Pleasure time for Louis last night. The Republican debates. Love politics!

The first debate was scheduled for 5. I had to prepare. Went to Publix and bought all kinds of bad soul satisfying foods. Had to do things in proper fashion. I figured I would be TV bound six hours.

The debates.

Two debates wrong. The first group came over as second class citizens. An insult to those willing to make a run for President. No audience. Moderators inept. Questions bland.

They say Carly Fiorina distinguished herself. The only one to come out of the second class citizen group.

I was not impressed with Florina. I have been watching her the past two weeks. Her TV interviews prior to last night have been terrific. Her attire and hair right on. She also repeated on each occasion two separate canned lines that hit home. One tough woman.

Last night, she pulled a Hillary Clinton. She was different from the person in the earlier interviews. Her hair done differently. Stiff. The easy going smart looking woman drab. Even her suit. Which neither fit the event nor her image. Some sort of bland pink thing. It was not the Carly Fiorina I had come to know.

Everyone this morning is singing her praises. Wow, could she hand it out! They were referring to the two canned responses I had been hearing prior to the debate. No one seems to have picked up that they were canned, not spontaneous.

The second debate, the main event, an altogether different story. Top shelf, first class. The place packed. The moderators tough.

I was impressed with most of the candidates in the second event. The Republicans are fielding a good team of possibilities for 2016. Two should be eliminated from my perspective. Donald Trump and Rand Paul.

I thought Trump had it till last night. He is a buffoon.

Rand Paul not ready for prime time.

The moderators were hard on Trump. Unfairly. He handled matters well, however.

Jeb Bush is being knocked this morning on TV. Why, I do not understand. I thought he gave an impressive performance.

It was after one by the time I got to sleep. I watched the followup shows.

Rick Boettger is a local writer. A journalist. He writes a column weekly for KONK Life as I do. Recently, we have become friends. Rick and Cynthia are good people.

Rick’s column in this week’s KONK Life his last. He told the world he was getting things in order. He has prostate cancer. Finality not imminent. Yet, on the way. Sad the only way to describe the column and Rick’s circumstances.

I was extremely tired yesterday. Unusually so. It may be steroid withdrawal. I had been on steroids for a week. Off, two days. I spoke with a doctor friend. He suggested steroid withdrawal.

This Iran deal mind boggling. I know as much as you. Which is not much. We have to rely on our political leaders and their judgment. I have mentally lined up with those supporting the deal.

I fear if we do not come down on the side of approving the agreement, war in the next five years or so could be inevitable. The scenario reminds me of the League of Nations which the U.S. Senate voted against following World War I.

Enjoy your day!


Another magnificent morning! The beauty shines as bright as the sun. Blue sky, blue waters. Mangoes and palm trees reflecting the sun.

Who could ask for anything more?

There has to be one happy woman this morning in Key West. Ninety year old Gloria June Suarez White. She grew up at 617 Grinnell St. In 1940, at the age of 15, she was Miss Key West 1940. This morning’s Key West Citizen has a picture of the lovely 1940 beauty queen. I wish they had run a picture of Gloria in her 90 year old glory, also.

I spent yesterday afternoon writing this week’s KONK Life column. It publishes wednesday. The Selling of America. The story of how political contributions rule America. Guaranteed enjoyable reading.

Tavern ‘n Town for dinner in the evening. Interesting reading and interesting people.

I was glancing through the Key West Weekly. A couple of great lines/thoughts. Like Trump…..It’s his hair! Another …..You might be a Bubba if…..You’ve been kicked out of Don’s Place for a dress code violation.

I had the good fortune to sit next to James “Jim” Wallis and friend Arlene. The conversation was interesting. Jim lives on Torch Key. He works at Little Palm Island. A great place to be employed!

Jim once ran for President. President of the United States. I could not understand how. Write in, whatever. He got two votes. Good for him! He is probably the only living former Presidential candidate living in the Keys.

Yesterday was Battle of the Bars. A local charity fundraiser. In its 22nd year. Bartenders do all kinds of crazy competitive things. Like racing each other with a tray of drinks. Cannot lose a drink!

