Key Westers are politically conscious. They have opinions re Trump and Hillary. Key Westers do not just lie on a  beach drinking margaritas and hitting the bars at night. The election is a much discussed event every day in the Chart Room, Don’s Place, La Te Da, and everywhere else.

Last night’s debate will not change many minds. People are fixed rigidly in this election. The two sides are like Congress. Adamant. The election will be decided by the five percent undecided and/or who have decided to vote for Johnson. In the end, a number of Johnson intended votes will go over to Hillary.

Hillary bested Trump last night. I give her a B and Trump a D-. The D- a gift. Except for trade, Trump made no impact. He evidenced no understanding of government or world problems. His incompetence for the position of President was obvious. He was a mega flop.

Hillary was prepared and sounded Presidential.

Yesterday was a run around day. The bank. Then Walgreens. Followed by the Cuban Coffee Queen for lunch.

Then a 100 foot walk to what is to be Cuzza Bubbaz. A Key West flavored sandwich shop. Opening scheduled for October 10. Jay O’Neill owner and chef.

Cuzza Bubbaz is on Southard next to Bank of America. At the entrance to the Key Lime corridor.

Jay has been a bocce friend for years. He was chef at Sq. 1 and Solo American Bistro. A chef who takes pride in his product. His sandwiches will be a step above and better than others.

Met with Guy de Boer last night for a couple of drinks at Tavern ‘n Town. Even on a monday night, the bar is packed. Ran into my neighbors Ed and Nancy Swift. Also, original Square One friends. This goes back 20 plus years. Then owner Michael and his sometimes hostess Jean. Two great people.

Stay with me on this one. America is not named after Amerigo Vespucci. He never even landed in North America. His stops were in Brazil and islands offshore.

Vespucci is claimed to have made four trips. Historians doubt the first ever happened.

America is named after Richard Ameryk. Ameryk was the patron/financier for John Cabot’s trips. Cabot’s chief investor. Cabot reached Labrador in May 1497, two years before Vespucci landed in South America for the first time.

Correct historical fact tells us two things.

First, Vespucci never reached North America, nor any America before Cabot. Second, back in the 1400’s newly discovered countries and continents were named after the financier/patron of the exploration. The last name was used. Never the first. Ergo, most historians believe America was named after Richard Ameryk.

This is the second time in a month I have come across a mistaken historical fact. I was taught America was named after Amerigo Vespucci in grammar school. How do these things happen?

Tonight my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. If you have never heard the show, join me. A fast moving half hour packed with my opinions re the events discussed. Nine my time.

Topics that will be discussed include the debate of course, John Boehner cashing out, why environmental damage caused by war is never discussed, the bumble bee in trouble, and guns sell out after Charlotte shooting.

Also, Pentagon admits black U.S. soldiers were used for scientific/medical test purposes during World War II, the fear self-driving trucks will result in the layoff of many from good paying jobs, FBI Director James Coomey’s percieved involvement with the Clinton Foundation, and more.

Enjoy your day!


10 comments on “THE DEBATE

  1. Self-driving vehicle technology is the wild west right now in terms of regulation, but the the underlying tech is highly functional and getting better daily. I’ve ridden in an autonomous vehicle and it’s wonderful. But to what degree should the technology companies creating the products be interested in the broad economic impacts? If self-driving trucks go mainstream, that would displace something like 3.5 million to 4 million people in the U.S. workforce. This ties directly into Trump’s resonance with blue collar workers. But it’s framed all wrong. You’re not losing your job to an immigrant, nor is your job going overseas. Your job is being automated making you unnecessary. When you have a single-focus skill set, that’s it. There’s also a link to the cognitive dissonance around the notion of immigrants that are too lazy to work, yet somehow take my job. What a mess.

  2. “Hillary bested Trump last night. I give her a B and Trump a D-. The D- a gift. Except for trade, Trump made no impact.”

    I’d give Hilary a firm C+ and tell Trump to see me after class.

    • Thanks for the insight, doctor. Diagnosing over TV is usually pretty difficult. Good to see you’ve mastered it. Either that or your a deep Beltway insider. Or could it be wildcard option three, you’re just full of it?

  3. I’d give Hilary a firm C+ and tell Trump to see me after class.
    end quote

    LOL ! Its obvious he still doesn’t listen to his advisors. He is handing the election to her on a silver platter.

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