A man for the ages. A unique person. Nelson Mandela has passed on. It will be many years before the world knows another. May he rest in peace.
Show time this morning! My TV/internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Ten in the morning my time. Join me. Interesting topics such as requiring all Congresspersons to pee in a cup to determine their drug free status, England running out of food, the Black Friday mob scenes duplicated where little food is available, Europe hurting so badly economically that a new industry is flourishing: renting second hand clothes, a new issue before the courts: whether chimpanzees are legal persons, and more.
The show can be viewed on television on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19 from Key West through Boca Raton. Via the internet world wide. www.weyw19.com.
Sometimes I am forgetful. Yesterday was one of them. I prepared for today’s show wednesday.Ttook six hours. Could not find my notes yesterday. Where they are, I still do not know! I had to redo everything yesterday afternoon. Fortunately since I knew what I was looking for this time, it took only three hours.
My first stop last night once again was the Chart Room. Chatted with Jean, Peter, Che, and Emily.
I wanted to talk with Joseph. Joseph is the Hot Tin Roof’s general manager. I went over. Figured I would have dinner at the Hot Tin Roof, also. Not only could I not find Joseph, I was not able to eat there. A private party had taken over the place.
I stopped at Outback. No room at the bar, no room at the inn. I was doing good. BeBe was at the bar. A lovely person. I have not seen her in ages. A kiss and a hug. We agreed to have dinner together next week.
I ended up having dinner at home. Prepared by Chef Louis. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Enjoy your day!