Before I vent re an issue that is bugging me no end this morning, permit me to share a photo of good friends Don and Chris. Key West visitors 3 or 4 times a year for the past 15 years. The pic is of us enjoying dinner at La Te Da last week. Great people!
Now for the nitty gritty.
Last week, the NAACP issued a Florida travel advisory. The NAACP recommended people consider Florida’s policies on diversity and race under DeSantis when thinking of traveling to Florida.
Earlier, travel advisories had emanated regarding Latinos and LGBTQ members.
This week Rick Scott issued a travel advisory for “socialists,” one “openly hostile to socialists and their enablers.”
The comment anti-Biden. Scott said, “Any attempt to spread the oppression and poverty that socialism brings will be rebuffed by the people of Florida…..Travelers should be aware that attempts to spread socialism in north Florida will fail and be me t with laughter and mockery.”
Scott claims Biden is attempting to erase capitalism and the system that has brought prosperity to Florida and the United States.
Scott’s compatriot is Ron DeSantis. Scott’s statement does not fit when one considers DeSantis’ attack on Disney.
Then there is the “war” being waged on women by Republicans. No travel advisory required for that one. Bombs falling on women all over the U.S.
Note the male state legislators all over the U.S. promoting these wars. Most are elderly white haired. For whatever reason, bigots in their old age.
Latinos and blacks legitimately in Florida are welcome. It is their state also. Those seeking to immigrate in violation of existing laws are not welcome. Whites treated the same way. Rules are rules.
Blacks have been Florida residents for generations. I can only speak for the Key West area as my traveling for years throughout Florida has been limited. Key West does not have a black problem. Residents and visitors exist here. More visitors in recent years. I am not aware of anyone wanting neither their company nor business.
This socialist thing a crock of shit! Republicans use it as another way of describing Democrats. I am a liberal at heart. If it makes me a socialist, so be it.
I am a political animal. I initiate political conversation wherever I can. I want to know what others think. Most people in Key West that I chat with are not MAGA. They are anti-Trump. Whether resident or visitor, rarely do I encounter a Trump supporter.
Drag is an industry as well as a life style. The last 10 years have killed the Key West gay life. Dramatically reduced it. For economic reasons, many gays moved to Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Cheaper to live and better paying jobs. I have never seen a child at a drag show. This DeSantis inspired danger does not exist. Worry more about priests rather than those of the outright gay gender.
How much sicker must we become as a society before the corner is turned and we return to the normalcy of yesteryear? Do not sit idly by and merely observe if you do not agree with what is going on. Talk back, fight back, and vote Democratic in 2024. Otherwise you will be buried under a lifestyle not even contemplated 20 years ago.
A few days ago, it was advised the rain season in south Florida would begin May 15. It did. Rains a bit every day. A heavy shower or two. Then a return to sun and increasing humidity.
At the moment, it is pouring big time. I woke this morning to the band playing. Drums booming. Huge thunder.
Summer is our rainy season. Not bad. As stated, an intermittent shower or two each day.
What I enjoy about a heavy rain storm is it washes my car. I save bucks during the summer. My car is bright and shiny every day.
No lightening storms yet. Living on the ocean brings lightening storms unique unto themselves. Your bedroom may be dark at night. Shutters closed tight. However when the lightening strikes, it sneaks into your bedroom and lights it up like a thousand bulbs. Daytime at 3 in the morning.
Tavern ‘n Town is remodeling its kitchen. A commercial kitchen team doing the job.
An explosion yesterday morning. A kitchen gas explosion. Two workers involved. Both received serious upper torso and face burns. They were helicoptered to Miami.
Seems like yesterday. The place Big Pine.
On this day in 1953, hundreds gathered in Big Pine. The event electricity was turned on for the first time.
Gary Burghoff alive and kicking. Celebrating his 80th birthday today.
You will recall him for two special acting performances. One was as “Radar” in the M*A*S*H* TV series and film. The other as the originator of the role of Charlie Brown in the off Broadway musical “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown.”
Dinner last night at Grady’s.
Interesting discussion with the woman sitting next to me at the bar. Our discussion had nothing to do with Blacks, Latinos, LGBTQ, women, socialists, etc. Basketball the topic!
Pro ball was on TV. Got us into the basketball discussion. She was from Indiana. A basketball freak as I. Brought us around to the Final Four Championship game in New Orleans in 1987. She was there, I was there. Though we never met till last night.
Syracuse lost with 7 seconds to go 74-73. Keith Smart will go down in the annals of Indiana basketball for all time. Even I remember his name. Seven seconds to go. He a forward. Syracuse winning by 1 point. He had the ball about 15 feet out to the side. Falling backwards. Syracuse hands in front of him. He threw the ball up. As close to a Hail Mary shot in basketball as you can get. The ball went in!
I told my new found friend that to this day I hate Indiana and Keith Smart. Now, I even hated her. We both laughed.
Enjoy your day!
Hey Lou – Don’t you get it?
DeSantis wants LBGT groups to boycott Florida and stay away. Not only does it eliminate these disgusting people from our state, but he wins a battle and gains national attention for having done so against outstanding odds, when nobody else is doing anything about it.
He’s a hero and be rewarded for it, you’ll see.
I agree with you about this “socialist thing” Republican’s use constantly, is just a “crock of sh*t” to try and scare everybody with doom and gloom. Biden is not trying to erase capitalism nor is he any kind of advocate for socialism. It’s totalitarianism Biden and other decent people are worried about and so should the rest of us.
We should be working towards better social issues, which isn’t “socialism” as narrow minded politicians, want to use as a way to make everyone afraid, like they used to do with “communism” their attempts to push their agenda towards total control. Nowadays, communists seem to be their friends, particularly with people like Trump and DeSantis.
Let’s not forget that it is not countries with “socialism” as their economic way (like England, Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, and so may others) of life, that are allowing the regular mazz slaughter of children in their schools, etc., etc. But rather us here in America. Where else do people need to be afraid of simply going shopping at a supermarket on a week day?
We don’t need to be afraid of Democrats wanting everyone to become “Socialists” – we need to be afraid of Republicans who want to control everything and everybody. The best “tell”of this is “who wants to tell you what books can be banned” and “who wants government to tell us how theme parks can be run.”