Title says it all! We are in trouble! Trump does not know when to stop.
Problem is Trump thinks as President he is almighty, all powerful. He is not. Everyone knows it but him. If he read more and thought American, he would be aware.
Trump is interfering with the Judicial part of out government. A separate and distinct body in every respect, including power.
Four Americans stood up to him. The 4 Justice Department attorneys handling Roger Stone’s case. Per custom and law, they had submitted to federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson the government’s recommendation as to sentencing. Seven to nine years.
Trump had the Justice Department recommend a revision of the sentencing recommendation. The Justice Department in this instance being Barr himself.
The 4 attorneys withdrew from the case immediately. One even quit his position at the Justice Department.
During the past few days as this scenario was unfolding, Trump was tweeting all sort of nasty things about Judge Jackson and others involved.
Barr stepped in and said he was taking over. Forthwith he was going to be handling all cases the President had a personal interest in.
None of Barr’s business.
Trump is going to learn a lesson in this matter: Don’t screw with a federal district court judge! They are the most powerful in our governmental system and under the Constitution. Even more powerful than a President.
The wrath of the federal trial bench will befall him. Some judges may become blind in cases in which Trump is involved. What goes around, comes around!
If “justice” does not prevail in this matter, we are a step closer to becoming a tyrannical state.
Hillary Clinton in a tweet yesterday wrote: “Intimidating judges is the behavior of failed-state fascists.”
My day yesterday began early. Eight in the morning. Blood work.
Spent the rest of the day home till dinner time working on my Tuesday Talk blog radio show for last night.
Ran out for dinner. Shana Key. Good food, good company.
Twenty minutes of Tuesday Talk was eaten up with the Social Security/Medicare budget issue. Important enough to have taken that much time.
The show went well. Social Security, Medicare and Trump’s veracity close to my heart.
Big night ahead! Aqua Idol. Six o’clock at Aqua. Lynda Frechette’s fundraiser for the Waterfront Playhouse.
Not to be missed. Extremely entertaining!
Tino plays all sort of extra parts. Today, he is a prisoner. Third from right in photo. His back to us. Prisoner shirt, stubby, salt and pepper haired.
The New Hampshire primary was interesting. The mix moved a bit.
Sanders won. Buttigieg a close second. Klobuchar a strong third.
Sanders may be on borrowed time. His best states may be behind him. Klobuchar a flash in the pan. Buttigieg keeps moving ahead.
Biden and Warren may be yesterday’s news. However, there is still Nevada and Super Tuesday.
This whole thing may change dramatically once Bloomberg is in.
Key West loves Judy Blume! Judy and her husband must love Key West or they would not have settled here. Actually, settled has more than 1 location. They also have homes in New York City and the Hamptons.
Judy was born this day in 1938. Happy birthday, Judy!
Judy the famous author of children and young adult books. An occasional adult themed one along the way. Among others, she has authored Are You There God?, It’s Me, Margaret, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Blubber, and Forever.
Her books have sold 85 million copies world wide. They have also been translated into 30 plus languages.
Judy can be found daily at her special Key West love: Books & Books at the Studios of Key West.
The diary of May Johnson published daily in the Key West Citizen continues to garner interest. Especially her relationship with Miguel.
Continues to appear May’s mother does not like Miguel. May does. Yesterday’s February 11, 1896 entry has May visiting people and “then to Miguel’s.” Today’s entry: “Out for the evening: Miguel and I had it all to ourselves for a while. Ah much!’
Young love and a disapproving mother.
Things never change.
Cemeteries are wonderful places. Peaceful. The tranquility can be felt. Historical, also. Headstones tell stories.
The Key West Cemetery is beat up. The sun and salt air contributing factors. Then there are those stones/plots not cared for because the deceased’s families no longer reside in Key West.
Mayor Johnson has appointed an Historic Key West Cemetery Restoration Committee. Its mission a fact finding one. Determine how to restore the cemetery while maintaining its historical significance.
One of Key West’s more notable citizens in days gone by was Bum Farto. Key West’s fire chief, drug dealer, pimp, etc.
A checkered career.
The drug thing got him in trouble with the federal authorities. On this day in 1976, Bum was found guilty of 3 drug violations.
Bum faced 31 years in jail. He disappeared prior to sentencing. A Jimmy Hoffa type disappearance. Never seen since.
Bum and his story still available to locals and tourists. T-shirts. In Duval stores. Emblazoned on the front: Where Are You Bum Farto?
