A photographer I am not! As revealed by the photos presented here the past several days.
Many have communicated with me as to the poor quality. Advice given. Everything from cleaning the camera lens to what to buy to perform the task correctly.
No more photos till I have been appropriately educated and purchased the correct equipment. Knowledge is the key here.
There will be one pic today. Not taken by me, however. It is a photo of a piece of art.
I wish to talk a bit about Tennessee Williams. World famous play write and author.
Tennessee Williams lived in Key West for many years.
Tennessee Williams’ home strangely is located in the new town portion of Key West. On Duncan. It is presently owned by my friend Evan who lives there several months year.. The home has been restored. It is beautiful to behold.
Williams was a regular visitor to Key West from 1941 to his death in 1983. Until he purchased the home, he resided at the La Concha Hotel on Duval. Williams purchased the home in 1949. He listed Key West as his permanent address till his death in l989. The Duncan Street home was the only house Williams ever owned. He rented elsewhere.
The home is located at 1431Duncan street.
Williams had drinking and drug problems. He was always seeking stimulation. He needed the uniqueness of this island and other places “…to stimulate his writing.” He came Key West when “…he discovered….a startling new place.”
The Rose Tattoo was one of Williams top works. He wrote the play in l951. It won the award for best play of the year. A movie of the play was made in 1957. The movie starred Anna Magnani and Burt Lancaster.
Williams did not have to go far to perform his writing duties for the movie. The film version of The Rose Tattoo was made in the 1400 block of Duncan Street in Key West also. Williams’ house was on the northern corner. The Rose Tattoo house the south. The home is still standing. Overgrown by trees and shrubbery. Pratically invisible to the eye. A rental.
Two historical homes of a sort on the same block is a wow!
Anna Magnani received the Academy Award for Best Actress as a result of her performance in The Rose Tattoo.
Williams’ play was presented world wide after its Broadway and Hollywood successes. Dublin, Ireland was one of those places.
It was 1957. Things then were not as they are now. Society was repressed and reserved. Sex was dirty.
The play was shown. One of the scenes required a condom to fall out of a pocket. That’s all. The cast mimed the condom’s fall. The director and theater owner were arrested. The charge was they had made a “…lewd statement.”
The photo of the painting of Williams’ home posted here was done by the artist Ruben Concepcion. My Lisa has it for sale in her Key West Internet department store Via Key West. Take a look at it and other paintings which reflect Key West people, places and things. http://www.viakeywest.com/.
Enjoy your day!