Friday morning! Ten o’clock my time. The key West Lou Legal Hour. Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Via the internet world wide at
Join me. A good show.
I believe in starting Christmas shopping early. Today I begin! Still 4 shopping days before Christmas.
My yesterday began with a two hour business meeting at 11. Then spent the afternoon reading the Ulysses Grant book. Dinner with friends in the evening at Hogfish. Three diet Pepsi’s for me.
I am hooked on the Grant book. Plodding. Interesting. Learned something new. Grant and his wife were supposed to be at the theater with the Lincolns the night Lincoln was shot. Grant was the most popular man in the Nation at the time. More popular perhaps than Lincoln.
Mrs. Grant and Mrs. lincoln were not the best of friends. Mrs. Grant did not want to go. Instead she wished to leave Washington for home. Grant said no. We have to be with the President. Mrs. grant insisted. The General gave in. They left.
It is conceivable Grant might have been shot the same time as Lincoln.
I hope to see the Lincoln movie this evening.
There is a Christian hymn that occasionally runs through my mind. Onward Christian soldiers, marching through the storm, etc. My diet brings the song to mind. It is onward every day for me. I am up to 17 pounds. In 27 days. Not bad!
Anna takes care of my home. For eight years now. She cleans and does the clothes. Anna is from Poland.
This morning she brought my Christmas gift. Polish candies. Chocolates and the like. We both laughed. She knew I am on a diet. The sweets are sitting in the refrigerator waiting till the diet is over.
I know. My media participation is growing. There is now a blog talk radio show. Tuesday mornings at 7. If you are up that early, join me for a half hour of fun and interesting talk.
Christmas shopping ahead! Key West style! Sears, K-Mart and Office Max.
Enjoy your day!
Its also been felt that Booth would not have attempted or succeeded if Grant had been present. Booth had/used a little single shot pocket gun. We certainly will never know what would have happened had he been there. Lincoln had a premonition that he was to be assassinated .
Gereetings Lou
I have been following your blog for a while now as I have a fondness for Key West. I try to visit once or twice a year and do what I can to help your economy. I am from Western NY so the weather in Feb. is easy to leave.
I just wanted to note that I caught some of your TV show on my PC today and it was well done. Came through perfectly sound and all.
On a side note I have insurance clients in the Binghamton area and always frequest a restaurant call Cortese. I am sure you have heard of it.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas