Sunday in Key West!
Did something different yesterday.
The sun was shining. Finally. It was early afternoon. I put the top down on the convertible. Threw a baseball cap on backwards. Off I went!
My goal was No Name Pub. Some 30 miles away.
The convertible, the wind, the sun…..the best.
I arrived. Not many people. The off season. Sat at the bar.
The bar is high. The bar stools correspondingly high. Hard to get on and off. I did not fall, however. Ho ho.
I enjoyed a Philly cheese sandwich. I think they are the best at No Name Pub. Grandson Robert agrees with me. We have made a study.
No Name Pub is an interesting place. It appears to have formerly been a small two story home. Before and during World War II, a whore house. Now a restaurant.
Afterwards, decided to visit No Name Key. No Name Pub is not located on No Name Key. It is about a half mile further down the road. Over a long bridge. The Pub is located on Big Pine Key.
Seems confusing. It is not. Once you understand.
No Name Key’s claim to fame is that it has no electric power. No utility lines of any kind. This is roughing it. At least from my perspective. The people living on No Name Key have propane generators, solar panels, and I assume candles. They like it that way. The State of Florida is trying to compel the residents to get electric power. The residents do not want it. There is a new lawsuit pending by the residents to bar electric power from coming to their island.
No Name Key is a desolate place. The homes are not close together. Though the homes are visible to each other. Some large homes, small small ones. All weather beaten. It appears no one paints. Most run down.
All of the preceding adds to that strange feeling one experiences when they visit No Name Key. To me it as a cemetery grown up.
One has to go out of his way to get to No Name Key. Once there, he cannot wait to leave!
There is something lovely and beautiful on No Name Key. Little deer. No more than two feet high. The young ones even smaller.
I was driving through late in the afternoon. The deer were c coming out of the woods. There were literally hundreds on and around the roads. Traveling in packs. Gave no concern to my car. It was their home, their place. I was the one who had to be careful.
The drive home was a delight. The top still down. My head this morning has a large burn spot on the upper forehead where the hat failed to cover.
It was a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Enjoy your day!
Love the No Name Pub ! Try the Shrimp Pizza next time, it is a tossup between Bobalu’s and No Name which is the best …
Geez, I wish you would research a little more before posting a story.. Namely, No Name Key.. Plus, I like No Name Key and the folks that live there.. I understand why they want to stay off the grid.. Patrick