Trump is going to find out his “friends” may not be so. I refer to the birds of a feather thing. Though whose thinking and traits are similar.
The Philippine’s Duterte. In the process of proving that what goes around, can come around.
The situation arose when Trump had the visa of a Philippine senator revoked. Duterte waited a while. The visa was not returned.
Duterte took action.
The U.S. has a security agreement with the Philippines. Permits U.S. forces to be on the islands and train U.S. forces there.
Duterte unilaterally revoked the agreement. Sent a Notice of Termination to the U.S. Embassy. With the admonition that the agreement would not be reinstalled unless terms were “favorable” to the Philippines. The agreement would also be required to be of “mutual benefit to both countries.”
Both sides can play the game!
Voltaire’s words have meaning in today’s society where the hand of Trump is becoming heavier: “If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”
Enjoy your day!
The Dictator’s playbook:
1. Find a common enemy: Hitler: the jews. Trump: invading hoards from south of the border from those “S*** hole” countries.
2. Eliminate free press: Trump claims “fake news” of all except those who support him.
3. Make up lies to tell how good he has made it: Mussolini said he made the trains run on time (they didn’t). Trump: Lies about almost everything and virtually claims he is the second comming.
Advice to The Donald… look at what happened to the Führer and Il Duce.
Trump even looks and carries himself like El Duce when he is strutting around the stage before his vacuous faced faithful.
More boring references to failed dictatorships from 80 years ago. Isn’t there a more current and more relevant analogy? I can think of some.
Indeed… there are others. Saddam Hussein jumps straight to mind. It didn’t end well for him either.
All use the same playbook. But… none are more notorious than Hitler, Mussolini, and Trump. So I think they are fine, if not boring, examples of a Dictator everyone will understand well.
But maybe I’m wrong… did you want to discuss Choummaly Sayasone or maybe Bounnhang Vorachith? Naw… I didn’t think so.
Nope. They are not sufficiently comparable.
How So? Why Not?
Oooh, look who was up all night with Wikipedia.
Nailed it!
We get it. Trump is the next Hitler. Any minute now he’s gonna start the genocide of his own citizens then send his army to invade neighboring countries. Any minute now… any minute now. Well, maybe not now. But he’s gonna do it on his next term if we don’t stop him right now.
I’m glad you fully understand the gravity of the situation. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
#MAGA baby!!!
The sky’s been falling for three years now. But for some weird reason, when I look up, it’s still there.
Can’t wait until Election Day so I can watch your collective brain cell explode when Trump wins again. Maybe this time all you libtards will actually leave the country Canada would welcome you.
MAGA 2020
Trump is the single worst thing to happen to this country since the civil war. Fortunately this is his last full year.
I would argue that your mothers lack of an abortion is far worse.
Please correct your grammar, you vulgar tick!
You’re so full of hate Pam… so full of hate. It’s a shame. I’m sure you’re as physically attractive as you are emotionally.
This commenter is clearly pro choice, Pam. You should be supporting him/her/ze.
This commentator is clearly Looney Tunes, Pam. You should run from him/her/ze. Before you get stabbed at the Synagougue.
You choose to overlook a constitution in tatters and no longer enforceable, a judicial system corrupted, democracy a thing of the past – all as no big deal. Maybe the genocide at and beyond our southern border as OK too? Things are indeed OK, if you and your cult friends insist on ignoring all that is wrong and getting worse. YOU are the real problem with your ignorance and willingness to overlook reality. Frankly I think your head is in the sand, not your feet.
I must have missed the “genocide at the border” episode on CNN. My bad.
No, you were more likely too drunk or too in denial to comprehend it.
That reminds me of Obomas gun dealer Erick, do not answer the supine, Holder. Oboma’s power corrupted Holder!
You MAGA freaks just don’t bother with the facts or the truth, do you? Full of slurs and false innuendos as well as totally childish vulgar outbursts as a way of attempting to communicate your twisted thoughts. Keep them coming, show us just exactly how you think and act. Your constant need to label anything you disagree with as hate actually helps normal, steady people to define where the real hate really is.
It seems you don’t get it. Maybe Ivana can fill you in on just how wrong you are.
I can fill your mom… in
..in kindness? Something you learned at the VFW I’ll bet!
mom said you were really not that good. Big talker, that’s it!
…and that you smelled like chickens.
Okay, children. Enough bickering. Off to bed now, and remember to brush your teeth. Sweet dreams!