I am up early. Dark outside. Black.
I spent yesterday fine tuning today’s radio show. Join me, if you can.
Stimulating topics. Some new. Some old. Most in our faces newswise.
Today’s topics include the Koran issue, gays in the military, the American flag, the Iranian woman scheduled to be stoned to death, a Proposition 8 update, use of federal stimulus funds in mortgage foreclosure court cases, a funny lawsuit involving Turkey and Batman, Craiglist adult services, an impeachment trial, a marijuana purchase in Montana, and more.
The time is 10 am. The place radio and internet. The rado at KONK 1500 AM. On the internet to be seen and heard world wide at http://www.konkam.com/. The Key West Lou Legal Hour.
Last night was bocce.
We did OK. Won 2 out of 3. A fun night and of course always better with a winning evening.
Afterwards I was off to Don’s Place. Kurt bartending. Sat and chatted with Rob abd Beebe for a while. Kissed Joanie good night. And was off to home and bed.
Enjoy your day!