Federal and state governments have and still are strapped for cash. The cry the past thirty years has been PRIVATIZE! Farm out certain services to the private sector. Supposedly the job will be done better and cheaper.


The package sold with regard to prisons. Privatized prisons came into being.


A private prison is defined as a facility/place in which individuals are physically confined or incarcerated by a third party that is contracted by a government agency.


How did private prisons come about?


Start first with the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Amendment that freed the slaves. Contrary to popular belief, the Thirteenth Amendment did not free all persons from slavery.


The pertinent section of the Thirteenth Amendment is as follows. “1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT AS PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME WHEREOF THE PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN DULY CONVICTED, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” (emphasis added) The emphasized portion is referred to as the Punishment Clause.


Businessmen and plantation owners knew at the time of the Emancipation Proclamation that all men free was around the corner. Who was going to work the factories and fields cheaply? Such persons were instrumental in having the punishment clause included in the free the slaves amendment.


Slavery therefore is still legal as punishment for a crime.


The Thirteenth Amendment was ratified at the end of the Civil War. Beginning in 1868, convict leases were issued to private parties to supplement their work forces. The convicts were referred to as a chain gang. Chain gangs remained in place in decreasing numbers into the early 1950s.


The 1980s brought with it congested prisons. New jails and increased staff were required to support the war on drugs.


Private prisons have grown and multiplied since that time. With little oversight/scrutiny by any government. The federal and state frame of mind was we are paying you to take this headache off our hands… it and do not bother us.


The first modern private prison company was the Correction Corp. of America for Hamilton County, Tennessee. Within a few years, the State of Tennessee turned all its jails over to Corrections Corp. of America to operate.


Corrections Corp. of America is the largest or one of the largest such companies in the United States. Within two decades, the Correction Corp. increased its profits by 500 percent. In 2011, it took in $5 billion in revenue.


Wall Street became aware in 2009 of the profitability of private prisons. Millions of dollars were invested and continue to be invested. Wells Fargo alone has $106 million invested in two jail companies.


Today, 20 percent of federal prisoners and 7 percent of state prisoners are confined in private prisons.


Private jail companies are no different than any other major corporation. With the big dollars, comes big lobbying with Congress and in state capitals. Also national and regional meetings in exotic locations where legislators and other influential government persons are entertained.


Four types of legislation sought to be influenced on a consistent basis include longer sentencing bills, later parole legislation, three strikes and you’re out which leads to lifetime incarceration, and the lengthening of infraction sentences. While today’s mood is to decriminalize and lower/eliminate prison confinement, the jail companies are working in the other direction. With success.


Private prisons on the surface appear to be cost effective for cash strapped states. The private industry sold the states a bill of goods. We can do it better and cheaper.


Their track record stinks.


Poor training of personnel has led to violence and escapes. Food not the best nor the most recent. Proper medical care lacking. Female prisoners raped. Paroles granted later than the normal time. Prisoners charged for their upkeep. Failure to pay results in time being added on to a sentence.


Private prisons are increasingly being used as immigration detention centers.


Private prisons are selective as to which prisoners they will take. They are not interested in high coast inmates. The disabled, elderly and HIV-positive for example. The private prison companies only want the healthiest and youngest prisoners.


State and county governments are not happy with private prisons after having lived with them for several years. Private prison companies require the governmental agency to guarantee a certain number of occupied beds. If at any given time the occupancy rate falls below the contracted number, the private prison company charges for the empty beds. With crime down and fewer persons being sentenced to jail, such is putting a strain on state and county monies.


There is another problem. Brings back into play the slavery issue.


Private jail prisoners work like employees in a factory. Except they either do not get paid or get pennies in effect. The prison companies have contracted with outside corporations to produce certain goods. They cannot meet required deliveries. The reason again less crime and fewer people going to jail.


Certain private prisoner companies make uniforms for popular restaurants like McDonald’s and Applebee’s.


As a result, private prison companies are threatening to sue states and other governmental agencies for lost profits. Another way of saying they will sue unless they get more inmates. To be used as free labor.


An interesting observation. The Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment were to have freed the slaves. Blacks were the slaves at the time. Today, there are more blacks in jail. Blacks still persecuted. Blacks still not free. Blacks slaves of the Thirteenth Amendment which was adopted to free them.


Finally, corruption. On a scale guaranteed to astound you.


Mark Ciavarella, Jr. was a Luzerne County, Pennsylvania Judge. He recently was sentenced to 28 years in jail.


From 2003 to 2008, he took close to $1 million in bribes from a private prison company to send 4,000 children to juvenile detention centers. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court threw the convictions out. However such did little good as a practical matter. The 4,000 had already served time in situations where they normally would not have. Like talking back to a teacher.


Another Lucerne County Judge, Michael Conahan, was also sentenced to a lesser term for basically the same crimes.


Ciavarella is referred to in Luzerne County as the “Kids for Cash Judge.”

