Trump Tower is listed as the President’s personal residence. His home.

The President is required to have Secret Service protection at all times and at all venues. Even when he might be sleeping elsewhere on a particular night.

The Secret Service utilized the apartment immediately below Trump’s in Trump Tower.

Trump Organization operates the building. Trump Organization and the Secret Service could not agree on rent. In early July, the Secret Service was asked to move. Booted out in the vernacular of the street.

The Secret Service has moved into a trailer which sits on the sidewalk in front of Trump Tower while searching for another place.

The rent demanded had to be astronomical. The Pentagon required space near the President in Trump Towers. The White House Military Office recently agreed to $130,000 a month.

It was revealed last night that Mueller had seated a Grand Jury in Washington several weeks ago. The formal beginning of the end for Trump and his associates from my perspective. It will take time. As much as 1-2 years.

A flavor of Key West was lost on August 3, 1995 never to return. The Copa Nightclub burned down. Totally destroyed. It was rebuilt. However never achieved the prominence it held prior to the fire.

The Copa was a premier gay entertainment palace.

I visited once. My deviate side took over. A Black Mass was scheduled for midnight. Thought it would be interesting.

I was standing enjoying a drink waiting for the show to start. Two guys dressed as nuns walked over and asked if they could hold my balls.

I was out the door as fast as my legs could carry me. Never got to see the show.

Twenty two years ago. Today, I would stand my ground and laugh. I have become acclimated. No one would touch anything. Probably not even ask.

Up early yesterday morning. Took Terri to chemotherapy at 9.

Key West High School has a unique program. I do not recall a similar program when my children were in high school in Utica. Prepares students to produce television and film programs.

One of the most respected such programs in the United States.

I have had experience with some of the students via Jenna Stauffer. She has been involved in utilizing the students for years. I participated in three shows. I was impressed beyond description.

Two of the students have produced the film Paradise. It is being shown locally sunday at 11 at the Tropic cinema. From there it goes to New York City. Producers and film. Paradise has been selected for screening in Times Square by the prestigious American High School Film Festival.

Congratulations to the young people who put Paradise together.

The Palm Avenue bridge is finally going to be repaired. All of it! The roadway, pilings and everything else. Has needed the do over for years.

The bridge is the  short cut to the Gulf side of town. Like where the Chart Room is located.

The only negative is it will take six months to complete the work.

The weekend is here. I am to have dinner with Jenna tonight or tomorrow night. I cannot remember which. The beginnings of Alzheimers. Serious when I cannot recall what evening I am to be with Jenna.

Enjoy your day!





The  Key West Citizen has its pluses and minuses. As with everything. The outstanding feature of the newspaper is the Citizens’ Voice. A column on the left side of page 2. Readers write in and express their thinking re various issues. Pro and con. Simple and hard hitting.

The Citizens’ Voice is missing from this morning’s paper. Why? What happened? In its place is an Associated Press article on how to make a particular cocktail.

I cannot believe the Citizen is considering discontinuing Citizens’ Voice. It works. Needs no fixing. Not broke.

My friend Sheila Cullen is a staff member at the Citizen. Her job is to prepare Citizens’ Voice each day. She selects what should be printed from the many comments received. She takes her job seriously. As Sheila tells it, she tries to send both sides to print. Her aim is to be fair and balanced.

I tried to reach Sheila this morning to get the poop. I could not reach her. Ergo, I write this column  in the dark as to the reason why it is absent from today’s Citizen.

I researched this week’s KONK Life column yesterday afternoon. Research complete. I will be writing the column today between Meet The Press and the Syracuse basketball game and after the game.

The title: Political Sexcapades. The research off the wall. Politicians have difficulty keeping their pants and panties on.

The column zeroes in on Clinton’s impeachment. Not the impeachment itself. We all know about it. Rather the column concerns certain of those who tried to bring the President down and their secret sex lives. Sort of a people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. They all got their come uppings in due course. Proving that what goes around, comes around.

A great article! You will enjoy it.

Life returned to normal last night after the holiday. I took myself to Tavern ‘n Town. A good crowd. Locals and visitors.

Bobby Nesbitt entertaining.

Ran into Lynda and Bob Frechette. A popular and well liked Key West couple.

It is said that a successful man has a good woman behind him. The reverse true here. Bob is the man behind Lynda who helps her goals and dreams reality. We always hear about Lynda. Rarely, Bob. They are a team.

I am anti-Trump. Write accordingly. Mentioned yesterday that over the holiday I did not meet one person supporting him. Also that those supporting him are whiter, older, less educated, and more blue collar.

I received two strong comments. One from a Key West MBA who is voting for Trump. The other a strong / almost defiant comment that the writer supported Trump.

Good! I love it! This is what it is all about. Free expression, a two party system, etc. We are each other’s indispensable opposition. Think about it.

Syracuse basketball this afternoon. Playing Texas Southern. Syracuse a 17 point favorite. We shall see.

Sal Salerno is recognized as one of Key West’s artistic greats! Perhaps the greatest. A man of international acclaim. A several generation Key Wester. A true Conch.

Salerno died recently.

A Celebration of Life in his honor will take place tomorrow evening from 7-9. At the Gingerbread Square Gallery which Salerno and his husband Joe Birn owned.

I guarantee there will not be enough room in the Gallery and its Courtyard to hold the many who will be attending to pay tribute.

Enjoy your Sunday!