Key West enjoying Hemingway Days!
Tourists and locals alike.
I went to Sloppy Joe’s for Hemingway’s birthday party. Got there about 6. No way I could get in. I stood outside on the street on tip toes to get a look.
Hemingway look-alikes all over the placed. No official number yet. I would suggest in excess of 125. White shirts and pants. Red french caps. Red bandannas wrapped around their waists.
Today, the biggest. A day long Caribbean Fair on Duval. Duval closed off to vehicular traffic. At noon, Hemingway look-alikes available outside Sloppy Joe’s for picture taking. Bulls, too.
The best of the best at 1. The Running of the Bulls. Pamplona style. A sight to see!
Six-thirty the final round of the Hemingway Look-Alike Contest. Judges limited to former winners. Generally takes 10-15 years before participants are seriously considered to win.
The window on the driver’s side of my Volk’s convertible would not go completely up. Only 2/3’s of the way. I have been meaning to take it to a Volkswagen dealer in Miami. Hated wasting a day.
It has not been easy driving. The heat and rain would come in. I had a huge towel I threw over my left shoulder when it rained.
The inside of the car filthy. Cannot have a car washed with an open window.
Finally decided to try a local repair man. There are several on Stock Island. Garages dirty, hot and greasy.
I met George a few weeks ago. He owns Zip Auto on MacDonald.
I decided to give George a shot.
George said I needed a new part/window. Knew it already from speaking with Miami Volks. George said he could do it, would order the part from Miami.
The job was done yesterday. I had an appointment to go in. Left the car. Donna drove me home. Three hours later, he called. Job done. Come get your car. Donna drove me back.
The window works. The price $200 cheaper than that quoted me by Miami.
Try George if you have car problems. I swear by him as a result of my experience.
Dinner last night with the lesbian wives. Donna cooked. Terri in good spirits. As usual, our time together very enjoyable.
Anna, my Anna. Fears everything.
I wrote a few days ago about Athens’ Ermus Street and the violence which occurred there monday night. Anna was in Athens and fearful.
Anna still in Athens. After spending two months visiting several Greek isles. One visited was near Kos. Kos and parts of Turkey were hit with a major earthquake yesterday. A 6.7. On Kos, two killed, 112 injured, 12 seriously.
The after shocks even worse. Forty after shocks reported. Some as high as 4.6.
It was warned a tsunami could occur.
Anna wrote and asked what she should do. Athens is no where near Kos. Tsunami not a concern. Except to Anna.
I told her to swim fast!
Something that was yesterday, but is not the same today. Limited. An issue. A problem.
I refer to immigration.
The poet Emma Lazarus wrote The New Colossus in 1883. The sonnet instantly popular.
Words from it incorporated onto a bronze plaque and attached to the Statue of Liberty in 1903: “Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, / The wretched refuse of your teaming shore. / Send these, the homeless, tempest-lost to me, / I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
Ain’t that way no more. We try to keep them out. I question whether my paperless, parentless 12 year old grandfather admitted in 1906 would be admitted today.
Enjoy your day!
Many of all our family members came past Lady Liberty and on to Ellis Island didn’t they.
As a recent nobel Laureate said, ‘ The Times They Are A Changing’ and ‘ Things Have Changed’.
The hats are called berets. They were invented by the Basques in Spain. I know you’re a cosmopolitan glove trotter. Surely you’re aware of this. I mean you did go to Greece twice and Italy once.