Italy is seriously considering taxing certain property owned by the Catholic Church. Nothing is sacred.
I stayed in and worked all day yesterday. It rained like hell most of the day. Nowhere to go. I fine tuned today’s internet show and worked on the trip photos. Sloan stopped in around noon to help me.
Last night was bocce. No bocce. The rain. I stopped by just after 6 to see if the courts were playable. Buried in water. Only good for swimming laps.
Stopped into Don’s Place. Packed with disappointed bocce players. Everyone drinking earlier than usual. I had my one diet coke and left. It is hard to be around drinking people when you are not drinking.
Stopped at Lisa’s. Lisa working. Cory upstairs on the computer. Robert in the bath tub. Ally watching television.
Robert and Ally are in an advanced swimming class. They had a lesson at 4. They were all excited.
Watch my show this morning, if you are able. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Ten my time. Broadcast world wide.
Enjoy your day!