The Key West Airport has moved ahead of many U.S. airports for the moment. It has a robot which cleans the entire airport. It is an ultra-violet emitting robot.
It is already in use.
The robot is programmed to kill 99.9 percent of pathogens, including coronavirus.
The robot can only be used during the night when humans are not about. The killing rays it emits are so intense to be dangerous to humans.
The entire airport can be cleaned by the one robot in less than 3 hours.
The robot stands just under 6 feet tall and weighs 300 pounds.
It might be a good idea to have local students engage in a naming contest for the robot.
Major area food pantrys and non-profit groups will run out of food this month. The government has failed to renew any food shortage funding programs. Does not make sense. At a time when the demand is greatest.
The U.S. State Department of Agriculture’s Farmers to Families ends this week or next. CARES Act Funding has run out and not been renewed by McConnell and his henchmen. The program ends 12/31.
I would like the Washington people to sit down with those who are without this Christmas. Let them experience what people are suffering.
Everyone must sit at the table. Rich and poor alike. Each must partake of God’s goodness. If the rich fail to make a place for the poor, the poor will have no alternative but to revolt. It invites rebellion. So it has been throughout history.
Visited one of my doctors yesterday. Then drove down Duval to see how things were.
Few people and no mask wearing. I have hard feelings re the mask issue.
Many visitors bring the coronavirus bug with them. Mask wearing they think is a joke.
Forget citing them. Throw the bums out!
Key West’s numbers keep rising dramatically. More than half the cases in Monroe County have been in Key West.
The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas generally a slow time. Few people therefore not a problem. Christmas Day things pick up dramatically. The town fills up and remains so till New Year’s Day.
Will it be that way this year? Additional restrictions have been adopted. Who knows. If it is not as good because of the virus restrictions, so be it. We have to protect ourselves and our own.
Governor DeSantis is a horse’s ass. Inept and incompetent. He follows Trump’s lead to the letter.
DeSantis had a back yard party saturday. Guests were 50 GOP grassroot organizers. Pictures of the event show no mask wearing and no social distancing.
A side issue re the party. One of the guests said, “It’s gonna be fun working for him and crushing the Socialists in Florida.”
What Socialists?
There appears a move underway in Tallahassee to require bars and restaurants to only do business outside. Rumor in Key West has it the 5 largest Key West hotels will only have outdoor dining beginning in February.
We live in a changing world. Coronavirus has made us a part of history.
The Key West Cemetery is unique. Especially the stones. One is engraved: “I Told You I Was Sick.”
On this day in 1898, the Battleship Maine plot in the Key West Cemetery was dedicated. Buried are some of those killed when the Maine was sunk in Havana Harbor.
The procession and dedication was viewed by 10,000 people. Impressive. The population of Key West at the time was similar to today’s or 10,000 less.
I find the 10,000 viewers interesting. I question whether there would be 10,000 today for a similar event. Not because there would be less respect. People are just different today.
I have attended several dedications at Bayview Park. Veteran and war events. Each time I was disappointed by the turnout.
Especially the Vietnam Memorial dedication. Standing proudly were what I assume Vietnam veterans living in Key West. The crowd including the veterans was 200-300. No where near 10,000.
Trump is doing well. So far 55 lawsuits. His side won 1. A minor one.
The only lawsuit left standing is the Texas one. That will be lost, also.
What will follow the Texas decision? Violence? Someone being killed?
A recent editorial in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch shared the paper’s concern: Someone Is Going To Get Killed If Republicans Don’t Tone Down Their Incitement.
I remember vividly Kent State during the Vietnam protests. Described in the history books as the Kent State massacre. The students running down a slight hill trying to avoid shooting national guardsmen. Four students were killed and nine injured.
No one knows what precipitated the shooting. It was a Peace Rally. Some 300 students and 28 guardsmen. A distance between students and guardsmen. All of a sudden, the guardsmen knelt and began shooting. The closest student wounded was 71 feet away. The closest student killed 265 feet away.
An example of accidents happening. The problem is such accidents fuel additional and more violent confrontations.
Coronavirus numbers continue going up and up. Medical experts tells us the next 60-90 days will be worse. The vaccine does not help till all are immunized. Something it will take several months to accomplish.
An interesting comparison. World War II. American deaths totaled 291,557. American coronavirus deaths as of 2 days ago, 290,000.
Yesterday I mentioned Ivanka and Jared purchased a lot on Miami’s Billionaire Bunker for $31 million. House still to be built.
This morning I read Tom Brady and wife purchased a home on Billionaire’s Bunker for $17 million. They intend to tear the house down and build a new one.
To some, money is cheap.
Enjoy your day!
Name the robot “the Ghost of Harry Truman”?
Why should it be named “the Ghost of Harry Truman”? After all, Harry Truman had nothing to do with the Key West Airport, nor was he a janitor.
I say it should be named after Donald Trump, maybe just “Donald” for the mess he made with the pandemic and the reason this 300 lb cleaning robot is needed in the first place!
I’ll take a “socialist” over a fascist any day.
That’s what Winston Churchill thought too and someone who the average Republican though was the world’s biggest hero, throughout the Bush and Obama years, or at least until they fell in love with a fascist and his ideas.
Amazing. All of the dangerous rhetoric going on at the highest levels of government is due to the delusional musings of one man.