A day of remembrance.


Most of us recall where we were on days such as today. I do. As well as where I was when President Kennedy was shot.

I recall on 9/11 speaking with my Congressman and friend Sherry Boehlert. He said the world would never be the same. He was right.

The increased tensions with the Muslim world are one example. I do not buy the argument that our problem is only with radical Muslims. There must be an awful lot of them! Muslims turn out 100,000 people to protest like it was nothing.

I am disappointed that we have failed yet to build a memorial to and rebuild in some fashion the 9/11 site. Nine years is more than enough time!

I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

However, I think the building of the proposed mosque/cultural center less than 2 blocks from 9/11 an insult. A slap in the face. Poor taste.

Then there is this minister who wants to burn the Quran. In poor taste, also. But…..the Muslims burn my flag and hang my President in effigy. So why not!

There is this constant need to accomodate and not offend the Muslim world. They do not reciprocate in kind. They have already murdered 3,000 people in one day. They offend us constantly. They are developing and have developed nuclear weapons.

There comes a time when one has to say no more.

And the way it is said is with actions. Not words. They hear not. They do what they want.

Actions does not necessarily mean war. But if it must be war, so be it. We are already fighting two wars in the Muslim world. To no realistic avail. If we are to fight, then lets fight as in World War II. To win!

And whatever we do, we must do as a united people.

There is too much dissension in this country. We have to come together. To be one again.

Jesus Christ said it right. Matthew recorded it. Lincoln repeated the words at the start of the Civil War. Mathew 12:25. “…..every city and house divided against itself will not stand.”

A house divided cannot stand!

One person’s thoughts from Key West.

19 comments on “

  1. Lou,
    Because you are a Liberal Democrat and I am a Conservative Republican, we seldom agree on political issues (although I respect your right to have opposing beliefs). However, this issue of Islam vs. Christianity transends politics.

    I fully agree with your comments about the issue of burning the Islamic bible!

    The more we cower to the sentiments of the Muslims, the more fuel we are adding to their confidence that they can over run our country.

    Islam is not accepting of other religions and has no desire to co-exist with other religions. The goal of Islam is for it to be the religiion of the world. ISLAM or BUST (or behead)!

    For some eye-opening facts about Islam, pick up a copy of "The Truth about Muhammad-Founder of the World's Most Intollerant Religion" or "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam", both written by Robert Spencer.

    REMEMBER 9/11!

  2. Good Morning! I have been reading your blog for the past few months, because I like your style of writing and I love the location, the keys.
    I fish most weekends in the keys, been in this country since 1977 and i love this country and all the opportunity and freedom it affords us all. I do not agree
    with all of its policies but so what , no one agrees with everything all the time.
    I have always admired Americans for their generosity to causes all over the world. They are always the first ones to open their hearts and wallets to famine and hunger, and disasters al over the world.
    I am also a Muslim, it saddens me that you would your would put all 1.2 billion of us in the same category as the monsters who participated in 9-11.

  3. Great post Lou! I was 19 when 9/11 happened. I was going to college at Hofstra University on Long Island at the time and was at the gym when the towers were struck. I remember the DJ interuppting the song that was playing to say that a plane had just hit the WTC. I kinda stopped what I was doing and just listened to him describe what he was seeing, when he started to scream that second plane had hit the other tower.

    At the point I sprinted across campus, because Hofstra has dorms that 14 floors tall and gave clear views of NYC. I went to the top floor and just watched. Since it was so clear out you could see everything clear as day. Helicopters circling, debris falling, and plumes of smoke and flames. It was surreal thing to watch unfold.

    Hopefully today everyone can put aside the politco BS for a day and just remember how we all felt in those initial days and hours and remember those that were lost.

    As always, great post!

