No greater honor for a Key West non-born resident exists than to be designated an Honorary Conch. The designation was officially awarded Judy Blume recently at a Monroe County Commission meeting. Judy is living proof that the talents of Ernest Hemingway and Tennessee Williams live on.
Judy’s books were primarily written to benefit maturing young ladies. Her writings have sold more than 80 million copies worldwide.
Judy at 85 is still going strong. She and her husband George have operated Books & Books for years. Both are available to meet and assist others, always with a smile. Husband George beat Judy to becoming an Honorary Conch. He was so designated in 2006 for his assistance in the opening of the Tropic Cinema in Key West.
Key West is fortunate that these two caring persons opted to settle in Key West.
A strange and unusual event occurred in New York City tuesday evening. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were chased by paparazzi for more than two hours. The event was described as a “near catastrophic car chase.”
No collisions occurred nor were any arrests made.
I find the happening strange and unusual because car chases of prominent persons in New York City are not common. Were it not for police involvement, I would question the veracity of the claim.
Ari Melber interviewed a special guest on his news show last night. Tom Hanks. Can’t get any bigger or better.
Hanks was precisely what one expect. Exuded charm, grace and humility. I felt honored to be able to watch him.
Unusual rainfall causes flooding in northern Italy. Nine persons dead.
The rain especially flooded the Emilia-Romagna region which is west of Milan. Twenty one rivers overran their banks, Landslides and submerged villages resulted.
I am somewhat familiar with the area. I have spent much time over the years in Novara. Novara and the Emilia-Romagna region are separated by Milan. Novara is west of Milan and the Emiilia-Romagna region to the south.
The land is extremely wet. Melting snow and ice from the Alps nearby flow down onto the surrounding lands. It is spring and the mountain tops are melting.
The area miles and miles of rice fields. As far as the eyes can see. Rice plants require substantial water fields to grow. The area delivers rice everywhere. China its largest customer.
The Supreme Court acted in an uncommon fashion this week. It temporarily rejected a challenge by gun groups to a new Illinois weapons law banning assault style firearms such as AR-15 semi automatic rifles, as well as large quantities of magazines. The Court issued a brief unsigned Order permitting the new Illinois law to stand till the entire Court hears the case in due course. Due course is several months.
The debt limit decision must be made in the next 2-3 weeks. At the moment though no decision has been reached, McCarthy and Biden are making kumbaya sounds. I don’t buy it.
McCarthy’s power is meaningless. A handful of MAGA House Republicans run him and the House. Like Marjorie Taylor Greene. Their intent will be to embarrass Biden. They care not for the effect a failure to pay the debt will cause.
I respect Biden. I would assume he is ready to move forward with a 14th Amendment solution to the problem.
I am genuinely concerned. Sloan is on a sabbatical for two weeks in Costa Rica. I live in fear without her.
I wanted to publish a picture of Jack Baron’s last painting today. The painting is unfinished. His partner Bob Burton it to me after Jack died.
I could not do it. Hopefully, I will have it figured out by tomorrow.
Enjoy your day!
I too find that Prince Henry and Meghan Markle two hour (TWO HOUR????) NYC car chase highly suspect. Are you kidding me? For a couple who asked to opt out of being Royals, these two clowns sure seem to put themselves in the lime light as often as possible.
Even Rudi Giulianni can’t get anyone to listen to him yap for that long, let alone get chased by anyone.
I wish I had known that Judy Blume was being awarded an Honorary Conch, I would have come down Just for that. This is the Key West I want to remember and be part of, say diminished these past few years.
Congratulations Judy, you go girl!