It took 17 years to build the Taj Mahal. Construction began in 1631 and was completed in 1648.

It is recognized as the world’s grandest symbol of love and devotion.

On this day in 1631, Mumtaz died during childbirth. Her husband was Mughal, Emperor Shah Jahan I. Mughal immediately had construction commenced for her tomb. The edifice known throughout history as the Taj Mahal.

Wisdom is sometimes nothing more than a simple solution to what appears an intricate problem. Key West and the Keys are having water problems. Both areas receive their water from the mainland.

Recent problems and comments which followed clearly indicate new piping for water transmission is required. Long overdue.

Someone has the answer, the simple one. It appeared in comment form in today’s Citizens’ Voice: “Why not start laying in a new Keys main water line parallel to the existing 40 year old one?”

Beginning now would be proactive rather than waiting to the last minute with all attendant problems and being reactive. Also called the smart way of doing business.

The last month I have had all kinds of medical tests. Most at the Key West hospital the Lower Keys Medical Center. I am having heart problems.

Yesterday was an MRI. Next week, the last. A nuclear stress test. Then a recommendation will be made wjhether I should have aortic valve replacement surgery. I am not a happy camper.

I have learned much about the inner workings of the hospital over this testing period of time. What goers on behind the doors. Note I have been one type patient or another over 30 years. I will say things have significantly improved re in house patient care during that time.

I have observed a testing problem that concerns me, however. The medical staff performing the tests are overworked. They move their asses even for the most routine tests. It was obvious during a series of x-rays I had and the MRI yesterday. Haste makes waste. Not a could it happen situation. Something has to be happening on a frequent basis with the rushing imposed on the technician staff.

Management should investigate the situation and take corrective measures. 

My MRI was at 3:15. Afterwards, I went to Grady’s for something to eat. I was required to fast for four hours prior to the test so I was hungry.

I enjoyed pierogis. Watched the U.S. Open while eating.

Ran into Santa Claus. The gentleman who visited Robert and Ally for years on Christmas Eve. Good to see him. Still looks like Santa. Beard and all!

The U.S. Open played as I thought it would yesterday. Normally. The first round the day before made the course look extremely easy. Some announcers were suggesting the course was not that hard. It was yesterday.

Rickie Fowler hanging in there. Still in first place at -10. Rory McIlroy 2 strokes back at -8.

The rough is horrible. The worst I have seen. A lot of the pros found the rough yesterday. Dustin Johnson found the rough on one of his drives yesterday and ended up taking a quadruple bogey 8 on the hole. From one patch of rough to another.

Mar-a-Lago Judge Cannon must be replaced at some point. The sooner the better. Yesterday I advised that in her 2 1/2 years as a federal judge, she has only sat on 4 cases. Found out the four cases trial time totaled 14 days.

As I wrote yesterday, Trump, the government and the American people deserve better.

I received Maggie Haberman’s Confidence Man as a Christmas gift. Great reading. Except it’s too long! Five hundred eleven pages. Like reading War and Peace. I only have so much time a day for personal reading. Blog research eats up a lot of my reading time. Ergo, six months later I am still reading Haberman’s story about Donald Trump.

Yesterday I was on page 437. “Divide and conquer” was the issue.

Haberman refers to Trump as being the first U.S. President who did not try to unite the American people. He tried and continues to try to “divide us.” She refers to Hitler playing the same game of divide and conquer. It is actually a policy of destroying a people. Hitler succeeded in convincing the German people to follow him using the practice. Trump playing the same game.

In spite of being too long, interesting reading. One cannot argue with her observation.

Enjoy your day!



  1. The Health Care industry in this country is all owned by VERY wealthy businessmen who are legally bound by capitalist extremes who are hellbent on maximizing profits at all costs. One way to do that is to run lean machines with minimum people and the lowest possible benefits and wages.

    Were getting what we deserve, a few rich barons who decide what THEY want. The consequence of poorly a educated low intelligence voting publice.

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