.

I do the blog the same time I got up mornings during the 46 years I was a lawyer. No later than 6 in the morning, I am at my desk researching and writing that day’s blog. Takes roughly 5-6 hours.

Keeps me out of bed!

I also do a podcast tuesday evenings. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Requires 5-6 hours preparation. A fun trip however.

Every now and then I do local radio show. Fill in, help out.

In the meantime, I have published 2 books and presently am working on 2 others. One for 4 years. The Italian one.

Am I mentally stimulated? You better believe it! So  why would I want someone else to do the writing for me?

Sure I complain. Who does not in this world. I get frustrated also. Who does not. Such is life.

I honestly believe that if I were not so engaged at 84, I would be sitting in a wheel chair in a nursing home with my tongue hanging out.

My limitation at this stage is my health. Nothing I can do about it. I try to watch things. See many doctors. Perhaps too many. Always concerned.

My health now limits my evening activities. Can’t do 6-7 nights a week anymore. Lucky to get 2 in.

That’s the way it goes.

Having vetted a bit, on to Tino Gonzalez.

Met Tino years ago in Key West. He and his lovely wife Maria were snowbirds. Owned a home in Key West for 10 years.

Originally from Chicago, they decided to sell and spend most the year in Chicago near the grandkids.

Tino is now 72. A relatively short guy. Tough acting as most short persons are. Masks his warm heart.

Tino is third generation Mexican. Grew up in Chicago’s Italian neighborhood. Still lives there. Bridgeport. Known as a “cops and robbers” neighborhood in his early years.

A political stronghold. The area rich in patronage. Home to many police and fire officers.

The name ‘”machine” is sometimes applied to the neighborhood. The first Mayor Daley lived there 21 years. His son, Mayor Daley #2, 22 years.

The neighborhood has a very large Italian-American club. The Old Neighborhood Italian American Club. Six hundred members strong. The building an edifice.

Many TV shows and movies are filmed in Chicago. Most in Bridgeport.

Five years ago, Tino noticed people were being hired as “extras.” He started going each day and waiting to be selected. Five years later, he is in great demand as an extra. Plays every possible part. Never speaks however. Extras do not talk.

Paid well, however.

Tino much in demand. He is doing 70 plus shows a year. He has appeared in Chicago PD, Chicago Fire, Chicago Justice, the Batman TV Series, and many more.

Tino in his other life was a career Air Force member. Had the misfortune of crashing while in a helicopter.

His new life interesting. So much so that I want to share it with you. The game plan is to run a pic or two of Tino while performing. Together with a very few words as to who he is playing and in what show.

Initially, the pics might be from shows 2 years old. As Tino and I work out a system, they will hopefully be current. I may be able to provide the name, date and TV outlet for the show.

Today’s pics are of Tino having been beaten by a bunch of thugs and chained. The second pic is of the police treating Tino.

You will be amazed as this series of pics develop as to the many parts Tino plays. A man of diverse talents.


Enjoy your day!