Sin papel. Spanish for without paper. Toilet paper.

I found it strange four years ago when I read Venezuela was without toilet paper. The first crisis new President Nicolas Maduro faced.

I did not think such possible. Who runs out of toilet paper?Thought Maduro would rectify the problem in short order. He did not. Four years later and Venezuela is still without toilet paper. Food, also. The situation overall got worse.

Now, I discover Cuba is without toilet paper. Has been without toilet paper for very many years.

Americans are now visiting Cuba. Stories come back. One being the scarcity of toilet paper. For those in need, toilet paper is sold on the streets of Havana at $.25 a sheet.

One of Havana’s popular restaurants is La Guarida. A roof top restaurant. Frequented by Cubans and tourists.

The ladies room has a large watercolor. An attractive woman squatting over a toilet. Squatting as women do on strange toilets. Not sitting. Behind her hanging on the wall is a toilet paper roll hanger. The roll without paper.

The name of the watercolor: Sin Papel. Without paper.

President Trump addresses Congress tonight. At 8. My podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou at 9. I am always competing with a Presidential address. At least, I will be able to hear Trump before I do my show. And assuredly, I will make a comment or two.

My topics either mundane or more informative than the President’s. Depends on what he says.

My topics tonight include black people off on a tangent re whites, Trump and Miller prone to lie, war on drugs, law and order, pot soon to be attacked on all fronts, a whole face implant, cost of Trump crack down on illegals, and more.

Join me at 9 my time. The show a fast moving, often revealing, half hour.

Last night was a stop at the Pier House Beach Bar. John working the bar. A beautiful place. Setting sun, lovely water, boats streaming by.

Followed the Beach Bar with Smokin Tuna. A place I rarely visit. Don’t know why. Enjoyed great music and a fish sandwich at the bar.

I was home early. Before 9.

A big night tonight for the Waterfront Playhouse. A fundraiser. Lynda Frechette’s baby.

Aqua Idol at Aqua. Six thirty to 8. Duet evening. Contestants bring their own partner. Wonder who brings Terri White?

The place fills up. Wall to wall. Suggest you get there an hour early.

Only four weeks left in this contest to benefit the Waterfront Playhouse. Support the Waterfront and Lynda!

Ladies time, again. Always ladies time.

March is Women’s History Month. The U.S. so decreed it in 1987.

International Woman’s Day is March 8. The day has so been observed since 1911.

I learn. We learn.

Tippecanoe and Tyler Too. The Tyler portion reflected upon John Tyler. Tyler ultimately became the 10th President of the United States.

Tyler was 52 when his wife Letita died. Soon thereafter, he fell in love with Julia Gardiner. Julia 22 at the time. He said, marry me. She said, no. His age affecting her judgment.

Tyler persevered and two years later Tyler 54 married Julia 24. Julia 30 years younger.

It was a happy marriage. Reflected by the number of children born of the marriage. Seven.

Tyler was a good man!

My Go Live videos on Facebook doing well. Increased numbers every day. Excites me.

Take a look. You might enjoy. It is Louis live and speaking. Different subjects. A few minutes each time.

When you watch, I would appreciate if you would help me by hitting the SHARE button. I am trying to expand my exposure the Facebook way.

One of yesterday’s segments involved a recent report that it is expected marijuana related jobs will exceed new manufacturing jobs by 250,000 by 2020.

And Sessions is determined to stop the legality trend and return those States now legal to illegal!

Enjoy your day!



I was having dinner at the Hot Tin Roof last night. A gentleman at a nearby table kept smiling at me. He looked familiar. I could not place him. He finally came over.

It was Eliezaire!

I know Eliezaire from my Yacht Club days. He was part of the Yacht Club staff. It was good to see him again.

We know someone for many years and yet know little about the person. Such it was with Eliezaire. As we talked, I learned he worked only one night a week at the Yacht Club and has been doing so for 10 years. His primary job is at Ocean Key. He has been an engineer at Ocean Key for 18 years. An excellent track record! Originally from Haiti.

Eliezaire was having dinner with his family. I went to his table to meet them. His lovely wife Erica and his three daughters. His son was not with them. Eliezaire and Erica’s daughters absolutely beautiful! Two were excited to meet. The third apprehensive. Like….Who is this guy?

I finally caught up with Jean Thornton. She was at the bar with Eddie. We exchanged big hugs. A mutual admiration society.

Jean had mentioned in Facebook yesterday that she was in her cow costume riding over to the Cow Key Bridge Run at 8:30. The race was not till noon. She was there early because she was working the event, in addition to later participating.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I never made the race. It suddenly became too much work to go out early in the day to walk 300 feet.

This morning’s Key West Citizen has an excellent article and photos of the event. More than 1,000 participated. Most cow look alikes. Ingenious costumes. Dogs participating also.

An utter here, an utter there run.

The Seven Mile Bridge Marathon was yesterday, also. It had 1,500 participants. The Cow Key Bridge event is only in its second year. A 1,000 turn out is excellent. It also shows how crazy Key West is! Any excuse for fun. We are all children at heart.

Stopped at the Chart Room before dinner. Chatted with Vic and a couple from Virginia.

My day was spent at home researching this week’s KONK Life column. It concerns the California water drought. Interesting. Tons of material. One portion will have to do with those who are and will be making big dollars off the suffering of others. It seems to have become the American way.

The bocce rankings are in the paper. We are still in third place. This week’s two losses did not alter our standing. Other near competitors lost also, which kept us in third place.

Key West is into the Conch Republic Celebration. Two of today’s events include a musical breakfast this morning at Smokin’ Tuna and a Conch Cruiser Show at Schooner Wharf this afternoon. Never a dull moment in Key West!

Enjoy your Sunday!