“I do solemnly swear I will support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
The oath all federal employees and members of the Army take.
An oath increasingly forgotten by many.
Texas is talking secession. Violates the oath.
The most conservative of conservative members of the Supreme Court was and remains Justice Antonin Scalia. He stated in 2006, “If there was any Constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede.”
Entertain this thought. Putin makes a deal with Mexico. He is permitted to station military personnel and equipment in Mexico. Texas seceded sometime before. Putin wants to take over the government of Texas and appoint a ruler/President favorable to him.
All of a sudden 100,000 Russian troops are on the Mexican/Texas border.
Who is Texas going to call upon to defend them? Santa Claus?
Sinema’s popularity slowly sliding downward.
Arizona Democrats recently censured Kyrsten Sinema because of her vote on the filibuster. The Democrats believe her filibuster vote helped sink the Democratic Party’s voting rights legislation.
Having observed Sinema’s nature, the rift will continue. She alienates. Her “virtue” was not obvious when elected. She is buying a primary the next time she runs.
Rudy Giuliani and Michael Flynn received honorary Doctorate degrees from the University of Rhode Island, though at different times. Giuliani in 2003 and Flynn in 2014.
The University’s Board of Trustees voted friday to revoke both honorary Doctorates. University President Marc Parlange said, They “no longer represent” the values and standards they demonstrated when they first received the honors.”
Drums of war.
Putin pushing in the Ukraine. Biden being forced to step up. Putin began with 100,000 troops on the border. Now 127,000. Biden announced he is placing the U.S. military on “high alert.” Eight thousand five hundred American troops are getting ready. Word also a carrier and additional warships are being put to the ready.
At a point yesterday, the DOW was down more than 1,000 points. Economists were blaming the fear the Federal Reserve would raise rates and the Ukraine conflict.
With literally minutes to go, the market rebounded and DOW ended the days 99 points higher.
It was reported 3 major corporations did the necessary transactions to cause the market to reverse itself, especially as dramatically as it did.
I am not an economist, never was a major market investor. So take my projection with a word of wisdom.
Things like what happened at the end of the day’s trading not normal. It reeks of the administration contacting the necessary folks and asking for their help by doing the necessary. Three came through in large numbers.
I apologize. I forget who the 3 are. My recollection tells me 2 of the 3 are Amazon and Walmart. However, I am not sure.
What will today bring? I suspect the market may go down considerably. What the 3 corporations did was merely a band aid.
Free COVID testing kits on the way via mail to all who asked. Biden has announced the U.S.is prepared to provide a package containing 3 free N95 face masks. The one recently recommended by the CDC.
Delivery will be by self pick up at designated drug stores and supermarkets. I am aware of 3 thus far in the Key West area: Walgreens, CVS, and Winn-Dixie. Masks should be available over the weekend. Other locations where the masks will be available will be announced soon.
Enjoy your day!
Heard an analogy the other day. N95 vs covid, cyclone fence vs mosquitos. I do wear a mask in public places though and have been vaccinated. Be glad when this is behind us. If that ever comes to be.
Was that analogy by someone knowledgeable, science/medical, or someone of the denier/obstruction society?
We are seeing manipulation of the economy by Corps and the like. The market will be manipulated as well, by the major players. That said, over the last 20 year cycle, the market performs quite well, doubling your investment twice in that period of time, while requiring little effort or commitment besides having patience.
…at the expense of what?