My two Christmas blogs took precedence over normal blog activity. I have a number of notes that would have been mentioned were it not for the Christmas blogs.
Waste not, want not. I want to set forth briefly the items not mentioned. No particular order involved.
— Christmas eve and Christmas day at Lisa’s. Best Christmas eve meal Lisa has ever prepared. Only one fish however. My daughter has been become Americanized.
Desserts especially good.
Robert and Ally are young adults. I enjoy talking with them. I sat at the children’s table with them for dinner.
Ally enjoys painting. Gets in and out of it since a very early age. Back into it. Gave me a beautiful hand painted picture of mail boxes. I have already hung it in the living room.
Robert gave me a book involving thoughtful matters. Like is there a God? He was more excited with the card that accompanied it. He is taking some sort of video course in high school. He made the card. Three steps involved, if I understood correctly. He explained how he made it. I was as excited as he. And impressed!
— LeBron James spoke out against the NFL owners. “A bunch of old white men” with “slave mentality” toward players. Describes their attitude as “the old plantation mentality.” Believes they are more concerned about money and fear Trump.
— Went to Hot Dog Church sunday evening. Got there late. Only a few ladies remaining. Laurie bartending.
I will be doing Laurie’s radio show on 107.5 FM thursday from 4-5. Appears I will guest weekly at that time.
— Hot Dog Church followed by the Chart Room. Great evening!
Two couples. Tourists. Never met till that night. Each couple have been visiting Key West for 30 years. Great history!
One of the husbands retired. He has a part time job. Times marathons. Does it periodically. Travels everywhere.
A solo guy was at the end of he bar. A gem of historical fact. He was in he Marines stationed in Key West in 1965. Now a full time resident owning a home here.
— The World Happiness Report 2018 recently came out. It lists the most happy and most miserable countries.
Top 3 most happy are Finland, Norway and Denmark in that order. The U.S. ranked 18. Burundi the least happy ranked at 156. Two countries the U.S. presently has an interest in ranked. Afghanistan 145, Syria 150.
— When will the U.S. learn that Middle Easterners hang in there. As the Vietnamese did against the U.S. in that war.
The Soviets sent tanks and 8,500 men into Afghanistan in December 24, 1975. Afghan fighters declared a jihad. Guerrilla war ensued. The Soviets left 10 years later defeated. And broke! The war had destroyed the Russian economy.
The U.S. learned nothing from that history. We have been in Afghanistan 17 years now. Crazy! Trump recently announced he was pulling half of our military contingency out. Seven thousand five hundred service personnel.
The U.S should never have gone in, especially without an exit strategy. The U.S. should not now be pulling out without a specific plan. A double screw up.
— My love Terri White sings this week. Four consecutive nights at the Little Room Jazz Club. 12/27-12/30. A Fringe Theater presentation. Show time 8. I will be there New Year’s Eve. Broadway tunes.
— Key West and bicycles continue to be in the news. Apparently the City ordered a study 2 years ago. The Key West Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is now ready for release. The City Commission will discuss it at its January 15 meeting.
This I’ve got to see!
Total cost to implement the Master Plan $28.6 million. Payment in 2 phases: $9.6 million and $19 million.
— A resident complained publicly in one of Key West’s news papers. Key west is becoming like San Francisco. We have a poop problem. Only in season, only in Old Town. The inference tourists don’t give a shit
— Trump is now on the Fed’s ass. Claims the market is down because the Fed raised interest rates. Suggesting he is going to fire the Chairman who he appointed this past year.
Trump claims…..”The only problem our economy has is the Fed.” I say…..”The only problem our economy has is Trump.”
— The shutdown has causes not anticipated. It also evidences people not hurt who should suffer with those being hurt.
White House Xmas tree lights went out.
Congress has a gym and spa. Must be a beauty. Still operating during the shut down. Speaker Ryan used it the past few days.
The Congressional gym and spa is considered “essential” under the law.
— Stock market keeps going down. Down this year 20 percent. The worse drop since the Great Depression.
Market this morning before opening sitting around 2,700. If it breaks 2,000 there will be a recession. A world wide one.
Who do we thank? Donald Trump! He has destabilized everything.
— How many more children have to die?
An 8 year old Guatemalan refugee boy sitting on the border took ill. Authorities got him to a hospital. He died. Autopsy results awaited.
Two weeks ago, a 7 year old Guatemalan girl died.
Mr. President, have you no conscience?
–The wall. Now a fence or whatever.
Trump claims he signed a contract for the construction of 150 miles of the wall in Texas to begin construction next week. Who is he kidding? He has no authority to do something like that outright. The House is part of the approval process and cannot be ignored.
Going to be interesting how he explains his way out of this one. I am willing to bet there is no signed contract. This is just another of Trump’s falsehoods thinking he can bullshit the American people. Those days are over!
— Trump time continues. Once again, he failed to visit American troops stationed in foreign lands on Christmas. Just as he failed to visit the American military cemetery in France.
Called no respect.
He did telephone soldiers on Christmas morning.
— Studies reveal more and more Americans are living into their 90s. The University of California did a study on the whys and wherefores. Sixteen hundred people involved. Study began 2003.
Results interesting.
Alcohol and coffee consumption on a daily basis will help people to live past 90. Abstinence will not. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation, however.
Another test finding is that people overweight in their 70s live longer than those underweight.
Glad I did not begin my diet till I was 82.
— Harry Truman. As always, Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman.
Truman made 11 visits to Key West. Described as working vacations. Spent a total of 175 days.
Truman died this day in 1972.
–I am caught up!
Enjoy your day!
How can Trump be responsible for the climbing economy when I am?