Battle of the Bars is a Schooner Wharf centered event. The best place for it! Last year’s winners both of the event and the bragging rights that go with it was the Half Shell Raw Bar.

Unfortunately, I missed the event yesterday. I did not plan my time properly. Getting this week’s KONK Life column out took precedence.

Monroe County is considering using tax money for affordable housing. As I consistently hold, Key West businesses should pay higher wages. You can’t pay a mortgage on $10 or $12 an hour. The hotel and tourist businesses have had five consecutive good years. Spread the wealth a bit! Leave tax dollars out of the equation.

Those who have been here a while can remember. The Copa Nightclub. Burned down in a fire this day in 1995. Rebuilt, though not as the Copa of old. A similar business has never made it in the same location. The magic went down with the fire.

Hemingway finished writing A Farewell To Arms while living in Key West. I enjoy old movies. During the night, I had difficulty sleeping. Flipped on the TV set. There was A Farewell To Arms staring Rock Hudson and Jennifer Jones.

Hemingway and his A Farewell To Arms characters spent much time at Lake Maggiore. Lake Maggiore sits between Italy and Switzerland. The row boat escape took place on Lake Maggiore.

I have been fortunate to have visited Lake Maggiore several times. Beautiful old Italian towns. Obviously once a high end place to vacation. Still is. The hotels are old, though well kept. I drank in Hemingway’s favorite hotel/bar. Like going to Church!

Enjoy your day!


The NBA Finals were exciting. As expected. It went six games. The Warriors won last night. They are the champions having won 4 games to 2. The Warriors were the best team on  the floor last night.

The Cavs went far with an injury ridden team. Two players did not even suit up for the series because of injuries. The Cavs played only 8 men. Lebron James was required and tried to carry the Cavs on his back. Even Lebron James has so much to give. He kept up the fight. However, it was easy to see his ass was dragging.

There is always next year.

I got to watch the last three quarters. Missed the first quarter. I was doing my blog talk radio show.

I spent a part of yesterday fine tuning the show. Thought the show went well. Covered five interesting topics. No critical e-mails as yet this morning.

Yesterday was difficult. Had a heart CAT scan in the morning. No big deal. Part of my annual heart check up. I see my heart doctor today to receive the report re the various tests I have been taking since thursday.

The reason yesterday was difficult was because I have an allergy to intravenous dye. Ergo, I am loaded up with benadryl. The night before and the morning before By the time of the test, I was a walking zombie.

The sleepy feeling stayed with me all day and into the late night. The show was difficult to do. I was worried I would go blank at some point. Perhaps the fear kept me awake. I fell asleep several times watching the Cavs/Warrior game.

Mosquito season is upon us. It gets worse the next several months. Fortunately, we have a Mosquito Control Board. The planes will be spraying shortly. The Mosquito Board has acquired two drones to discover mosquito beds in hard to get at places. We are at the cutting edge!

An interesting tid bit in this morning’s Key West Citizen History Section. The Panama Hotel opened in 1914 at the corner of Elizabeth and Eaton Streets. Rooms were $1, $1.50 and $2. Including running water in the rooms!

I wonder if each room had indoor plumbing. Or was it one toilet per floor? Or still the outhouse?

Whatever, we have come a long way.

This Rachel Dolezal thing has me confused. A white woman living as a black one. She wanted to. The only instances where I have seen color change attempted has been with a handful of blacks who passed themselves off as white. Rachel is the reverse.

Donald Trump announced yesterday! He seeks the Republican nomination for President. He immediately changes the tone of the Republican race. He will bring humor to the group running, who are otherwise boring.

Though Trump may have made billions, I think he is off his rocker a bit. I do not see him having any chance at success. Again however, he will trip up his competitors with his comments. A fun time ahead.

This week’s KONK Life hits the stands at 5:00 o’clock today. My column this week is The Petticoat Affair. A step back in history. A little Andrew Jackson, some Martin Van Buren, Washington ladies, and Margaret “Peggy” O’Neil.

Peggy is the main character. Her sexual prowess controlled events. The article has some David and Bathsheba.

The column clearly reflects the dominance of women in marriage. The husbands danced to the tune played by their wives.

Read the column. You will find it interesting.

Enjoy your day!