I am one of those in love with his alma mater. The Syracuse University College of Law molded me into what I became and the success I achieved.
I never forgot. My contributions to the College of Law were significant. Those to the University and athletic teams as well.
I loved Syracuse! Continue to do so to this day!
When the Carrier Dome opened in 1981, I acquired a private box. Sixteen seats and a bar. The box brought me into Syracuse athletics big time.
Basketball has been pretty much a success over the years. Football, not. Success comes in waves. A year or two here and there. Followed by years of desperation and famine.
It has been close to 20 years since Syracuse has had a good football team. This season which ended yesterday is one of them. After 17 years, Syracuse won 10 games in a season again. Syracuse beat West Virginia yesterday in the Camping World Bowl 34-18. Syracuse’s season ended 10-3.
Syracuse was a consistent part of my life for 25 years. I served on many boards and committees. I was on the inside. Came to understand how academia works.
Sports brings money into a university. The more winning a team, the more money that pours in.
A problem is who in reality runs a university. It is not the football team or basketball team. Nor the coaches and alumni who work with and support the teams. It is the academics. The professors. The mental giants. Universities after all are a place where one goes to study, not engage in or get excited by sports.
When a particular sport is doing well and money is pouring in, the academics get their high asses into gear and begin complaining. Their primary argument is we are a place for learning, not the playing of sports.
University higher ups succumb at some point. A sport’s budget is cut. The quality of the team downhill from that point.
Years go by and a team is terrible. The university at some point is in need of money. Those running the business end of a university can see into the future. They know when bad days are ahead.
Where to get money? Sports, of course. So the university budget re a particular sport is increased significantly. Money spent for a better coach and staff. Money added for additional scholarships, etc.
Syracuse saw a need on the horizon. Three years ago, the University hired a better coach, etc. In 3 years the added monies have brought Syracuse into the top 20 nationally. In the next 2-3, it will be in the top 10. Who know’s, perhaps even fighting for a national championship.
That is how the “game” is played. Why most universities have extended dry spells between winning seasons.
Tourism is the backbone of Key West. Key West’s industry.
In recent years, the town has become overcrowded on holidays and during the season. More and more auto, bicycle, moped, and pedestrian accidents. Deaths and injuries.
Key West is working to correct the situation. The State, also. Everything takes time, however.
Friday morning at 10 o’clock, an accident(s) occurred evidencing what is happening.
Boca Chica is 7 miles north of Key West. A Sheriff’s deputy observed Jessica Ruth Vanhorn driving “exceedingly fast and recklessly” on U.S. heading towards Key West. Vanhorn is 32 and lives in Ruskin, Florida.
The deputy tried to pull her over. She ignored him. Traffic was heavy. A chase might have meant an accident. The deputy did the prudent thing. Called ahead and asked the Key West police to apprehend her as she reached Key West. Traffic slows down dramatically as one enters Key West from U.S. 1.
Vanhorn is lucky she is alive. She is lucky she neither killed nor injured anyone badly. As will easily be understood.
Cow Key Bridge is 400 feet from Key West. At the Cow Key Bridge, Vanhorn hit another car and a police car. She continued the short distance towards Key West. Struck 2 more cars at the intersection (triangle) leading into Key West. Then jumped the median. Knocked out 2 signs and struck 2 more cars which were waiting on North Roosevelt Boulevard to make left turns onto U.S. 1.
Vanhorn is in jail. Bail not set yet.
She better get a good lawyer!
Terri White is knocking them dead at the Little Room Jazz Club. She opened December 27. Her last show New Year’s Eve. I plan on attending New Year’s Eve.
Terri’s show is a combination of Broadway hit tunes. Many she performed herself while on Broadway. Her Key West show called On Broadway.
Worth the price of admission and a good way to spend New Year’s Eve.
So so many years ago, Pan Am Airlines got its start on Whitehead Street in a charming white building. If you do not recognize the name Pan Am, don ‘t feel bad. The airline went bust years ago.
At some point, Kelly McGillis of Top Gun fame opened a restaurant there. Called it Kelly’s. A great spot! A terrific Happy Hour. Wings the specialty. The outside bar always packed.
Kelly’s sold a few years ago. The new owners renamed the restaurant. The First Flight Island Restaurant and Brewery in recognition of its use during Pan Am’s days.
First Flight is beginning a new tradition for itself on New Year’s Eve. A “drop” at midnight. Guaranteed to attract an overflow crowd.
Key West has several restaurants/bars that have drops. Included are Sloppy Joe’s, Bourbon Street, and Schooner’s Wharf.
Enjoy your day! Be careful driving!
Years ago when I went to engineering school at a major university the tuition for a full load semester was $175.
Is natural inflation the reason why tuition seems so high now or is something else going on?