Trump is worried about a New York City indictment. He knows it is coming.
He should be concerned about Georgia, also. Indictments next there. Though still a few weeks off.
The noose is getting tighter. Try as he may, nothing he can do about it. The time to pay the fiddler is swiftly arriving.
New York attorney Robert Costello the newest “Trump star.” A MAGA attorney. Though he denies representing Trump. Understandable. He represents Rudy Giuliani. In the past, Steve Bannon.
Disgusting how many lawyers have flocked to Trump who in due course leaves them dirty and tainted. To a degree, such is reflective of a downward trend in the legal profession. Bothers me. The rotten apples in the barrel soiling the entire basket.
Costello’s proclaimed “ethics” motivated him to speak out against his former client Michael Cohen. Cohen denied on TV last night he was ever Costello’s client. Claims “never.”
Time is a problem in the four criminal matters pending against Trump. The $130,000 porn star payoff item is 7 years old. Georgia, 3. The 2 Department of Justice matters victim of Merrick Garland’s ineptness as Attorney General. He has been pussy footing around when he should have assembled his cases and gone for the jugular.
Time kills. Justice delayed is justice denied in these cases. People get bored. Bored with the same old, same old.
Long delays have worked to Trump’s advantage. He is the master of court delay. The public suffers as a result. The people never get to see a wrongdoer brought to justice. Trump never gets his!
Trump considers himself a master of all. Expert in most things. A physician at heart.
It was on this day in 2020 that “Doctor President Donald Trump” in a White House briefing doubled down on his support for the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a possible treatment for COVID. A lot less dangerous than injecting or drinking bleach!
I have to admire Rupert Murdoch in a certain respect. The man is 92 and still falls in love. His fifth marriage on the horizon.
He announced his engagement to 66 year old Ann Lesley Smith. They will marry this summer.
I was cold yesterday morning as I wrote the blog. When finished, I checked the temperature. It was 65 degrees. No wonder!
This morning better. Today’s high will be 79 and the evening low 71.
I am having dinner to night at 6:30 outside at La Te Da. My companion Ted Kane from Madison County, New York. Ted in his early 80’s. Has been visiting Key West for one month each year for 30 years. He is a retired County, Family and Surrogate Court Clerk.
Madison County sits next to my home county Oneida. We never met till 10 years ago in Key West at the Chart Room. We never met when he was Court Clerk because my cases were all in Supreme Court, rather than the three courts he represented.
For some reason, I developed a large following in Madison County. Most were farmers. Primarily dairy farmers.
I was trying a case for a dairy farmer client. He had a new Cadillac. We were going to lunch together in his car. It stunk of cow shit!
I admonished him. Asked how he could let such a beautiful expensive car have cow shit in it. He looked at me and quietly said, “Louis, the cow shit paid for the car.”
Marilyn Monroe is back on Eaton Street in front of the Tropic Cinema Theater. Skirt flaring!
When I first began visiting Key West in the late 1980’s, there was no Overseas Market aka Winn Dixie Market. A huge empty field.
On this day in 1991, the Winn Dixie Market opened in the new Overseas Market.
For many years, a Labrador Retriever was the dog to buy. Made the best pet.
No more.
The American Kennel Club has recommended the Lab for 31 years. Now, # 2. Replaced by the French bulldog. Described as “playful” and “adoptable.”
Enjoy your day!
It has been two years since the US has had a baby formular.
Bidden has sent all the bullets the Ukraine wants, make them faster and faster.
But where is the Baby formular for our Kids Lue?
“511” is a known troll, here on Lou’s blog.
You still cannot do better than call names. Just like before.
Block me just like before.
Well, if the shoe fits…