Apparently Trump does not leave his women smiling.

Stormy Daniels spoke out re Trump’s indictment during an interview with The Times of London. She said, “This pussy grabbed back.”

She is prepared to testify in Trump’s trial if called upon.

Trump jumped the gun when he erroneously predicted he would have been indicted tuesday.

Came wednesday and no indictment, Trump had nice words for the grand jury. On wednesday he wrote in Truth Social: “I have gained such respect for this grand jury and perhaps even the grand jury system as a whole…..The grand jury is saying, hold on, we are not a rubber stamp, which most grand juries are branded as being, we are not going to vote against a preponderance of of evidence or against large numbers of scholars all saying there is no case here.”

On thursday, Trump was indicted.

Bess Levin wrote: “Donald Trump was basically one step away from throwing a ‘no indictment’ party.”

She added: “The former President was reportedly so unconcerned about the prospect of being charged that he made jokes about it.”

The way I view it, Trump lives in a delusional self serving world. He is not the person to ever lead the U.S. again.

The Key West Citizen continues to be reduced in content and size. What follows is no April Fool’s joke.

Today’s edition contains no April Fool’s Day stories. The past is gone.

Adams Publishing Group, which now owns the Citizen, has a policy that prohibits the humorous page.

What can be said, except that it appears Adams Publishing lacks a sense of humor.

Our local newspaper becomes less and less, smaller and smaller, each year. Though more expensive.

A question of interest: Who owns the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority?

I have searched the internet. No luck in figuring out who.

History is preserved in strange ways. A “did you know on Facebook” re Lewis and Clark an example.

Lewis and Clark “brought mercury chloride with them on their expedition across the U.S. The mercury was consumed by the group. It swiftly passed through the human system. As a result, archaeologists have been able to find a trail by locating what is left of their makeshift latrines and testing the mercury content. More than a 100 years later, their footprints are overgrown, but their poop remains.”

Final Four begins tonight. Exciting basketball!

Enjoy your day!


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