Syracuse beat #2 Clemson last night 27-24. Not a fluke. A solid win.
I had a feeling. Definitely a hope. I mentioned Syracuse’s upset of Nebraska in 1984 twice recently. Nebraska was #1 at the time.
It took 33 years to happen again.
The victory not a fluke. Syracuse played like it belonged.
There are many die-hard Syracuse fans. Two require mentioning. We have bled orange with every defeat. Robert Marks and Tom Dixon.
Go ‘Cuse!
Watched the game from home. Spent the afternoon into early evening working on the extras that go into getting a book ready for publication. Reviewed some pics. Tried to arrange an order for their presentation. Rough drafted a Preface. Need a lead in to the daily renditions, how they came to be, etc.
Sloan coming by tomorrow. My goal is to have everything completed and off to the publisher by the time she leaves.
Trump was a builder in his other life. As President, he is a destroyer. Successful in tearing down. He has yet to construct anything significant.
Recent Trump destructions include the Iran agreement, Obamacare via Executive Orders, and Puerto Rico.
Erwin Rommel was a World War II German General. Famous. Respected. Known as the Desert Fox for his North African tank exploits.
Rommel knew of the plot to remove Hitler from power. He agreed that if Hitler was overthrown, he would serve as Germany’s leader.
The plot failed.
Most of the conspirators were immediately put to death. Without the benefit of trial.
Rommel was at home at the time recovering from injuries. Hitler considered him a co-conspirator. Two generals appeared at his home. Rommel was given the choice of a public trial or suicide. Rommel accepted suicide. Two cyanide capsules.
Because of Rommel’s popularity, Hitler preferred the people be told he died as a result of his injuries. Rommel was given a state funeral and buried with all the glory befitting a man of his stature.
Stone crab season begins tomorrow.
Enjoy your day!