Whether judges or government officials, bribery corruption as committed by the two judges has to be merely the tip of the iceberg.


My advice to all. Do not be in a hurry to privatize anything. Tell your elected officials so. Whether private prisons, Social Security, pension funds, or what have you. Man has a darker side. It occasionally surfaces where big dollars are involved.


Two outstanding Key West personalities are Clayton and Valerie. Husband and wife. Liked by all.

Hard workers. Visionaries. Not afraid to dream. Never fearful of trying.

Five years ago yesterday, Clayton and Valerie opened Vinos on Duval. Mid Duval. 810 Duval to be specific. After much aggravation with the City over building permits. A story unto itself.

They have worked hard. Vinos on Duval is a success. Unquestionably.

Success is a motivation in and of itself. Clayton and Valerie have opened two additional Vinos. In major venues. One in coconut Grove and the other on Las Olas in Fort Lauderdale.

My congratulations to them.

I rarely stop into Vinos. Sadly so. I do not drink wine. I am strictly a gin drinker. I do not enjoy sipping a Diet Pepsi while everyone else is getting on a buzz.

I enjoyed a couple of drinks at the outside bar at Aqua’s last night with Mark Watson. Met Carl and Stacey. Nice people. Key Westers through and through. Enjoyed my conversation with Carl.

I have become a recent fan of Latitudes on Sunset Key. A five minute boat ride from Key West to Sunset Key where Latitudes is located. The island additionally has a resort called Sunset Key Cottages. Part of the Westin operation.

Diane Schmidt is General Manager of the entire Westin operation which includes Sunset Key Cottages. A professional in every respect.

Sunset Key Cottages is also a Luxury Collection Resort.

Sunset Key Cottages was recently named the #1 resort in the continental United States and #8 worldwide by Travel and Leisure magazine. Quite a distinction. Congrats to Diane and her highly qualified staff.

Yesterday was the 80th anniversary of the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935. A big one! A category 5! Terrible! Winds 200 miles per hour, tides 18-20 feet, just under 400 people killed.

You never know.

Supermarket carts seem to find their way all over the island. The supermarkets losing money. They have come up with a solution.

Some kind of modern day item has been implanted in carts being constructed today. The carts immediately and abruptly become inoperable when pushed past the perimeter of the parking lot. Locally, Publix at Sears has them.

The supermarket cry…..Leave my carts alone!

Bocce tonight. A tough match. We play Hell’s Rangers. They are hell!

Hell’s Rangers generally ends the season #1. They lose anywhere from 0-2 games. Impressive!

They are tied for #1 this season. Their record 6-0. We are tied for second. Our record 5-1. Records at this time mean nothing. Too early in  the season. All I know is that tonight we will have our hands full! One win would be a victory. Two, off the wall.

Yesterday’s blog affected many. The comments were overwhelming. The two issues that did it were Planned Parenthood and cannolis. One stormy, the other pleasant.

Enjoy your day!




A sweet start to the morning. Cannoli.

Roostica has become my tuesday evening dining spot. Roostica basically around the corner. I do not like to travel far from home before my blog talk radio show.

I desired a sweet after dinner. Unusual for me. Amanda suggested cannoli. It has been years since I enjoyed cannoli. I decided to go for it!

Absolutely delicious! Shell crisp, filling a soft chocolate. Told Amanda that when I was a little boy, I used to help my mother make cannolis.

Pre-school. Three to 5 at the time. We lived third floor front. I mention the location of the family abode to assis in visualizing. Top floor. Boiling hot in the summer. Roof flat.

We were Italians. My mother born in Italy. My father here of Italian born parents. My mother cooked Italian. What had been brought over from the old country.

My mother made cannolis. I helped her. A big deal for me at the time!

I remember the dough making. I was permitted to roll some. Then the round sticks around which the dough was wrapped. Sort of like a hot dog. A bit shorter and thicker. Technical name for the round wood sticks dowel rods. Solid and cylindrical.

The rods were easy to pull out after the cooked dough had cooled and crisped.

Then came the filling. I was allowed to help filling the shells. Ricotta. Sweetened ricotta. Then to the ice box for cooling. Note, not refrigerator. The ice man came every two days with a large block of ice. When ready to be eaten, the cannolis were sprinkled with confectionery sugar.

Delicious to eat! Great taste!

Cannolis are not Italian by nature. Their ethnicity Arab. The Muslims controlled and administered Sicily from 831 AD to 1072 AD. They brought cannolis to Italy. The Italians took to the dessert and it spread the length of Italy.

The Arabs considered the cannoli a fertility symbol. Perhaps because the cannoli was first made/discovered in a harem in some Arab country.

Amanda is now six months pregnant. She excitedly showed me an ultrasound imaging picture of her son. He is growing. Amanda is growing. No question she is pregnant. Beaming also!

My blog talk radio show last night. My show controversial. Some comment afterwards. Especially those not agreeing with me.

