Key West has two breakfast clubs. I assume most communities have at least one. Larger communities more.
Schooner Wharf and Don’s Place are the Key West notables.
A breakfast club is for those who want to enjoy or have a need for an early morning drink. The bars open at 7. Customers immediately lining up at the bars.
Nothing wrong with an early morning drink. One of Key West’s favorite persons did so. Harry Truman. Truman would rise each morning and take a two mile walk. Followed by an ounce of Old Grandad or Wild Turkey.
Truman’s generation thought an early morning drink was beneficial to the circulation of those past sixty. Truman was known to say it was “to get the engine going.”
Reminds me of my grandfather who would take a shot of Canadian Club each night before retiring. He claimed it was good for the heart.
Saw the doctor at lunchtime yesterday.
As a person grows older, the body grows things. A wart or two. Growths a bit larger than warts. Crazy colored things.
Periodic removal is required lest something serious develop. Yesterday was removal day for me.
My face looks like it has been through a meat grinder! Add to it Neosporin rubbed all over. I look terrific!
I did not go out last night. There was no pain or discomfort. Did not want to be seen.
Spent the afternoon and evening preparing for tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Research complete. A little fine tuning today and I will be ready to go.
Join me. Topics interesting. Some revealing. The show at 9.
Topics include Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. You will love it! Followed by General P. T. G. Beauregard.
Then the story of a second Revolutionary War Lexington battle. Followed by the new IRS reg permitting taxes to be paid at a 7-Eleven. I don’t see it working.
The present CIA head said no waterboarding by the CIA even if a President orders it. Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs getting away with murder. An Illinois couple refusing to permit marriage of a homosexual couple at their establishment fined $80,000.
There is much talk of tax avoidance. Those who bury money on foreign shores be damned! Turns out the U.S. is third in the world hiding money for foreigners.
My KONK Life column this week is Shakespeare Incidentals. A few Shakespearian phrases originating with Shakespeare. You will be surprised! Guaranteed!
And more.
Seahorse Key has a problem. No one knows how to deal with it. Cottonmouth snakes cannibalizing each other. Birds disappeared last year. Snakes now eating each other.
Sunday’s Cow Key Bridge continues to receive acclaim. This morning’s Key West Citizen refers to it as the Walking Cow Stampede.
After screwing around for almost three years, the Key West City Commission has approved a new taxi company for Key West. To service a special need. Handicapped persons. Four handicapped accessible vehicles are being permitted.
I doubt the Chinese are smarter or stupider than us. I do believe however they can be more enterprising.
The China FDA closed down 35 popular restaurants. The restaurants were spiking food with opiates. Like morphine, codeine, and noscapine. To make the food addictive so customers would return. Noodles, hotpot, grilled fish, and fried chicken were being seasoned.
Soup a big hit. Soup was being spiked with ground poppy powder (opium).
Enjoy your day!