    Boston, MA

  4. Muslim guy here again. Its very fashionable to hate Muslims right now , just like it was the Jews a short while back.
    What does it accomplish , to spread more hate. Please think about it . Another commenter just mentioned the Robert Spencer book , a hate monger who is making good money off peoples fears.
    I dont think I can change anyones mind. But I can certainly change my behavior and teach my childrens not to hate people who are different. My father arrived here penniless and was helped so much by Jews and Christians. There are good people everywhere , I have learned that here more then anywhere else. Have a great day!
    Ps. I really envy your ability to live in the keys, you are blessed!

  5. Louis,

    You make a good point regarding Muslim intolerance. I don't think you are saying that one should hate Muslims, as one contributor is stating. But there should be an awareness made that tolerance goes both ways. Why are we in this country made to feel guilty about expressing freedom, if it possibly offends Muslims.

    A conservative number is that ONLY 7% of all 1.2 Billion Muslims are "radical". That comes to 80 Million Muslims who are radical!! Something that we all should realize.

    I would feel much better about the "moderate" Muslims if they united and denounced the "radical" Muslims….often and loudly, on television, in Arab countries, in major newspapers, etc. I think I shall be waiting a long time for that day.

  6. Great blog as usual, you have such a way about you that many people just adore. thanks for yur daily imput on interesting facts. A friend from The North country.

  7. Keep pissing off the Muslim(s), Lou, and you'll have a death threat. They're very good at getting even, even when there's nothing to get even about. Killing is what they know and do good at, even to themselves: The idiots!! It's that organized religious crap that should be outlawed, when people should be praying at home in the privacy of their bedroom, if they are believers of something that doesn't exist.

  8. Mr. "Muslim Guy",
    Please be careful about expressing to a radical Muslim (of which there are many) your tolerance of other people's views on religion.

    The sword does not descriminate between non-believers.

    You could find your own head rollin' on down the avenue.

  9. *** begin quote ***
    Then there is this minister who wants to burn the Quran. In poor taste, also. But…..the Muslims burn my flag and hang my President in effigy. So why not!
    *** end quote ***

    A few reasons why not:

    (1) This is America and we have religious tolerance. It affords us a measure of peace that is not enjoyed elsewhere. We don't need to import that problem. Especially not by some pastor of a no name Church with 30 members.

    (2) When teams go into a game, you don't give your opponent "bulletin board" material. Stuff to motivate them to strive harder. Our boys and girls, some mere children, are in harm's way and this bozo is making it more dangerous. I'd think every vet in his vicinity would explain the facts of life to him. With or without tar and feathers as necessary.

    (3) There probably is no more stupid act than to burn a book. Any book. It represents the DNA of humanity. Even it's totally wrong (i.e., the Earth is flat); it's important in it shows the errors in our thinking at that point in time. Too much dikw (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom) is lost; we don't need to make it an acceptable activity. Ever. Besides isn't that what Nazis do?

    (4) If he wants to burn something, try a politician. (Just joking, I'm a Right to Life fellow who abhors the death penalty.) Not only did the Gooferment fail to protect 4,000 Americans on 9/11, they have failed to lead us. I blogged today how we should have had a national priority to rebuild the twin towers with an extra 'middle finger" building in the middle, that was one story taller than the old buildings, and align it to face the Middle East. (I'm a little L libertarian; not a pacifist. I don't start a fight; I finish them!)

    So we should tell this bozo to put a cork in his gas can. And, if someone overseas wants to burn the President in effigy, we should send them some more effigies of other "political leaders" to throw on the pyre. Saves us the gas.

  10. Boy, your comments sure got things moving today! If what you said is how you really feel, then, for once we agree on something..
    If the 'good' Muslims don't stand together and soon start denouncing the 'radicals', then its time to turn that part of the globe into a sheet of glass..
    Patrick and JoAnn

  11. rinkefj,
    You said,"This is America and we have religious tolerance".

    Very true, but up to a point should we tolerate a religion that wants to make others subserviant to Islam.

