I repeat what I have said many times. Key West has a heart.
I was hungry and you gave me food. Matthew 25:35.
Yesterday, the Star of the Sea Foundation sponsored a free food for the needy event. In the pouring rain. Produce, frozen meats, canned goods and other food stuffs. Hundreds at the receiving end.
Cain asked of the Lord after he slain his brother Abel, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Genesis 4:9.
We all are our brother’s keeper.
Proof is Taste of Key West tomorrow night at Mallory Square 6-9. The 22nd annual Taste of Key West. All kinds of dishes prepared by chefs from Key West restaurants.
Taste has been a highly successful fund raiser over the years for AIDS Help. Key West never turned its back on the AIDS problem and to this day continues to help.
We all are our brother’s keeper.
Donna is a concierge. An excellent one. She and Terri take me out with the concierge tickets Donna receives.
Last night, it was Hard Rock Cafe.
First time for me. Anywhere in the world. May never go again. I was not particularly impressed.
Others are, however. The place was packed. Even a wedding party that took over the whole first floor.
We had a good time. The three of us always do. That is why we hang out together frequently.
Poured heavy yesterday. All day. I was wearing my yellow slicker and baseball cap when out.
I wear crocs. Every day. One pair is all I have. That pair oh, so comfortable!
Old means soles worn out. Dangerous on a wet surface. Easy to fall and break something.
On the way from the Chart Room to Hard Rock Cafe, I stopped into the croc store to buy a new pair. Safety first!
Rain predicted for today. Ninety percent chance. Sunny right now.
Key West schools have strange programs. Strange from the perspective of one who grew up in central New York. Robert is taking a sailing class. Graded.
A group of high school students from two Key West schools are making a service trip to Masaya, Nicaragua. To help people there who are physically, mentally or economically challenged.
Robert and Ally’s step brother Cameron graduates from Florida State in two weeks. Six years ago, he made a similar trip to Mongolia. For two months. Alone.
I am enjoying William Hackley’s day by day story from his diary as printed in the Key West Citizen each day. Many others do, also. Reading it a learning process.
One of things written today a bit confusing. Could be the English. The thrust is that John Geiger sold the Lonja to Michael Farina for a negro boy valued at $600 and $800. Payments to be made every 6 months for 24 months. Hackley drew the bill of sale for the boy.
Lonja confused me. Googled it. Confused me even more. My best conclusion (and I could be wrong) is that the transaction involved only the boy. A lonja is defined among other things as being an auction or market.
I mention the John Geiger thing because of what African-American college students are doing at many universities across the country. If a building or some monument is named after a person who dealt with slaves in any fashion, there should be a name change and in the case of a monument, the removal of the monument.
Universities are giving in to the pressure and acceding to the demands of African-American students.
I disagree with what is occurring.
However…..Geiger Key. Up the road. A key and a famous waterfront restaurant and marina.
Should the name be changed? Of course not. Absolutely stupid! But, some might disagr
Enjoy your Sunday!
I disagree with what is occurring.
end quote
Your republican slip is showing again. [smiley face]