Wild fires in Canada, wild fires on the island of Rhodes, Italy and Greece real hot, rain in the U.S. northeast, extremely hot portions of the U.S., tornadoes in the U.S., etc. Tell me there is no global warming! Those that deny global warming contribute to the end of life itself.
Pamplona, Spain replicated on Duval Street in front of Sloppy Joe’s yesterday. More than 100 Hemingway Look-Alikes and a special breed of bulls on wheels made the run.
Keys coral reefs losing color. Reason: Record high water temperatures.. Which means they are under stress and their health is potentially endangered.
The reefs should be vibrant and colorful this time of year. Instead, are swiftly going white.
I commented two days ago re the trial taking place in Texas brought by 13 women who could not obtain abortions and the pain and suffering they were forced to endure as a result. The article in Vice News moved me. Especially the testimony of one woman who vomited while testifying in the courtroom. One of the impacts of her experience. The article is titled: No Mercy: Women Denied Abortions, Testify, Cry and Vomit In Texas Court.
One of the women is named Casiano. Her problems multiple. One involved the fetus itself. Anencephaly. Anencephaly is a lethal condition where a fetus does not have a fully formed skull or brain. Impossible for the baby to survive when born with such a condition.
A portion of her testimony follows.
Casiano, who returned to the stand after she threw up, was the third and final patient to share her story on the stand on Wednesday. A 29-year-old mother of four, Casiano learned that her fetus also had anencephaly. She wanted to get an abortion and release her baby to heaven, as she put it in court. But she didn’t have the money or resources to travel out of state, so she and her family started to prepare, instead, to bury her baby—a girl who they named Halo, “because she’s always going to be above us,” Casiano said.
They tried to raise money by selling soup, among other things.
After she gave birth, Casiano recalled, she had to watch her daughter struggle and gasp for air. As she testified, Casiano rocked back and forth as well as looked up and away, as if reliving the memory. She recalled watching her baby turn from pink to blue, from warm to cold, as she died over the course of four hours.
“I kept telling my baby, ‘I’m so sorry this had to happen to you,’” Casiano said. “There was no mercy for her and I couldn’t do anything.”
Afterwards, Casiano had a simple funeral service for Halo. When the funeral tried to charge her an extra $1,100 because the funeral was set for Good Friday, she cried. “I felt like there was always something,” Casiano testified.
She still hasn’t picked up Halo’s death certificate. She’s also had her tubes removed and has started to throw up whenever something happens that triggers her body to “remember” what it’s gone through.
Slate ran a similar article on 7/22 titled: The Kind of Life That Texas Really Values. The article’s opening line: “A woman saw her infant’s death a needless torture. To the State, it’s a necessary sacrifice.”
A haunted Key West cemetery? St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Graveyard.
Tortured souls living there?
Some reported having seen: A man who appears as a vaporous apparition wearing 19th century attire, an old sea Captain, children gathering around a statue of an angel in the center, children’s voices heard but the children not seen, floating orbs of light and inexplicable sounds.
Best description for what DeSantis is trying to do with slavery in the curriculum of Florida schools: WHITEWASH it.
Won’t work. History is history. Cannot change what was. Good, bad or indifferent. DeSantis will in due course go, history will remain.
Enjoy your Sunday!
The Republican agenda seems to be repression anywhere and everywhere, and not just with abortion or with global warning.
They want to repress everything, including free speech, education, civil rights, religions they oppose, voting rights and on and on – even “truth”.
We MUST replace anyone attempting to govern by repression. Right now that is Republicans, all Republicans, everywhere.
We need to think more progressively – what CAN we DO for (NOT to) Americans.