    I want to co-exist with Muslims. What the hell, let's be one happy religious family! But there are too many radical (and closet radicals) that want Islam to be the sole religion in the world.

    Sorry, but that's not acceptable.

    Unless Muslim Guy and other tolerant and peace-loving Muslims can become the vocal majority for Islam, instead of the silent majority, then I see major conflict in the US between Islam and Christianity.

    Already a popular sentiment is :"Nuke 'em all, let Allah sort out the good ones".

  12. Very short-sighted, Lou. The issue is the governments and lack of education of the countries that fuel a radical outlet, not Muslim's. Some cheap propaganda to get your blog read by your 'followers'. Has a familiar under-tone to this subject.

  13. Seems like a nightmare, but actually happened last month; an 11pm RAGING fire burned a house on our cul-de-sac totally down.

    Everyone on little street asleep; owner of burning house out of town. Next door is young Anna with a 7 month old daughter and lives with her mother. I've known her 22 years; love her and adore her baby. Up late, just turning off Letterman Show, I see orange air outside window look and see fire at end of street is RAGING and a firetruck just arriving; why no siren? I run out and alongside a young fireman in flipflops & nightshirt screaming there's nobody home where it's burning but there's a baby next door to that house; hurry! The fire is into the trees; already strong. No!Don't Go In Young Man! The baby is here; I see it on the hood of an unknown small car. So he says okay; good and keeps running. More firetrucks drive up, now with sirens.

    Two women wearing black headscarfs tightly around their faces and the old one is holding/feeding a bottle and singing in a foreign tongue a lullaby to Anna's baby and the baby is really digging the tune! This has to be a dream; has to be! I'm taking that baby; no problem here; I'm doing it! Suddenly (this is even crazier) a ring of light is over the old woman's headscarf. I stop in my tracks and say calmly and slowly to her that the baby's mother is Anna. That halo thing stopped me; I will never forget it. You see, Anna had run outside holding her baby,called 911 on her mobile, literally thrust her baby into their arms, returning for her mother and 18 year old dog.

    These women were returning home from Ramaden High Holy Day as they are Muslim. The daughter, who was driving, told her mother that she saw flames up on the hill and must go. The mother said no because it is late and not our street but the daughter tells her that she must because it is late and people might not wake. That night I met some hero women.

    I will never understand why the ladies dress so ominously in their old black scarf fashions but my Lord & Savior stopped me by a halo from jumping that woman to take the baby from her arms.
    I am a Christian and we spoke a little about religion that night.

    The mother was about my age or younger (but looked older because of her fashion). The daughter just out of high school with a younger brother of around 14. The women just seemed old because of their horrible fashions.
    The young boy was timid and the mother spoke no English. The daughter said she believes that we might just call God and Allah by different names. Interesting.
    I must say that I still can't fathom it all even now. Surreal.

  14. Seems like a nightmare, but actually happened last month; an 11pm RAGING fire burned a house on our cul-de-sac totally down.

    Everyone on little street asleep; owner of burning house out of town. Next door is young Anna with a 7 month old daughter and lives with her mother. I've known her 22 years; love her and adore her baby. Up late, just turning off Letterman Show, I see orange air outside window look and see fire at end of street is RAGING and a firetruck just arriving; why no siren? I run out and alongside a young fireman in flipflops & nightshirt screaming there's nobody home where it's burning but there's a baby next door to that house; hurry! The fire is into the trees; already strong. No!Don't Go In Young Man! The baby is here; I see it on the hood of an unknown small car. So he says okay; good and keeps running. More firetrucks drive up, now with sirens.

    Two women wearing black headscarfs tightly around their faces and the old one is holding/feeding a bottle and singing in a foreign tongue a lullaby to Anna's baby and the baby is really digging the tune! This has to be a dream; has to be! I'm taking that baby; no problem here; I'm doing it! Suddenly (this is even crazier) a ring of light is over the old woman's headscarf. I stop in my tracks and say calmly and slowly to her that the baby's mother is Anna. That halo thing stopped me; I will never forget it. You see, Anna had run outside holding her baby,called 911 on her mobile, literally thrust her baby into their arms, returning for her mother and 18 year old dog.

