Florida permitted pythons to keep growing number wise. Did not pay attention when their numbers were small. The problem now is out of control. It has been for a number of years. Florida admits the best it can do it manage their numbers rather than eradicate them.
Florida has attempted several means. None have worked.
Now, a new one. Pythons. Being trained like dogs are to locate drugs.
One dog has already been trained. His name Truman. A labrador. Trained to detect a python’s scent thereby alerting Truman’s handler.
Truman has had his first success. An 8.2 foot Burmese python.
Eleanor is in the process of being trained. A sniffing retriever in the making.
I have been following the python problem for more than 20 years. The dogs will not work either. Just too many pythons. Who by the way are very promiscuous. Ergo for every one killed, probably 2 new ones will be born.
Following is a story which is occurring too often in the U.S. in recent years. Police raiding a house only to discover it’s the wrong house.
The place Chicago. Last year. Police raided the wrong house, humiliated a naked woman, and kept a video of the event away from Anjanette’s lawyers and CBS 2 for a year.
Anjanette Young is a licensed social worker at a local hospital. She had just returned home from work. In the process of getting undressed. Completely bare when the following occurred.
She heard a loud pounding. No time to put on clothes. Police using a battery ram came through the door. Yelling “Police search warrant” and “Hands up, hands up, hands up.” Anjanette complied. Police would not let her put clothes on before being handcuffed.
Anjanette recalls the guns being big with lights and scopes.She asked what was going on, explained she lived alone, and the police had the wrong house. She feared for her life. Thought the police were going to shoot her. Anjanette black.
She told the police 43 times they had the wrong house. Police videos recorded the whole thing.
Anjanette shouting most of the time. A police sergeant told her not to “shout.” Her response, “I don’t have to shout? This is fucking ridiculous. You’ve got me in handcuffs, I’m naked, and you kick my house in. I keep telling you you’ve got the wrong place.”
An informant had given the police the wrong address. Illinois law requires a State’s Attorney and the judge to verify an address before a warrant is signed. It was not done in Anjanette’s case.
Turns out the house next door was the correct one.
There is a humor involved. Sort of like the gang who could not shoot straight. The guy next door could have easily been located. He was wearing an ankle monitor at the time.
The police would not let anyone see the video. Anjanette’s attorney and CBS 2 tried to get it via a Freedom of Information request which was denied. A judge denied the request, also. However on a second application, the request was granted and the video made available.
Anjanette’s civil suit is awaiting trial.
France protects its workers. Against management. The country goes to the extreme in making sure employees are treated properly.
The City of Paris is either covered by the federal law or has its own ordinance. A gender balance law. Same number of male and female employees are to be employed.
Paris fined a company for employing too many women as opposed to men. The fine $110,000.
There has been a concern for allergic reactions to the new vaccines. The first in the U.S. have occurred. Two in Alaska. Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines involved.
Within 10 minutes, the reactions happened. Not nice. Each had different reactions. Both violent. One hospitalized for 3 days. The other still hospitalized.
Neither had any allergies before.
With so many to be vaccinated, a certain number of adverse effects are to be expected. No solution to the virus is perfect. Let’s watch and see how many get allergic reactions in the future before getting excited.
Yesterday’s blog reported on Pompeo’s party the night before where 900 were invited and less than 70 showed up.
Pompeo had another party scheduled for last night. It was cancelled. Pompeo had tested positive for coronavirus.
How successful Biden’s Presidency will be is dependent on the Georgia Senate vote January 5. The Democrats need to win both seats in order to control the Senate.
Fulton county is one of or the largest county in Georgia. Biden carried it in November.
Georgia permits registration to vote right after election day. Not election day itself. However beginning the next day and through December 7 registration has been open.
During that time, there were 9,769 new registrations. They will be eligible to vote January 5.
A recent poll suggests the Republicans have a slight edge at this time. Like 51-49 percent.
Interestingly, as of last tuesday, 715,000 have early voted. A significant number. However 100,000 less than in the Presidential race.
A doctor visit yesterday. My primary today followed by blood work at the hospital.
A pain in the butt!
Enjoy your day!
Pythons hide and do not move unless hungry or horny. Tough to find.
o today we learned that Trump was too busy defending the country from BLM and antifa (which doesn’t really exist in and formal or significant way to be gin with), and too busy with infecting his followers with Covid at party and Rallies, to have any time to protecting us from Russian hacking of our government, now considered to be a “grave threat.”
Most likely he gave Putin permission, after all, smaller government etc.