One of the topics last night was Planned Parenthood. Recent videos have revealed that fully intact aborted babies were being sold. Along with fetus tissue and body parts. A fully intact aborted baby has to be 7-9 months.

I took the position on the show that Planned Parenthood was wrong, that the entire situation was SICK!

A loyal blog talk show listener is a mature woman living in Ithaca, NY. She follows me religiously. Reads also my blog and KONK Life columns. As you will read, she definitely disagreed with me.

I quote…..”I’ll tell you what’s sick–you and your ridiculous gullibility as to the Planned Parenthood fraudulent accusations. I’ve turned off konk radio–I can’t take it anymore.”

I have commented previously re Planned Parenthood and the selling of fetus cells and body parts. The reaction by women has been ten fold. A woman I know well in Key West stopped me on the street, looked me directly in the eye, and in an agitated firm tone said…..Stop picking on Planned Parenthood!

The situation was revealed some 2-3 months ago. Planned Parenthood says they have done nothing wrong in selling aborted parts or now the whole of aborted babies nor selling for a fee. The matter is now in the courts, before Congress and certain State legislative bodies.

This year’s Fantasy Fest parade and Halloween fall on the same evening. Certain City Commissioners wanted Halloween moved from October 31 to November 1 to accommodate the parade and purportedly protect the children. A vote was taken last night. It failed. Both will be held the same evening.

I do not see it as a problem. Most kids do not watch the parade. Trick or treating is done in neighborhoods and not on Duval.

I look forward to today. My screw off day after four consecutive days of research and writing.

Enjoy your day!


Sheila Cullen is part of the Chart Room round table. The place where several of us resolve Key West and world problems several nights a week.

Sheila is on the staff of the Key West Citizen. One of her responsibilities is the Citizens’ Voice column which appears daily on page 2. It is the place where readers can give vent to that which is aggravating them. Some comments are favorable and laudatory, though a rarity.

The comments sent in for Citizens’ Voice publication are numerous. Too many for all to be printed. Sheila’s job is to read all and decide which are to be published. She tries to do a good job. Actually, she does. So many letters and so little space.

One thing Sheila is proud of his her fair and balanced approach. If there are two sides to a story, she endeavors to publish both.

One of the comments this morning was right on…..Politicians are like baby diapers, they need to be changed often and for the same reason.

A perfect choice, Sheila!

This is a Key West Citizen morning. Bottom right hand corner of the comic page carries The World Almanac. Things that occurred this date in time. One of the items involves birthdays of the famous, dead or alive.

This morning Engelbert Humperdinck was listed. His years 1854-1921. Could not be! I know Engelbert Humperdinck. A singer of international fame back in my days. The 1960s and 1970s. Must be a mistake, I thought.

It was not. Turns out the Engelbert Humperdinck listed was for real. He was a famous German composer. Including operas. One of his most famous Hansel and Gretel.

The more recent Engelbert Humperdinck was and still is an English pop singer. His real name and the name he initially performed under was Arnold George Dorsey. His manager said Arnold needed a new name. So he took the original Engelbert Humperdinck’s.

Both men successes. Both big time during their respective eras.

I started my yesterday on the anti-gravity treadmill. The best thing I have done exercise wise in years. I go a bit faster each day.

Then to the Marriott Beachside Beach Bar for lunch and the newspapers. Simon bartending. Originally from Poland, he has resided in Key West 11 years.

Simon likes to travel. He does it as often as possible. His goal is to see the world. He returned two weeks ago from Hawaii.

I spent the afternoon preparing for tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Interesting topics. Most, revealing.

Topics include Congress failing to fund the U.S. Navy sufficiently so that we are now way behind China and Russia in naval vessels, the Eurounion willing to pay African countries 1 billion euros each to take back immigrants, a new study bolstering the bad effects of Roundup, food stamp use dramatically on the rise under Obama, a one month old new Middle East war the American media fails to report, Illinois not having the money to pay a $250,000 lottery winner, and more.

Join me at 9 my time for a fast moving half hour.

Last night, the Chart Room first. Sheila Cullen, Jean Thornton and I the round table group. Met Dan. He is the new political cartoonist for KONK Life.

Jean and I had dinner at the bar at Hot Tin Roof. It has been a while since we dined together. A most charming woman. Found gold and emeralds when diving with Mel Fisher years ago. Has not worked since. Enjoys life.

Obama in Alaska today. A global warming trip. The issue needs to be emphasized and I am glad Obama is doing it.

The President announced yesterday that Alaska’s Mt. McKinley was being renamed. to Denali. Republicans are up in arms. Let me share the facts and you make up your mind.

Mt. McKinley is the highest mountain in North America. When McKinley was running for President back in the late 1890s, the mountain was named after him. A political move. McKinley never visited the mountain before, at the time or thereafter.

The people of Alaska have historically referred to the mountain as Denali. The High One, The Great One. In 1975, Alaska by law renamed McKinley Denali. The people of Alaska preferred it that way.

Sounds to me like an ok judgment by the President.

Enjoy your day!