Today is the day.
Stress test at 9 am.
Yesterday started with a visit to the gym. Boxing and the treadmill.
Then a walk over to Don’s Place. Next door to the gym. I needed a drink of water.
Rob was bartending. It was noon time. The breakfast crowd was finishing up.
I was sitting next to a woman at the bar. She said…..ketchup and mustard? We both laughed. She was referring to Robert eating broccoli. I had mentioned it in yesterday’s blog.
A loyal reader!
Then to the Coffee House. Sipped and read the morning papers.
It was time for a manicure. I drove over to Lee Nails. They have moved. Still in the shopping plaza at 3122 Flagler Ave. But now in the middle. A move of six stores.
How beautiful! Modern! Colorful! Tammy and her husband have done a grat job in the remodeling.
Tammy and I visited as she did my nails. I admire her and her husband. I do not know how long her husband has been in the United States. But Tammy has been here only 8 years. They both work hard and are striving to achieve the American dream.
I think they may already have!
Lisa had jury duty yesterday. She was not picked. She does not have to return. Her jury duty is done for a year.
This was the first time for Lisa. She said she enjoyed the process.
I visted with my house guests Donna and Terri a bit later in the afternoon. They are both busy beavers. Working on the La Te Da show starting Thanksgiving evening. Doing detail work for Feinstein’s in January.
I am discovering that being a Broadway performer involves a lot of background work.
Dinner was special last night!
Kurt telephoned me. Said he had a huge prime rib that he was cooking out on the grill. Come over for dinner!
I went.
Kurt bartends at Don’s place. One of his house mates is Robert. Robert bartends at the Sports Page. Robert was there for dinner also. And Pat. Pat is Kurt’s friend from Indiana. He drove in over the weekend. He just applied for a permit to be a street performer. He wants to play the guitar and sing while meandering Duval.
There was one other guest. Carol Ann.
Carol Ann is from Big Rapids, Michigan. I have it right. Big Rapids. Not Grand Rapids.
She loves Key West. Visits 3 times a year.
It was her last night in Key West. Kurt knows her from Don’s place. I met her there 2 years ago. She is a loyal reader of the blog.
A lovely woman! Charming! We hugged and kissed when I entered.
Dinner was excellent! Kurt is a top shelf cook. He has three outstanding qualities. Besides being a nice guy. He is a bartending personality, a good cook and one of the best golfers in Key West!
Drinks and dinner were enjoyable. A lot of laughs. The wine flowed.
After dinner, Kurt decided to take Carol Ann to the Pier House for Larry Smith’s monday night jazz show. I decided not to join them. Ever mindful of this morning’s stress test, I opted to go home to bed.
Enjoy your day! I hope I enjoy mine!
good luck on your stress test lou. you will be fine. nice and 62 degrees in columbia,sc……….BYRDMAN
Hey Lou hope the test went OK. Sounds like you are doing good in the gym. We will be in Key West in December, hope to see you then. Ali & John from England
Best of Luck on the Stress Test. My docs wanted a Lexi Scan for me (look it up) and I said no way given the fact they inject "stress" into your veins. Man, heart trouble is an irritation to life.
We'll be down in Dec as well. I would love to get together with you while we're there. Please send me you real email address so we can set it up. I'm jackkelly20 and my host name is the usual WWW stuff and then think of the Wizard of OZ…