Judy Blume was and still is the guiding light to young ladies world wide. Today, her birthday. Judy born this date 1938.
Besides her many writing contributions, I mention Judy today because she is a Key West resident. She and her husband for many years.
Together with her husband, Judy manages the Books & Books. A store part of Studios of Key West. A not for profit operation.
Judy’s novels have sold 80 million books world wide and have been translated into 30 languages.
Happy birthday Judy! Thank you for being a guiding light to my daughters and granddaughters, as well as a part of the Key West community!
Ernest Hemingway’s fourth and last wife was Mary. On this date in 1962, Mary went into a back room at Sloppy Joe’s for the first time.
In 1940, Hemingway and wife #2 Pauline divorced. Hemingway pulled up roots and moved to Cuba. He stored many of his belongings in Sloppy Joe’s back room. Never to be visited again by him.
What Mary found, dramatic. Papers and books. All original manuscripts. Some finished, others unfinished. Also, guns and hunting trophies. The paper items were blackened with mildew, eaten by rats. Uncashed royalty checks part of the treasure trove. Some rotted animal skins.
Certain of the Hemingway writings were subsequently published.
February 12 a significant date with regard to another Key West icon. “Bum” Farto. Farto was the Key West Fire Chief. He got involved with drugs. Not as a user. On this date in 1976, Farto was convicted of 3 drug violations. He disappeared before jailing. Never to be seen again.
A Jimmy Hoffa type disappearance. To this day, the question remains …..Bum Farto, where are you?
Syracuse, my Syracuse! Lost to Pitt yesterday 80-75. After 5 consecutive wins. I was hoping it would be 6.
Dinner at Berlin’s last night. Sitting next to me was Jim. A new friend. Jim is from China. On a sales trip to the U.S. Had stops in Orlando and Palm Beach. Shot down to Key West for a couple of vacation days.
We talked about everything. He shocked me with one item. I mentioned it was too bad the U.S. did not have a better relationship with China. He could not believe I said that. He told me the Chinese love Americans!
Perhaps international relations would be better left to two people chatting at a bar.
Social correctness is not going a step too far. It has acquired momentum. Now miles too far.
College students are driving administrative campus decisions. I refer specifically to the movement to rid campuses of statues, building names, etc. of any historical figures who contributed to or were part of the slavery movement.
The most recent involves Yale University.
Yale has the John Calhoun Residential College. Calhoun a great historical figure in U.S. history in the first half of the 19th century. Looking back, he was on the wrong side of history. He was pro-slavery. However half the nation was pro-slavery.
Students wanted his name removed from the building. they finally succeeded. Administration caved in. The building has been renamed the Grace Murray Hopper Residential College. Hopper was a computer genius and U.S. Navy admiral.
What has occurred at Yale, and is occurring on other college campuses, is nothing short of erasing history. History is what it is. It should be left alone. If one was a figure respected and of prominence years ago, the recognition given today should remain. We learn from history.
In 1793, Congress passed the First Fugitive Slave Law. If a slave escaped and was caught in another State, the slave was to be returned to its owner. Even by States where slavery was not legal.
George Washington signed the bill into law on February 12, 1793. Washington was also a slave owner.
Should we remove Washington’s name from all things honoring him?
Rename Washington, D.C.? Rename the Washington Monument? Remove Washington’s picture from the dollar bill?
Think about it.
Kentucky fan and snowbird Key Wester David Taylor wrote. He and wife Marilyn are back in Kentucky till April. He mentioned that gas was $1.95 a gallon in Henderson, Kentucky. It is $2.63 in Key West.
Don’t forget Aqua Idol tuesday night. Six in the evening. A singing contest fundraiser to support the Waterfront Theater. Lynda Frechette busting her derrier on the event. Support Lynda as well as the Waterfront Theater by attending. She deserves it.
Enjoy your Sunday!
It should be left alone.
end quote
I happen to agree. You’re conservative edge is showing once again. History is history for better or worse and we should/would hopefully learn from it, but, we don’t.
For once Patrick! I agree with you. History IS history! Get over it. Very well said!!