I am late getting to the blog this morning. Sorry. Bed too comfortable.

Spent a couple of hours in the early evening at Don’s Place. With David, Keith and Joanie. Thought I would run into Don. Had not seen him in a week. He was home babysitting his two grandkids. Wife and daughters out somewhere.

Lisa would not let me babysit Robert and Ally early on. She said my attention factor was lacking. Finally, one night she allowed me to show my stuff.

Robert went to bed early to sleep. Ally could not sleep. She came into the living room and sat on the couch watching television. I was watching TV also. For a while.

When Lisa returned home, I was asleep in the chair. Ally wide awake watching television. Of course, Lisa ripped into me. See…..I told you so….etc. I meekly responded there was no problem. Ally was watching Robert and me!

My response was not appreciated. It was another year before I was permitted to babysit again.

Stopped at Outback on the way home for dinner. I have always liked Outback. Good food at fair value. Not last night. I had a filet with potato and veggies. The menu indicated a special. Shrimp could be added for $7.50. Unlimited in amount. Why not!

A rip off. The shrimp were fried in batter which is what I expected. However not one piece was larger than a quarter. Each one more batter than shrimp. For shame! I ate 2-3 pieces and left the rest.

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Next week, I go to four times a week. I have added thursday to my schedule.

I have another radio show! A small one. Very small.

KONK has one hour of news monday-friday at noon. KONK News with Guy deBoer. He has five different speakers, each allotted 10 minutes. I have been blessed with friday, 12:20-12:30. 104.9 The X in Key West.

Nothing fancy. I lead off with a brief synopsis of my KONK column for the week. Then spend 6-7 minutes on a topic of my choosing. Something I  believe needs to be said.

Yesterday, it had to do with poverty in the U.S. I was motivated by the cry to help those leaving Syria.

My thrust was lets take care of our own first. We are doing a lousy job at it. Then be generous with others.

We have 1.5 million households living on less than $2 a day per person, food stamp recipients have increased 16.5 million under Obama, and 2.5 million homeless children living in abandoned cars, cardboard boxes, the woods, etc. who go to school unbathe and without breakfast.

The U.S. already takes in 70,000 refugees a year. Obama has indicated he will take in an additional 10,000. That’s enough for the time being!

This is Poker Run Weekend in Key West. Ten thousand motorcycles in town. Party time, big time! They were roaring into Key West all day yesterday on U.S. 1. Sometimes as many as 20 in a group. Marlon Brando in the lead!

It is black leather attire tonight on Duval!

I live and learn. Eighty years old and still learning.

I thought sparkling wines and champagne were different. Turns out they are not. Both produced the same way. The difference is in name only. Champagne is produced in the Champagne region of France. Sparkling wines everywhere else.

The sparkling wine bubbly is cheaper in many instances and just as good. So I read.

Syracuse/Central Michigan today. Win #3 in the making for Syracuse? Syracuse a six point favorite.

Enjoy your day!