    These women were returning home from Ramaden High Holy Day as they are Muslim. The daughter, who was driving, told her mother that she saw flames up on the hill and must go. The mother said no because it is late and not our street but the daughter tells her that she must because it is late and people might not wake. That night I met some hero women.

    I will never understand why the ladies dress so ominously in their old black scarf fashions but my Lord & Savior stopped me by a halo from jumping that woman to take the baby from her arms.
    I am a Christian and we spoke a little about religion that night.

    The mother was about my age or younger (but looked older because of her fashion). The daughter just out of high school with a younger brother of around 14. The women just seemed old because of their horrible fashions.
    The young boy was timid and the mother spoke no English. The daughter said she believes that we might just call God and Allah by different names. Interesting.
    I must say that I still can't fathom it all even now. Surreal.

  15. Seems like a nightmare, but actually happened last month; an 11pm RAGING fire burned a house on our cul-de-sac totally down.

    Everyone on little street asleep; owner of burning house out of town. Next door is young Anna with a 7 month old daughter and lives with her mother. I've known her 22 years; love her and adore her baby. Up late, just turning off Letterman Show, I see orange air outside window look and see fire at end of street is RAGING and a firetruck just arriving; why no siren? I run out and alongside a young fireman in flipflops & nightshirt screaming there's nobody home where it's burning but there's a baby next door to that house; hurry! The fire is into the trees; already strong. No!Don't Go In Young Man! The baby is here; I see it on the hood of an unknown small car. So he says okay; good and keeps running. More firetrucks drive up, now with sirens.

    Two women wearing black headscarfs tightly around their faces and the old one is holding/feeding a bottle and singing in a foreign tongue a lullaby to Anna's baby and the baby is really digging the tune! This has to be a dream; has to be! I'm taking that baby; no problem here; I'm doing it! Suddenly (this is even crazier) a ring of light is over the old woman's headscarf. I stop in my tracks and say calmly and slowly to her that the baby's mother is Anna. That halo thing stopped me; I will never forget it. You see, Anna had run outside holding her baby,called 911 on her mobile, literally thrust her baby into their arms, returning for her mother and 18 year old dog.

    These women were returning home from Ramaden High Holy Day as they are Muslim. The daughter, who was driving, told her mother that she saw flames up on the hill and must go. The mother said no because it is late and not our street but the daughter tells her that she must because it is late and people might not wake. That night I met some hero women.

    I will never understand why the ladies dress so ominously in their old black scarf fashions but my Lord & Savior stopped me by a halo from jumping that woman to take the baby from her arms.
    I am a Christian and we spoke a little about religion that night.

    The mother was about my age or younger (but looked older because of her fashion). The daughter just out of high school with a younger brother of around 14. The women just seemed old because of their horrible fashions.
    The young boy was timid and the mother spoke no English. The daughter said she believes that we might just call God and Allah by different names. Interesting.
    I must say that I still can't fathom it all even now. Surreal.

  16. I am fairly sure that Jesus also said a bunch of stuff about turning the other cheek, and loving ones enemy, but Christians always leave that out when warmongering. Nothing we do will ever change the way Muslins believe and how they feel about non Muslims. Forcing American style democracy on them is ludicrous and comparing the current situation with WW2 is frankly naive. Americans, and the west in general had no business meddling in the Middle East. But business, and the oil business is really what all this is about. Personally, I am an atheist and find all religion disgustingly hypocritical and immensely dangerous. We, the west created this situation, and the only way to resolve it, is to leave now and let them sink or swim on their own.

  17. Religion. To quote George Carlin:

    "Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll to to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity. But he loves you! …And he needs money! He's all powerful, but he can't handle money!"

    Pure BS

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