My good friend Larry Smith has a terrific show planned for friday evening. The location is The Studios of Key West. The time 8 o’clock. The event is a history of Larry’s music, vision and friends. More than 24 musical friends are appearing with him. A guaranteed good time! Hope to see you there!
Physiotherapy yesterday morning. It’s getting easier. Still leaves me dead tired after one hour.
Around 5 yesterday afternoon, it rained. Big time! Like a monsoon or tropical storm. A very strong wind from the northwest. My palm trees were blowing every which way. The rain coming in sideways and loudly crashing into my windows facing the water.
This morning is black. A wind, though not as strong as last night. Rain is predicted for a while this morning. It is predicted all night this evening starting at 8.
I had a good time last night doing my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.
I touched briefly on Baltimore. The media had it covered. There was another police story I thought worth telling. Kinloch, St. Louis County, Missouri. Kinloch is five miles from Ferguson. Population 300.
A mature motherly appearing short black woman had won the election for Mayor with 76 percent of the vote. She had been certified by the County Board of Elections. She went to her office for the first time. The entrance to City Hall was blocked by 24 police officers.
With a population of 300, I cannot believe Kinloch has that many police officers. They had to have come from adjoining communities also. The Mayor never got in. The pictures on the internet and TV showed her standing alone in front of the 24 police officers. David and Goliath.
The police and some with them told the newly elected Mayor she was going to be impeached, fraud had been involved in her election, etc. Amazing! She got 50-60 votes in winning. Understandable with only 300 residents, including children. Fraud?
This happened last week. I have not been able to ascertain the final outcome. When I do, I will share it with you.
Baltimore last night was considerably quieter than the evening before. There were a few disturbances and arrests. No buildings burned down. Everyone on TV this morning is suggesting the worst is over.
I look at it another way. Last night could very well have been the calm before another storm. Those who rioted might have strategically withdrawn to asses the situation and plan their next moves.
I hope I am wrong.
Last night’s blog talk radio show was structured to close with the story of the Oregon bakery owners who last year refused to bake a wedding cake for a same sex marriage. I spent too much time regarding Baltimore and Kinloch and never got to it.
Worth telling, however.
What I intended to share was a determination by the State re the issue. Oregon forbids discrimination by private businesses. It is illegal for a private business to refuse service based on sexual orientation. The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries recently fined the couple $135,000. An expensive lesson!
I have to move. I have a manicure appointment this morning.
It is now raining. Just like last night.
Enjoy your day!