Last night, the meal of meals. Stone crabs!
The season opened sunday. It was my first stone crab meal of the season.
Enjoyed with another stone crab enthusiast, Jean Thornton. My great host from Birmingham who sheltered me and several others during Irma.
Jean crazy for stone crabs, also.
We dined at the Conch Republic. My idea. Stone crabs were great there last season.
The stone crabs tasty. Large.
Two complaints. The shells not broken enough and the mustard sauce a blob. We could not eat it. Stuck with melted butter.
Did not spoil the joy of the meal, however.
Priced $44 a pound. Cheap! I expected $60, perhaps even $70. Irma destroyed better than half the traps. I suspect the low price is because there still are not enough customers. Conch Republic half filled last night.
During dinner, Jean tells me she heard stone crabs were $26 a pound at the Pier House’s Pier One. No way! Never that cheap anywhere over the years!
I stopped at Pier One on my way to the Chart Room after dinner. A cute young Philippine hostess told me yes, $26 a pound. Six. Medium.
In the next couple of nights, I will be at Pier One enjoying.
The Chart Room was packed. Tourists galore. A good sign. I am concerned how successful Fantasy Fest will be. My thought is the powers to be should have adjourned it several weeks.
John bartending. Smiling big time. He was going to have a big night tip wise. It has been a long time.
David there. We chatted a while.
Jean, Molly, Ollie and I sat at the round table.
Molly is Kevin’s wife. Kevin on business in Boston till wednesday.
Ollie entertained us with his testicle burial story. A true one. The ladies thought it interesting. The first time they had heard it.
I told the group about Jenny who had a mastectomy and no nipple on the replacement. She intends to have the sunset of Key West tattooed where the nipple would have been.
No one believed me. I felt like an ass.
It was haircut time earlier in the day with Lori. Told her about the nipple/tattoo story. She was very familiar with it. Said many women have it done that way these days.
In a year if I run into Jenny again, I may have to ask her to show the unbelievers her Key West sunset.
After my haircut earlier in the day, shot over to Lee Nails. A manicure with Tammy. Told Tammy about Irma and Me. She was all excited.
We got into reading. Tammy is a successful business woman at 34. She and husband Rick have a booming nail business.
Tammy cannot read.
I was surprised. She was schooled in Vietnam. Not in English, however. Her 11 year old son reads to her if there is something at home she must read.
Terri’s first major milestone reached! God bless!
They have been shooting her big time every day with something to increase her stem cell supply. In order for the bone marrow transplant to begin, she had to have 4 million new stem cells. Tested yesterday. 4.5 million!
Tuesday, the transplant procedure begins. Monday going to be difficult. She will be given a massive dose of chemo. The most ever at one time. Terri has already been warned she will be sick sick! Vomiting, diarrhea, the works, big time.
She’s ready. Ready for everything.
A post Irma update.
The canals are filled with debris. Not just trees. Demolished houses and trailers. Broken boats.
The County passed the necessary legislation yesterday permitting FEMA and other agencies to begin a clean up of the canals.
William Hackley 1856 finds him up earlier every morning recently. Around 4. Out hunting. Appears that was how meat and fowl for the dinner table were obtained back then.
Syracuse enjoyed a major win last week. Beat #2 Clemson. Tomorrow, Syracuse plays Miami. Ranked #8 nationally. Can it happen again? I doubt it. But hope so!
Miami a 16 point favorite.
John Kelly’s press conference yesterday disappointed me. The man a distinguished former Marine general. Well respected. Now Trump’s Chief of Staff. His words re the telephone call and the behavior of the Florida Congresswoman did not ring true with me. Trump has a way of taking good people and somehow making them do what he wants. The good people eventually tarnished by Trump.
I think Kelly was used yesterday.
Let’s see what happens down the road.
Fantasy Fest begins today. Goombay!
Doing it with Joni who I met last week at Antonia’s.
I am beginning to feel like an overdue pregnant woman. Waiting for Irma and Me to be published. Any day now.
Enjoy your day!
No one believed me. I felt like an ass.
end quote
Don’t worry about it, It happens all the time. You were telling the truth weren’t you. Thats what matters. Eventually maybe they’ll believe.
In a year if I run into Jenny again, I may have to ask her to show the unbelievers her Key West sunset.
end quote
I’ll bet she’ll be glad to show you.
She’s ready. Ready for everything.
end quote
Good. She will be a sick girl for awhile.
John Kelly’s press conference yesterday disappointed me.
end quote
I’m with General Kelly any day over the crazy Florida congress woman Wilson. She should be ashamed of herself.
Patrick – You should have stopped with “John Kelly’s press conference yesterday disappointed me” that was a reasonable and thoughtful opinion by you.
Both you and Kelly willfully distorted the truth about this issue and as such are the people who should be ashamed.
Mr. Trump attempted to use his outreach to Mrs. Johnson as a public political issue, by bragging about having called her and arrogantly announcing that his calling like that, was not what some previous presidents apparently ever did, specifically naming President Obama. OBVIOUSLY false by itself. Then when the press contacted Mrs. Johnson for her comments on this (appropriate journalism), she said that he had called but that what he said had upset her, etc., etc. When this was published, Trump said he never said what she had said (or at least words to that effect) he said and that he could prove it, the perfectly sane Florida Congresswoman, who was in the car when the telephone call came through on the speaker phone, and a personal friend and mentor to the deceased for several years, reacted, as was her right, that that was indeed what SHE heard, and she was there. After that, Mr. Trump and now Mr. Kelly have called this woman (a congresswoman) a liar, crazy and have feigned indignation of all sorts. Since then Kelly has made further widely false and totally unrelated accusations that can only bring him and this administration further criticism, and shame. Sandbox BS, by the president of the United States and his chief of staff, a military General.
Had Mr. Trump not disrespectfully attempted to politicize his actions in the first place, Mrs. Johnson, nor the perfectly appropriate friend of the family, who happens to be a congresswoman from Florida and in the car at the time of the call, would not likely have spoken about this publicly, to begin with.
He started this mess, then made it worse in just about every way you can possibly do, even getting his chief of staff to distort the matter and then allow (maybe push?) him Kelly into completely lie about this Florida Congresswoman in such an obvious and verifiable way. Childish BS
This is a comedy of the worst kind of way and something you support? But, once again in character for you, someone who cannot be relied upon to understand what’s going on, rather running off at the mouth with what FOX news, or the Russians want you to think. Shame on you AGAIN !
Well said!!
Thank you